Using The Scene Optimizer#

Finding The Extension#


This extension is enabled by default in USD Composer/Explorer applications 2022.3.0 and above.


As of Kit 106.0.1 release, this extension is a part of the sample app templates. If you are using the kit_base_editor, the scene optimizer extension dependencies will need to be added in the kit_base_editor.kit file. More information can be found in Kit App Template.

The Scene Optimizer panel can be opened via the Window -> Utilities -> Scene Optimizer menu item.

The extension can be enabled/disabled via the Window -> Extensions window if applicable, otherwise they need to be added/removed from your Kit application <my_app_name>.kit file.

Search for Scene Optimizer.

There are three extensions available. You will see:

  • omni.scene.optimizer.core

  • omni.scene.optimizer.ui

  • omni.scene.optimizer.bundle

In most cases enabling the bundle extension is all that is needed. This will load both core and ui extensions automatically.

Scene Optimizer UI#

When the Scene Optimizer is enabled, the following UI is displayed:

  • Load Preset
    • Load a previously saved JSON configuration file describing a series of processes or choose an included preset:

      • Modify Instances - Clean Prototypes

      • Modify Instances - Merge Meshes

      • Modify Stage - Deduplicate Materials and Meshes

      • Modify Stage - Move Materials to /Looks

      • Modify Stage - Merge Meshes

      • Modify Stage - Spatial Merge Meshes

  • Save Preset
    • Save the current process stack to a JSON file for later use.

  • Execute All
    • Executes all of the processes that are configured from top to bottom.

  • Clear All Processes
    • Removes all processes from the UI.

  • Add Scene Optimizer Process
    • Add processes that will be performed on the stage.

Configuration Menu#

The configuration menu will show contextual information about the current stage contents such as stats and process logs. This can be helpful for understanding how stage components will be processed by specified Scene Optimizer operations. The results are displayed in a new Report tab.

  • Verbose
    • Logs extended information for a generated report.

  • Generate Report
    • Creates a report for each time a user runs a process stack. This includes timing and information about what the various operations processed.

  • Capture Before/After Stats
    • Captures the before and after stats of the contents of the stage to show any changes of the stage when scene optimizer operations have been run.


This shows an example report of a simple merge mesh on two objects with corresponding stats.#


A report will be generated by default from core version 105.1.8 and newer. This can be turned off in the Configure Menu by disabling Generate Report option.

Reordering Processes#

As processes are added they will be appended to the list. Processes can be reordered (click and drag the drag handle in the top-left corner of a process) or removed (click the delete button in the top-right corner of a process). You can also expand/collapse a process by clicking on the top header section of it.


The image above shows the main interface with a couple of processes, in the middle of a drag operation. The blue drop target highlights to show where it is valid to move a process. Also shown are where to click to initiate a drag or delete a process.#

Editing Prim Paths#

Some processes can have a list of prim paths or expressions specified in order to filter or restrict what they operate on:


Those processes will have an argument that looks like the screenshot above. You can freely type a prim path or path expression in the text field. Clicking Add will add any selected prims in the stage to the list. Clicking the pencil icon will open a new window, shown below, that lets you more easily manipulate what is included.


This panel lets you add the stage selection, delete items, or select items in the stage.#


In Scene Optimizer versions prior to 107.0.0, expressions were implemented with generic regular expression syntax to filter prims based on their name only. USD path expressions provide a way to filter on name and also path, allowing more complex filters. In Scene Optimizer versions 107.0.0 and above, regular expression syntax is not supported.

Path Expressions#

Path Expressions are implemented via SdfPathExpression from OpenUSD API. Expressions are like a prim path but may contain // to indicate arbitrary levels of nesting in addition to glob-style wildcard characters.

For example /World//Mesh* would find any prim whose name begins with Mesh, at any point of the stage underneath /World. //Foo[0-9] would find any prim named Foo followed by a digit anywhere in the stage.

