
Fully qualified name: omni::structuredlog::kSchemasThroughputLimitsSetting

Defined in omni/structuredlog/StructuredLogSettingsUtils.h

constexpr const char *omni::structuredlog::kSchemasThroughputLimitsSetting = "/structuredLog/limits/throughput"#

This is the path for settings tree that contains the set of schemas or wildcards to set the maximum allowable throughput measured in bytes per second.

If no throughput limit is set, the maximum throughput is unlimited.

The throughput limit works by totalling up the number of bytes emitted within the current time period. Once the next message will exceed the throughput limit within a given period, that message is discarded. Messages can be sent again once the period is over.

structuredLog.limits.throughput = [
    "omni.other_schema = 65536", # limit omni.other_schema to 64KB / second
    "carb.* = 1048576"           # limit carb schemas to 1MB / second