OmniGraph Node Library
Here, you can find definitions, descriptions, and examples of OmniGraph nodes. Each OmniGraph node belongs to a category, which is our method of grouping nodes together by function.
Bundle Nodes
Common Nodes
- Aim Constraint
- AnimCurve
- Arkit Array To Blendshapes
- Arkit Blendshapes To Array
- Array
- Articulation Controller
- Assign Material To Mesh
- AttributesToColor
- Audio Player
- Audio Player Streaming
- Audio2Face Core Fullface Instance
- Audio2Face Core Regular Instance
- Audio2Gesture Instance
- Audio2Gesture Streaming Instance
- AugBgRandExp
- AugContrastExp
- AugConv2dExp
- AugCropResizeExp
- AugCutMixExp
- AugImgBlendExp
- Augment
- Augment
- AugMotionBlurExp
- AugPixellateExp
- AugRotateExp
- Avatar Receiver
- Average Normals
- Bind Material
- BlendShape Deformer
- Blendshape Solve
- Bounding Box 2D
- Bounding Box 3D
- BoundingBoxLegacy
- bundle to usda text
- BundleGather
- Calculate camera position when looking at a prim.
- Calculate Mesh Tension
- Camera Groundtruth
- Camera Relative Position
- CameraCCMSampleTask
- CameraCfa2x2EncoderTask
- CameraCFAToMipiTask
- CameraCompandingTask
- CameraComSinkTask
- CameraDataReaderTask
- CameraDataWriterSampleTask
- CameraDataWriterTask
- CameraDefaultEmbeddedLinesTask
- CameraDownScaleTask
- CameraEmbeddedLinesSlicer
- CameraEquidistantProjectionTask
- CameraEtHdrNoiseTask
- CameraOutputInplaceTask
- CameraParams
- CameraRenderNodeTranslatorTask
- CameraRGBEncoderTask
- CameraSiLTranscoderTask
- CameraTimeCodeWriterTask
- CameraVideoEncoderTask
- CameraYCbCrEncoderTask
- Check Goal 2D
- ColorCorrectionMatrixTask
- Conveyor Belt
- Count
- Count
- Debug Draw Lines
- Debug Draw Points
- DecoderRTSensorBatch
- Decompose Matrix
- Deformed Points to Hydra
- DeltaBlend Deformer
- Differential Controller
- Displace
- Dope
- Draw Lines
- Draw Points
- DrawLines Node
- DrawPoints Node
- EgoDynamics
- EgoTransform
- EncodeDataComponents
- Example Basic Instance
- Example Keyframer Instance
- Example Node: Adjacency
- Example Node: Smooth Points
- Example Selector Instance
- Example Vector Instance
- Export Houdini Geometry To Stage
- export USD prim data
- Extract Animation Graph Pose Bundle
- Face Signal Receiver
- Float Array Tuner
- For each node
- Force Field: Conical
- Force Field: Drag
- Force Field: Linear
- Force Field: Noise
- Force Field: Planar
- Force Field: Ring
- Force Field: Spherical
- Force Field: Spin
- Force Field: Wind
- Frame Gate
- FreespaceCompute
- GenericSinkNode
- GenericTerminalNode
- genproc: curve instancer from curves
- genproc: extract points from prims
- genproc: point instancer from curves
- genproc: prim to transform
- GeomCurve
- Get Animation Graph Joint Transform
- Get Animation Graph World Transform
- Get Joint Xform
- Get Pointcloud Python
- Get Points
- Get Prim at Path
- Get Prims
- Get Skeleton Data
- Get Skeleton Prims
- Get Xform
- GPSSourceNode
- GpuInterop Cuda Entry
- Great GrandParent Path
- Group
- GXF Context
- Holonomic Controller
- Houdini Digital Asset Node
- Houdini Session
- IDSDataProcessing
- IDSNumpyTranscoder
- IDSVizTranscoder
- Import Data Components
- import USD prim data
- IMUPlotNode
- IMUSourceNode
- InstanceIdSegmentation
- InstanceIdSegmentationLegacy
- InstanceIdSegmentationReduction
- InstanceSegmentation
- InstanceSegmentationLegacy
- InstanceSegmentationReduction
- Interval Filter
- Jiggle Deformer
- LidarAccumulator