Expressions may also be joined. For example //Mesh - /World/Foo/Bar/Mesh would find any prim named Mesh in the stage, except for /World/Foo/Bar/Mesh.

The following table shows examples of <107.0 expressions and the new >107.0 equivalent:

<107.0 Regex Expression

>107.0 Path Expression




Any prim named Mesh, anywhere in the stage.

As paths can describe how to traverse the stage, the initial // is required to indicate the search should be over the full scene.



For operations where a starting path can be specified, they also require the // tag . In this case, the trailing // means any prims that are descendants, so anything whose path starts with /World/Materials will match.

  • Previously Scene Optimizer would automatically do this in some scenarios; however, it no longer does. Instead that is left to the user to be able to control explicitly.



Any prim that has a namespace that starts with Mesh, followed by zero or more other characters.

  • Path expressions use glob style syntax so the . is not required.



Any prim with the name Mesh followed by a digit.



This path expression matches any prim that is a descendant of a prim named BuildingA, which is a child prim under this prim path: /World/Geometry.

  • It was not possible to create expressions like this in previous versions of Scene Optimizer, as only prim names could be matched.


A few presets are included in Load Preset button to help load common operation stacks and their configurations to help organize common output USD data structures to be more performant for user workflows.

There are two primary categories of presets within Scene Optimizer:

  1. Instance Optimization

    These presets aim to find the prototypes of the instances in the stage and optimize each one. The presets can be executed in succession to achieve higher levels of optimization, mainly by reducing prim count, this is equally beneficial for performance and useability (i.e., less clutter in the Stage Window).



    Workflow / Applications

    Modify Instances - Clean Prototypes

    This preset does not change the prim hierarchy. It performs the following operations:

    1. Enables Instancing on internal references.

    2. Prune Xforms - Removes Xforms which do not have any child.

    3. Compute Extents - Ensures that mesh prims have valid extent attribute values.

    4. Generate projection UVs - If UVs are not found on a mesh, they will be created via Box projection.

    5. Optimize Time Samples - Removed redundant animation time samples.


    This preset finds the prototypes hierarchies by matching the path name. This should apply correctly to most content which was converted from other formats but may need to be adjusted for specific cases.

    • Components in Process and Equipment data.

    • Instances (families) in architecture data.

    • Products with important hierarchies that need to be preserved up to the instance level.

    • Simulation / Process Data with many timesamples.

    • CAD data with low quality materials.

    Modify Instances - Merge Meshes

    This preset merges the meshes within each component (in the prototype library) and removes leaf level xforms.

    • Stages with many meshes in each prototype.

    • Stages with important hierarchies that need to be preserved up to the instance level.

  2. Stage Optimization

    These presets remove instancing and prototype hierarchy structures and will aim to optimize the entire stage.



    Workflow / Applications

    Modify Stage - Deduplicate Materials and Meshes

    Detects duplicate meshes and turns them into instances. This should result in faster stage load times, faster translation to the renderer and lower memory requirements.


    This preset introduces reference arcs across meshes in different prototypes to de-duplicate them. This may make the scene more complex and a bit harder to work with.

    Stages with many duplicate meshes across the hierarchy, which are not already instanced.

    Modify Stage - Move Materials to /Looks

    Prototypes may often contain duplicate materials in each prototype. This can make it difficult to modify materials easily as they exist multiple times in the hierarchy.

    The Scene Optimizer extension can be used to address this issue by:

    1. De-duplicating all materials in the Prototype hierarchies.

    2. Moving the de-duplicated materials under a single scope /World/Looks.

    Stages with many instances and prototypes containing duplicated materials.

    Modify Stage - Merge Meshes

    Simplify and flatten the hierarchical complexity of the stage drastically, at the cost of addressability and memory.

    It merges small meshes into bigger meshes and moves materials into /World/Looks.

    1. De-instance

    2. De-duplicate Materials

    3. Move materials to /World/Looks

    4. De-instance

    5. Merge under /World/Geometry/merged

    6. Delete hidden prims

    7. Prune leaves

    8. Set pivots

    Architecture and Process Data with complex scene Hierarchies that can be simplified.

