Fully qualified name: carb::loadFrameworkConfiguration
Defined in carb/StartupUtils.h
- inline void carb::loadFrameworkConfiguration(
- const StartupFrameworkDesc ¶ms,
Loads the framework configuration based on a slew of input parameters.
First see carb::StartupFrameworkDesc for an idea of the type of data this function accepts.
At a high-level this function:
Determines application path from CLI args and env vars (see carb::extras::getAppPathAndName()).
Sets application path as filesystem root
Loads plugins for settings: carb.settings.plugin, carb.dictionary.plugin, carb.tokens.plugins and any serializer plugin.
Searches for config file, loads it and applies CLI args overrides.
Rather than this function, consider using OMNI_CORE_INIT(), which handles both starting and shutting down the framework for you in your application.