- LidarFileReader
- LidarPointAccumulator
- LidarPointCloudCSVWriter
- LidarRTSensorBatchFileReader
- LidarRTSensorBatchFileWriter
- LidarVisualizer
- LidarWebVisualizer
- load texture 2d
- Log Uniform Distribution
- Make prim look at target
- Material Randomizer Node
- MaterialAnalyzer
- MaterialScenarioReader
- Math Operation
- Matrix Constraint
- Matrix Inverse
- Matrix Mixer
- Matrix Multiply
- MergeAttributes
- Modify Animation Target
- Motion Path
- Multinomial Distribution
- Non visual sensor (radar/lidar for now) groundtruth
- Normal Distribution
- NVIDIA IndeX distributed compute technique
- Offset Deformer
- omni.anim.PinConstraint
- omni.deform.Mush
- omni.deform.Shrinkwrap
- omni.deform.Softwrap
- omni.graph.DeformByCurve
- omni.graph.ExportToHydra
- omni.graph.ExtrudeAlongCurve
- On Frame
- On Frame
- On MIDI Message
- On OSC Message
- On Time
- Paint
- Passthrough
- Per axis pose
- Pick-and-Place Controller
- PointInstancerEditingBrush
- Pose
- PrepSinkLidar
- PrimPaths
- Prox
- Quintic Path Planner
- RampParameterTest
- Random
- Random 3f
- Randomize light properties
- Randomize Population
- RandomTransform
- Raw Points Receiver
- Read USD Attribute Range
- ReadComponents
- Receive Audio Stream
- Receive Livelink
- Remap Values
- Render Preprocess Entry
- RpResource Example Allocator Node
- RpResource Example Deformer Node
- RpResource to Hydra Example Node
- Sample Combine
- Sample Rotation
- SampleTexture2D
- SampleTranscoder
- Scatter Node: 2D Polygon Scattering
- Scatter Node: 3D Scattering
- scatter points
- Scatter Points from Camera
- scatter points group
- scatter points modifier
- scene visualization: curve visualizer
- scene visualization: point instancer visualizer
- scene visualization: point visualizer
- scene visualization: tri mesh visualizer
- SelectTransformTRS
- SemanticOcclusionReduction
- SemanticSegmentation
- Sensor Initializer
- Sequence Sampling
- Set Animation Graph World Transform
- Set Pivot
- Set Points
- Set Timeline
- Set Visibility
- Set Xform
- Shared ST
- Signal To Rig Mapper
- SineWave Deformer
- SinkPrepRadar
- SinkPrepUSS
- Size to Scale
- Skel Composer
- Skeleton Joint
- Skin Deformer
- Skin Reader
- Stanley Control PID
- Stream Livelink
- Surface Gripper
- Texture Randomizer
- Timeline
- Timer
- Timesample Points
- TimeSamplesPlayer
- Timestep selector
- TranscoderLidar
- TranscoderLidarUDP
- TranscoderRadar
- TranscoderRadarUDP
- TranscoderUltrasonicUDP
- TranscoderUltrasonicUDP
- transform bundle
- Trigger Gate
- Uniform Distribution
- Update Animation Graph
- Update data studio core
- Update Tick Event
- Usd Setup Holonomic Robot
- USD Skel Anim
- USD Skel Reader
- USSReceiver
- VehicleDynamics
- VehicleTransforms
- Visualizer
- VizTranscoderRadar
- VizTranscoderRadarCfar
- VizTranscoderUltrasonic
- Where Indices
- Write Animation Graph Variable
- Write Carb Settings
- Write Physics Attribute
- Write Physics Attribute using Tensor API
- Write Physics Attribute using Tensor API
- Write Physics Attribute using Tensor API
- Write Prim Attribute
- Write Semantics
- Writer
- Xform Constraint
- Y Translate Deformer
Constants Nodes
- Constant UChar
- Constant UInt
- Constant UInt64
- ConstantBool
- ConstantColor3f
- ConstantColor4f
- ConstantDouble
- ConstantDouble2
- ConstantDouble3
- ConstantDouble4
- ConstantFloat
- ConstantFloat2
- ConstantFloat3
- ConstantFloat4
- ConstantHalf
- ConstantHalf2
