namespace l10n
Utilities for localizing text.
carb::l10n::LocalizedName: Boolean value tags for the getLanguageName() and getTerritoryName() functions.
carb::l10n::deregisterLocalizationForClient: Called during client shutdown to clear out the global state.
carb::l10n::getLocalizedStringFromHashNoPlugin: A version of getLocalizedStringFromHash() for when the localization plugin is unloaded.
carb::l10n::registerLocalizationForClient: Called during client initialization to obtain the globals needed for localization.
carb::l10n::IL10n: The localization interface.
carb::l10n::LanguageIdentifier: An opaque struct representing a language ID.
carb::l10n::LanguageTable: An opaque struct representing a localization table.
carb::l10n::LanguageTableData: A definition that can be used for loading a language table embedded in C++ code.
carb::l10n::StringIdentifier: The return type for IL10n::getHashFromKeyString() .
carb::l10n::localizeStringFn: The entry point to getLocalizedStringFromHash().
carb::l10n::kLanguageCurrent: The currently set language will be used when this is passed.
carb::l10n::kLanguageDefault: The default language will be used when this is passed.
carb::l10n::kLanguageTableMain: Use the main language table for the process if this is passed.
carb::l10n::kLanguageUnknown: This is returned from some interface functions when an unknown language is requested.