    Modify Stage - Spatial Merge Meshes

    Similar to the Merge Meshes preset, but merges all meshes regardless of materials based on a defined bounding volume. Users may want to change the size of the controls to yield different results of the merge operator.

    This is a very effective preset which can drastically reduce the scene complexity.

    Architecture and process data with complex scene hierarchies that can be simplified.

Scene Optimizer CLI#


Scene Optimizer is called from Python with the extension enabled via a supplied Kit installation. The following are available options for usage:

  • Python Package

  • Kit App Template

  • Python Script executed in a Kit environment


If a specific version of the the extension is needed, it can be specified when enabling in the flag for Kit: --enable 'omni.scene.optimizer.core-106.1.2'

Python Package#

As of Kit 106.0, the application is available via Python package.

pip install omniverse-kit

Kit App Template#

As of the Kit 106.0 release, this extension can be called from one of the Sample App Templates. Installing the base kit_base_editor template will work for running the command line version of Scene Optimizer as dependencies will be pulled on first launch of the CLI command.

Running Scene Optimizer CLI#

In the examples for Python Package and Kit App Template, a Python script is needed to execute the Scene Optimizer operations. A Sample Python Script is provided in the documentation below and also takes a JSON configuration file as an argument.

Python Usage#

There is one primary command that is used to execute Scene Optimizer operations. The command takes an operation name and a dictionary of arguments.

This command can be executed directly, or the standard approach is to execute it via Kit:

operationName = "merge"
args = { ... } # Define args here
omni.kit.commands.execute("SceneOptimizerOperation", operation=operationName, args=myArgs)

A single command context is used for Scene Optimizer operations, the command takes an operation name and a dictionary of arguments. The following can be used for the current context or to specify an alternate stage to run on.

The usdStageId property accepts the value returned when the stage is inserted into the UsdUtils.StageCache.

context = omni.scene.optimizer.core.ExecutionContext()
context.usdStageId = UsdUtils.StageCache().Get().Insert(stage).ToLongInt()
context.generateReport = 1
context.captureStats = 1
omni.kit.commands.execute("SceneOptimizerOperation", operation=operationName, args=myArgs, context=context)

The commands SceneOptimizerListOperations and SceneOptimizerListOperationArguments can be used to query the registered operations and the arguments they accept.

args = {
        "paths": [],
        "reductionFactor": 50.0,
        "maxMeanError": 0.0,
        "guideDecimation": 0,
        "pinBoundaries": false,
        "cpuVertexCountThreshold": 100000,
        "gpuVertexCountThreshold": 500000
context = omni.scene.optimizer.core.ExecutionContext()
context.usdStageId = UsdUtils.StageCache().Get().Insert(stage).ToLongInt()
context.generateReport = 1
context.captureStats = 1
omni.kit.commands.execute("SceneOptimizerOperation", operation="decimateMeshes", args=args)

# Passing the arguments via JSON

  Reads JSON data containing commands to execute via the Scene Optimizer.

  :param str jsonFile: Either the path to a JSON file on disk, or a JSON string.
    j = '[
        "operation": "decimateMeshes",
        "paths": [],
        "reductionFactor": 50.0,
        "maxMeanError": 0.0,
        "guideDecimation": 0,
        "pinBoundaries": false,
        "cpuVertexCountThreshold": 100000,
        "gpuVertexCountThreshold": 500000
    myArgs = {"jsonFile": j}
    omni.kit.commands.execute("SceneOptimizerJsonParser", context=context, args=myArgs)

Python Package#

python3 -m omni.kit_app --enable 'omni.scene.optimizer.core' --enable 'omni.usd' --exec '/path/to/ /path/to/input_dir /path/to/output_dir /path/to/json_config.json --input_glob=*.usd'

Kit App Template#

  • Linux

    ./kit --enable 'omni.scene.optimizer.core' --enable 'omni.usd' --exec '/path/to/ /path/to/input_dir /path/to/output_dir /path/to/json_config.json --input_glob=*.usd'
  • Windows

    .\kit.exe --enable 'omni.scene.optimizer.core' --enable 'omni.usd' --exec '/path/to/ /path/to/input_dir /path/to/output_dir /path/to/json_config.json --input_glob=*.usd'


Please use the kit version inside the _build directory of the applicable kit app template

Config File Description#

The config file is a JSON file that describes one or more optimizations to apply to the data.

