namespace ext
Namespace for Omniverse Extension system.
omni::ext::ExtensionManager: The manager class that is responsible for all Extensions.
omni::ext::ExtensionStateChangeHookLambda: A wrapper object to allow passing an invocable type (i.e.
omni::ext::IExt: Extension plugin interface.
omni::ext::IExtensionData_abi: Information about an extension.
omni::ext::IExtensionHooks_abi: Hooks that can be defined by plugins to better understand how the plugin is being used by the extension system.
omni::ext::IExtensionManagerHooks: Extension manager subclass with all the hooks that can be installed into it.
omni::ext::IExtensionStateChangeHook: An interface that can be implemented to receive extension state changes.
omni::ext::IHookHolder: Hook holder.
omni::ext::IPathProtocolProvider: Interface to be implemented to add new extension path protocols.
omni::ext::IRegistryProvider: Interface to be implemented by registry providers.
omni::ext::DownloadState: The download state communicated by registry provider to extension manager.
omni::ext::ExtensionPathType: An enum describing Extensions Path type.
omni::ext::ExtensionStateChangeType: Different moments in extension state lifetime.
omni::ext::OMNI_DECLARE_INTERFACE: Declaration of IExtensionData.
omni::ext::OMNI_DECLARE_INTERFACE: Declaration of IExtensionHooks.
omni::ext::createExtensionStateChangeHook: Wrapper to pass an invocable object to Extension Manager Hooks.
omni::ext::fetchAllExtensionPackages: Helper function to fetch all extension packages and load them into the memory.
omni::ext::getEnabledExtensionId: Helper function to find the Extension ID of a given Extension.
omni::ext::getExtensionPath: Helper function to look up the path from an extension dictionary.
omni::ext::isExtensionEnabled: Helper function to check if an extension is enabled by name.
omni::ext::parseExtUrl: Simple helper function to parse a given URL into a scheme and a path.
omni::ext::subscribeToExtensionEnable: A wrapper function to subscribe to extension enable (and optionally disable) events.
omni::ext::ExtPathUrl: The result of parsing an extension URL.
omni::ext::ExtensionFolderInfo: A struct for describing Extension Folder information.
omni::ext::ExtensionInfo: A struct describing Extension information.
omni::ext::ExtensionSummary: A struct describing an Extension Summary.
omni::ext::IExtensions: omni.ext plugin interface
omni::ext::RegistryProviderInfo: A struct for describing Registry Provider information.
omni::ext::SolverInput: Input to running custom extension solver.
omni::ext::Version: Extension version struct.
omni::ext::VersionLockDesc: Version lock generation parameters.
omni::ext::ExtensionSummaryFlag: A bit type for Extension Summary.
omni::ext::IExtensionStateChangeHookPtr: RAII pointer type.
omni::ext::IHookHolderPtr: RAII pointer type for IHookHolder .
omni::ext::IPathProtocolProviderPtr: Pointer type.
omni::ext::IRegistryProviderPtr: Pointer type.
omni::ext::Order: Hook call order.
omni::ext::kDefaultOrder: Default order.
omni::ext::kEventExtensionPullBegin: An event type denoting the beginning of pulling an extension.
omni::ext::kEventExtensionPullEndFailure: An event type denoting the end of pulling an extension with failure.
omni::ext::kEventExtensionPullEndSuccess: An event type denoting the successful end of pulling an extension.
omni::ext::kEventFolderChanged: An event type denoting a changed folder.
omni::ext::kEventRegistryRefreshBegin: Extra events sent to IApp::getMessageBusEventStream() by extension manager.
omni::ext::kEventRegistryRefreshEndFailure: An event type denoting end of registry refresh with failure.
omni::ext::kEventRegistryRefreshEndSuccess: An event type denoting the successful end of registry refresh.
omni::ext::kEventScriptChanged: Extension manager change event stream events.
omni::ext::kExtensionSummaryFlagAnyEnabled: Extension Summary flag meaning that extensions are enabled.
omni::ext::kExtensionSummaryFlagBuiltin: Extension Summary flag meaning that an extension is built-in.
omni::ext::kExtensionSummaryFlagInstalled: Extension Summary flag meaning that an extension is installed.
omni::ext::kExtensionSummaryFlagNone: Empty flag.