- ConstantHalf3
- ConstantHalf4
- ConstantInt
- ConstantInt2
- ConstantInt4
- ConstantInt64
- ConstantPath
- ConstantPi
- ConstantPoint3d
- ConstantPoint3f
- ConstantQuatd
- ConstantQuatf
- ConstantString
- ConstantTexCoord2f
- ConstantTexCoord2h
- ConstantTexCoord3f
- ConstantTexCoord3h
- ConstantToken
Curve Nodes
Def Pi Nodes
Examples Nodes
- Abs Double (Python)
- Clamp Double (Python)
- Compose Double3 (Python)
- Count To
- Decompose Double3 (Python)
- Deprecated Node - Bouncing Cubes (GPU)
- Deprecated Node - Bouncing Cubes (GPU)
- Dynamic Switch
- Example Node: Compound
- Example Node: Cpu To Disk
- Example Node: Extract Float3 Array
- Example Node: Gpu To Cpu Copy
- Example Node: Multiply Float
- Example Node: Multiply From Prim
- Example Node: Render Postprocess
- Example Node: Render Postprocess
- Example Node: Simple IK
- Example Node: Simple Multiply
- Example Node: Simple Sine Wave Deformer
- Example Node: Sine Wave Deformer
- Example Node: Sine Wave GPU Deformer
- Example Node: Sine Wave Prim Deformer
- Example Node: Sine Wave Prim GPU Deformer
- Example Node: Time-based Sine Wave Deformer
- Example Node: Universal Add Node
- Example Node: Versioned Deformer
- Example Node: Z Threshold Deformer
- Example Node: Z Threshold GPU Deformer
- Example Node: Z Threshold Prim Deformer
- Exec Switch
- Int Counter
- Multiply Double (Python)
- PositionToColor
- Sine Wave Deformer Y-axis (Python)
- Sine Wave Deformer Z-axis (Python GPU)
- Sine Wave Deformer Z-axis (Python)
- Subtract Double (Python)
- Test Singleton
- TestInitNode
- Universal Add For All Types (Python)
- VersionedDeformerPy
Flowcontrol Nodes
Flowusd Nodes
Function Nodes
Geometry Analysis Nodes
Geometry Generator Nodes
Graph Action Nodes
- Blend Variants
- Branch
- Button (BETA)
- Clear Variant Selection
- Combo Box (BETA)
- Countdown
- Counter
- Delay
- Flip Flop
- For Each Loop
- For Loop
- Gate
- Get Variant Names
- Get Variant Selection
- Get Variant Set Names
- Has Variant Set
- Multigate
- On Closing
- On Custom Event
- On Frame
- On Gamepad Input
- On Impulse Event
- On Keyboard Input
- On Loaded
- On MessageBus Event
- On Mouse Input
- On New Frame
- On Picked (BETA)
- On Playback Tick
- On Stage Event
- On Tick
- On USD Object Change
- On Variable Change
- On Viewport Clicked (BETA)
- On Viewport Dragged (BETA)
- On Viewport Hovered (BETA)
- On Viewport Pressed (BETA)
- On Viewport Scrolled (BETA)
- On Widget Clicked (BETA)
- On Widget Value Changed (BETA)
- Once
- Placer (BETA)
- Rational Sync Gate
- Read Widget Property (BETA)
- SdInstanceMapping
- SdInstanceMappingPtr
- SdLinearArrayToTexture
- SdOnNewFrame
- SdOnNewRenderProductFrame
- SdRenderVarDisplayTexture
- SdRenderVarPtr
- SdRenderVarToRawArray
- SdTestPrintRawArray
- Send Custom Event
- Sequence
- Set Prim Active
- Set Variant Selection
- Set Viewport Fullscreen
- Set Viewport Mode (BETA)
- Set Viewport Renderer
- Set Viewport Resolution
- Slider (BETA)
- Spacer (BETA)
- Stack (BETA)
- Switch On Token
- Sync Gate
- Write Widget Property (BETA)
- Write Widget Style (BETA)
Graph Particle,Particle Nodes
- build triangle mesh acceleration tree
- collider
- destroy field
- direction force field
- drag force field
- emitter
- euler angles to quaternions
- flow emitter
- geometry replicator
- merge particles
- noise force field
- point instancer
- radial force field
- ramp modulator
- simulation space
- solver
- st panner
- triangulate mesh