Below is an example config file that first optimizes scene materials by replacing identical materials with a single material, then deduplicates geometry by replacing identical versions with geometry instances.

        "operation": "optimizeMaterials",
        "materialPrimPaths": [],
        "optimizeMaterialsMode": 0
        "operation": "deduplicateGeometry",
        "meshPrimPaths": [],
        "considerDeepTransforms": true,
        "tolerance": 0.001,
        "duplicateMethod": 2,
        "fuzzy": false,
        "useGpu": false,
        "allowScaling": false,

Sample Python Script#

The sample python script can be used to batch process directories of USD files with varying config files:

"""Script to batch process USD files with Scene Optimizer operations"""

import argparse
from pathlib import Path

import omni
import omni.usd
from pxr import UsdUtils

def optimize_files_in_dir(input_dir, output_dir, optimizer_json, input_glob="*"):
    """Runs optimization configurations over all USD files in single directory"""

    input_files = list(Path(input_dir).glob(input_glob))

    for i, input_file in enumerate(input_files):
        output_file = Path(output_dir,
        output_file = str(output_file)
        input_file = str(input_file)

        if not omni.usd.get_context().open_stage(input_file):
            raise ValueError(f"Could not open file {input_file}")

        stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage()

        # Check to see if native prims exist along side payloads or references
        for prim in stage.Traverse():
            # check to see if prim is a payload or reference
            if not (prim.HasAuthoredPayloads() or prim.HasAuthoredReferences()):
                omni.log.warn(f"++ [{i}/{len(input_files)}] Optimizing {input_file} > {output_file}")

                context = omni.scene.optimizer.core.ExecutionContext()
                context.usdStageId = UsdUtils.StageCache().Get().Insert(stage).ToLongInt()
                context.generateReport = 1
                context.captureStats = 1

                # If a config file exists for a specific file use that instead of default input
                optimizer_json_file = Path(input_dir, Path(input_file).stem + ".json")

                if optimizer_json_file.is_file():
                    myArgs = {"jsonFile": str(optimizer_json_file)}
                    myArgs = {"jsonFile": optimizer_json}

                omni.kit.commands.execute("SceneOptimizerJsonParser", context=context, args=myArgs)

            # Export stage to a new file

            # Close each stage to avoid kit crashes

def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description="Optimize USD files in a directory.",
        epilog="Example: /path/to/kit --enable 'omni.scene.optimizer.core' --enable 'omni.usd' --exec ' /path/to/input /path/to/output /path/to/config.json --input_glob=*.usd' ",
    parser.add_argument("input_dir", help="Directory containing input files")
    parser.add_argument("output_dir", help="Directory to save optimized files")
    parser.add_argument("json_config", help="JSON configuration file for the optimizer")
    parser.add_argument("--input_glob", default="*", help="Glob pattern to match input files (default: *)")

    args = parser.parse_args()

    optimize_files_in_dir(args.input_dir, args.output_dir, args.json_config, input_glob=args.input_glob)

if __name__ == "__main__":


The scene optimizer is also available in the following integrations:

Standalone Application
  • A command line tool that offers faster load times and is convenient for scripting to process multiple files.

CAD Converter
  • A convenient tool for translating CAD data to USD in Kit applications or services.

Revit Connector
  • A direct Revit integration that utilizes the core optimization libraries found across scene optimizer operations.

Creo Connector
  • A direct Creo integration that utilizes the core optimization libraries found across scene optimizer operations.