Flexible Material Model#

MDL Identifier: core_definitions::flex_material_v2
Description: A complex material that can be configured for a wide variety of looks.
Display Name |
Type |
Parameter |
Default |
Description |
Base Color |
The color of the material |
Diffuse Roughness |
Higher roughness values lead to a more “powdery” look |
Metallic Material |
If 1.0, reflection will be colored and independent of view direction. If 0.0, reflection will be white and direction dependent. Directional dependence is in this case based on the IOR (Fresnel effect). |
Reflection Weight |
Controls the amount of reflection |
Reflection Roughness |
Higher roughness values lead to more blurry reflections |
Reflection Anisotropy |
Higher values will stretch the highlight |
Anisotropy Rotation |
Changes the orientation of the anisotropy. A value of 1 will rotate the orientation 360 degrees. |
Transmission Weight |
Weights how much light passes through the object compared to its diffuse reflectivity. |
Transmission Color |
Color effect for transmission independent of thickness of the object, similar to stained glass. |
Volume Color |
If the material is not “Thin walled”, “Volume color” will be reached at “Volume reference distance” (m). |
Transmission Roughness |
Higher values lead to objects seen through the material to appear blurry |
Volume Reference Distance |
If the material is not “Thin walled”, “Volume color” will be reached at this distance (m). Enter a typical thickness of objects made of this material here. |
Determines refraction in the volume. It also influences the reflectivity for materials that are not metallic. |
Thin Walled |
Thin walled materials do not refract and do not have volume effects. Good for soap bubbles or window glass. |
Bumps |
Attach bump or normal maps here |
Abbe Number |
Controls dispersion. A value of 0 switches dispersion off. Dispersive materials have Abbe numbers between 25 and 85 |