- visualizer
- vortex force field
Graph Particles,Particles Nodes
- BillboardMesher
- BoidsField
- Collision
- DestroyField
- DirectionField
- DragField
- EmitFromPoints
- Emitter
- EndOfLifeDelete
- FlowEmitterPoint
- FlowEmitterSphere
- FlowManager
- FlowSettings
- GravityField
- MedialAxisField
- NoiseField
- ParticleInstancer
- ParticlesToPoints
- ParticleSystem
- PhysxApplyCloth
- PhysxApplyMass
- PhysxApplyRigidBody
- PhysxParticleSystem
- PhysxSettings
- PhysxSolver
- RadialField
- RampModulator
- SetColorAttribute
- SetDisplayAttributes
- SetFloatAttribute
- SetIntAttribute
- SetVectorAttribute
- StorePrevTransform
- STPanner
- visualizer
- VortexField
- WarpBillboardMesher
- WarpGeometryReplicator
- WarpSystem
- WarpTransformParticles
Graph Postrender Nodes
- OgnSensorVisualizerViewport
- SdFrameIdentifier
- SdPostCompRenderVarTextures
- SdPostInstanceMapping
- SdPostRenderVarDisplayTexture
- SdPostRenderVarTextureToBuffer
- SdPostRenderVarToHost
- SdPostSemantic3dBoundingBoxCameraProjection
- SdPostSemantic3dBoundingBoxFilter
- SdPostSemanticBoundingBox
- SdRenderProductCamera
Graph Scatter,Scatter Nodes
Graph Simulation Nodes
Input Gamepad Nodes
Input Keyboard Nodes
Input Mouse Nodes
Isaaccore Nodes
- Isaac Compute Odometry Node
- Isaac Create Render Product
- Isaac Create Viewport
- Isaac Depth to Point Cloud
- Isaac Generate 32FC1
- Isaac Generate RGBA
- Isaac Get Viewport Render Product
- Isaac Read Camera Info
- Isaac Read Env Var
- Isaac Read File Path
- Isaac Read Simulation Time
- Isaac Read System Time
- Isaac RGBA to RGB
- Isaac Set Camera
- Isaac Set Viewport Resolution
- Isaac Simulation Gate
- Isaac Test Node
- Scale To/From Stage Units
Isaacdebugdraw Nodes
Isaacgxf Nodes
Isaacgxf Publisher Nodes
Isaacgxf Subscriber Nodes
Isaacrangesensor Nodes
Isaacrobotenginebridge Publisher Nodes
Isaacrobotenginebridge Subscriber Nodes
Isaacros Nodes
Isaacros Publisher Nodes
- ROS1 Publish Bbox2D
- ROS1 Publish Bbox3D
- ROS1 Publish Camera Info
- ROS1 Publish Clock
- ROS1 Publish Image
- ROS1 Publish Imu
- ROS1 Publish Joint State
- ROS1 Publish Laser Scan
- ROS1 Publish Odometry
- ROS1 Publish Point Cloud
- ROS1 Publish Raw Transform Tree
- ROS1 Publish Semantic Labels
- ROS1 Publish Transform Tree
Isaacros Service Nodes
Isaacros Subscriber Nodes
Isaacros2 Nodes
Isaacros2 Publisher Nodes
- ROS2 Publish Bbox2D
- ROS2 Publish Bbox2D
- ROS2 Publish Bbox3D
- ROS2 Publish Bbox3D
- ROS2 Publish Camera Info
- ROS2 Publish Camera Info
- ROS2 Publish Clock
- ROS2 Publish Clock
- ROS2 Publish Image
- ROS2 Publish Image
- ROS2 Publish Imu
- ROS2 Publish Imu
- ROS2 Publish Joint State
- ROS2 Publish Joint State
- ROS2 Publish Laser Scan
- ROS2 Publish Laser Scan
- ROS2 Publish Odometry
- ROS2 Publish Odometry
- ROS2 Publish Point Cloud
- ROS2 Publish Point Cloud
- ROS2 Publish Raw Transform Tree
- ROS2 Publish Raw Transform Tree
- ROS2 Publish Semantic Labels
- ROS2 Publish Semantic Labels
- ROS2 Publish Transform Tree
- ROS2 Publish Transform Tree
Isaacros2 Subscriber Nodes
Isaacsensor Nodes
Material Interface Nodes
Math Array Nodes
Math Condition Nodes
Math Conversion Nodes
Math Operator Nodes
- Absolute
- Add
- Arccos
- Arcsine
- Arctangent
- Atan2
- Ceiling
- Clamp
- Compute Integer Array Partial Sums
- Cosine
- Cross Product
- Distance3D
- Divide
- Dot Product
- Easing Function
- Exponent
- Extract Source Index Array
- Float Remainder
- Floor
