
Defined in carb/dictionary/DictionaryUtils.h

inline std::string carb::dictionary::getStringFromItemName(const IDictionary *dict, const Item *baseItem, const char *path = nullptr)

Attempts to retrieve the name of an item from a given path in a dictionary.

Thread Safety

This call is thread safe.

  • dict[in] The IDictionary interface to use to access the items in the dictionary. This must not be nullptr. This must be the same interface that was originally used to create the dictionary baseItem.

  • baseItem[in] The base item to retrieve the item name relative to. This is expected to contain the child path path. This may not be nullptr.

  • path[in] The item path relative to baseItem that indicates where to find the item whose name should be retrieved. This may be nullptr to retrieve the name of baseItem itself.


A string containing the name of the item at the given path relative to baseItem if it exists. Returns an empty string if no item could be found at the requested path or a string buffer could not be allocated for its name.