Defined in omni/log/LogChannel.h

OMNI_LOG_DEFINE_CHANNEL(varName_, channelName_, description_)

Defines the properties of a channel.

This macro must be called at global scope.

Example usage:

OMNI_LOG_DEFINE_CHANNEL(kImageLoadChannel, "omni.image.load", "Messages when loading an image.");

For each module, this macro should only be called once per channel.

OMNI_LOG_DECLARE_CHANNEL() does not have to be called before calling this macro.

Use of this macro is rare (currently used only for unit testing) as it does not add the channel to the log. See OMNI_LOG_ADD_CHANNEL for a more useful way to define a channel. Note, per-channel, either call this macro or OMNI_LOG_ADD_CHANNEL once. Never call both.