namespace log
Multi-channel logging.
Namespace for logging functionality.
omni::log::ILog: Multi-channel logging interface which can write logs to multiple consumers.
omni::log::ILogChannelFilter: Read-only object to encapsulate a channel filter's pattern and effects.
omni::log::ILogChannelFilter_abi: Read-only object to encapsulate a channel filter's pattern and effects.
omni::log::ILogChannelUpdateConsumer: Consumes (listens for) state change to one or more omni::log::ILog objects.
omni::log::ILogChannelUpdateConsumer_abi: Consumes (listens for) state change to one or more omni::log::ILog objects.
omni::log::ILogMessageConsumer: Consumes (listens for) log messages.
omni::log::ILogMessageConsumer_abi: Consumes (listens for) log messages.
omni::log::ILog_abi: Multi-channel logging interface which can write logs to multiple consumers.
omni::log::ChannelUpdateReason: Reason for a channel update notification.
omni::log::Level: Severity of a message.
omni::log::SettingBehavior: Defines if a log channel's setting should be respected or if the global logging system's settings should be used.
omni::log::addModulesChannels: Registers known channels with the log returned by omniGetLogWithoutAcquire() .
omni::log::getModuleLogChannels: Returns a per-module list of channels defined during static initialization via OMNI_LOG_ADD_CHANNEL .
omni::log::removeModulesChannels: Removes channels added by omni::log::addModulesChannels() .