- Get Look At Rotation
- Get Rotation
- Get Rotation Quaternion
- Get Translation
- Increment
- Interpolate To
- Interpolator
- Invert Matrix
- Magnitude
- Make Transformation Matrix from TRS
- Make Transformation Matrix Look At
- Matrix Multiply
- Modulo
- Multiply
- Negate
- Noise
- Normalize
- Nth Root
- Random Boolean
- Random Gaussian
- Random Numeric
- Random Unit Quaternion
- Random Unit Vector
- Rotate Vector
- Round
- Set Rotation
- Set Rotation Quaternion
- Set Translation
- Sine
- Subtract
- Tan
- Transform Vector
Omni Volume Nodes
Physx Blast Nodes
Physx Character Controller Nodes
Physx Contacts Nodes
Physx Immediate Queries Nodes
Physx Scene Queries Nodes
Physx Scene Vehicles Nodes
Physx Triggers Nodes
Scenegraph Camera Nodes
Scenegraph Nodes
- Add Prim Relationship
- Append Path
- Constant Prims
- DestroyEntity
- Find Prims
- FindEntity
- Get Graph Target
- Get Graph Target Prim
- Get Parent Path
- Get Parent Prims
- Get Prim Direction Vector
- Get Prim Local to World Transform
- Get Prim Path
- Get Prim Paths
- Get Prim Relationship
- Get Prims At Path
- Get Relative Path
- GetGraphTargetId
- Is Prim Active
- Is Prim Selected
- Material Randomizer Node
- Move To Target
- Move to Transform
- Randomize light properties
- Read OmniGraph Value
- Read Prim Attribute
- Read Prim Attributes
- Read Prim Material
- Read Prims
- Read Setting
- Read Stage Selection
- Rotate To Orientation
- Rotate To Target
- Sample Population
- Sample Rotation
- Scale To Size
- Scatter Node: 2D Polygon Scattering
- Scatter Node: 3D Scattering
- SpawnEntity
- Translate To Location
- Translate To Target
- Write Prim Attribute
- Write Prim Attributes
- Write Prim Material
- Write Prims
- Write Setting
Script Nodes
Sound Nodes
Spatial Nodes
Tagging Nodes
Time Nodes
Tutorials Nodes
- Example Offset Node
- Python Tutorial Node: Attributes With CUDA Array Pointers In Cpu Memory
- Tutorial Node: ABI Overrides
- Tutorial Node: Array Attributes
- Tutorial Node: Attributes With Arrays of Tuples
- Tutorial Node: Attributes With CPU/GPU Data
- Tutorial Node: Attributes With CUDA Array Pointers In Cpu Memory
- Tutorial Node: Attributes With CUDA Data
- Tutorial Node: Attributes With Simple Data
- Tutorial Node: Bundle Add Attributes
- Tutorial Node: Bundle Data
- Tutorial Node: Bundle Manipulation
- Tutorial Node: CPU/GPU Bundles
- Tutorial Node: CPU/GPU Extended Attributes
- Tutorial Node: Defaults
- Tutorial Node: Dynamic Attributes
- Tutorial Node: Extended Attribute Types
- Tutorial Node: Internal States
- Tutorial Node: No Attributes
- Tutorial Node: Overriding C++ Data Types
- Tutorial Node: Role-Based Attributes
- Tutorial Node: SIMD Add
- Tutorial Node: Tokens
- Tutorial Node: Tuple Attributes
- Tutorial Node: Vectorized Passthrough
- Tutorial Node: Vectorized Passthrough via ABI
- Tutorial Python Node: ABI Overrides
- Tutorial Python Node: Attributes With Arrays of Tuples
- Tutorial Python Node: Attributes With Simple Data
- Tutorial Python Node: Bundle Add Attributes
- Tutorial Python Node: Bundle Data
- Tutorial Python Node: Bundle Manipulation
- Tutorial Python Node: CPU/GPU Bundles
- Tutorial Python Node: CPU/GPU Extended Attributes
- Tutorial Python Node: Dynamic Attributes
- Tutorial Python Node: Extended Attribute Types
- Tutorial Python Node: Generic Math Node
- Tutorial Python Node: Internal States
- Tutorial Python Node: State Attributes
- Tutorial Python Node: Tokens