
Defined in omni/structuredlog/Telemetry.h

constexpr const char *const omni::telemetry::kTransmitterSetting = "/telemetry/transmitter"

This settings key holds an object or an array of objects.

Each object is one transmitter instance. In the settings JSON, this would look something like:

    "telemetry": {
        "transmitter": [
                "endpoint": "",
                "endpoint": ""
You can also specify this on command line like this. You must ensure that all entries under /telemetry/transmitter are contiguous numeric indices otherwise /telemetry/transmitter will be interpreted as a single object.
"--/telemetry/transmitter/0/endpoint=" \
A transmitter instance sends data to a telemetry endpoint with a specific configuration. Each instance can be configured to use a different protocol and a different set of schema URLs, so data sent to each endpoint can be substantially different. To send data to multiple endpoints, you set up an array of objects under this settings key. Note that