namespace input
Namespace for the carb.input plugin.
Namespace for Carbonite Input system.
carb::input::ActionMappingSet: A type representing a set of action mappings.
carb::input::ScopedRead: A RAII class for holding a read lock over multiple operations.
carb::input::ScopedWrite: A RAII class for holding a write lock over multiple operations.
carb::input::CurrentButtonState: Current button state.
carb::input::DeviceType: Defines possible device types.
carb::input::FilterResult: The result returned by InputEventFilterFn.
carb::input::GamepadConnectionEventType: Defines the gamepad connection event types.
carb::input::GamepadInput: Defines a gamepad input.
carb::input::KeyboardEventType: Defines keyboard event type.
carb::input::KeyboardInput: Defines keyboard key codes.
carb::input::MouseEventType: Defines the mouse event types.
carb::input::MouseInput: Defines a mouse input.
carb::input::PreviousButtonState: Previous button state.
carb::input::filterBufferedEvents: Filter and modify input events in the event buffer.
carb::input::getActionMappingDescFromString: Translates a hot-key string to a ActionMappingDesc .
carb::input::getDeviceInputFromString: Parses components from a device input string.
carb::input::getDeviceNameString: Returns a device name.
carb::input::getDeviceTypeFromString: Converts a device-type string to a DeviceType .
carb::input::getDeviceTypeString: Returns a string representation of the device type.
carb::input::getGamepadInputFromString: Converts a gamepad input string to a GamepadInput .
carb::input::getGamepadInputString: Returns a string representation of a gamepad input enum value.
carb::input::getKeyboardInputFromString: Converts a keyboard input string to a KeyboardInput .
carb::input::getKeyboardInputString: Returns a string representation of the keyboard input.
carb::input::getModifierFlagFromString: Converts a keyboard modifier flag string to a KeyboardModifierFlags .
carb::input::getModifierFlagString: Returns a string representation of the keyboard modifier flag.
carb::input::getModifierFlagsFromString: Returns KeyboardModifierFlags composed of all the flags from a given string.
carb::input::getModifierFlagsString: Returns a string of all modifier flags present.
carb::input::getMouseInputFromString: Converts a mouse input string to a MouseInput .
carb::input::getMouseInputString: Returns a string representation of a mouse input enum value.
carb::input::getStringFromActionMappingDesc: Builds a hot-key string from a ActionMappingDesc .
carb::input::parseDeviceNameString: Separates a device name into a device type and device ID.
carb::input::setDefaultActionMapping: Adds an action mapping if one does not already exist.
carb::input::subscribeToActionEvents: Subscribes to the action event stream for a specified action.
carb::input::subscribeToGamepadConnectionEvents: Subscribes to the gamepad connection event stream.
carb::input::subscribeToGamepadEvents: Subscribes to the gamepad event stream.
carb::input::subscribeToKeyboardEvents: Subscribes to the keyboard event stream.
carb::input::subscribeToMouseEvents: Subscribes to the mouse event stream.
carb::input::toButtonFlags: Combines the previous and current button states into a Button flags. .
carb::input::toCurrentButtonState: Converts a button state to a CurrentButtonState .
carb::input::toPreviousButtonState: Converts a button state to a PreviousButtonState .
carb::input::ActionEvent: Defines an action event.
carb::input::ActionMappingDesc: Defines action mapping description.
carb::input::Gamepad: An opaque type representing a Gamepad .
carb::input::GamepadConnectionEvent: Defines the gamepad connection event.
carb::input::GamepadEvent: Defines a gamepad event.
carb::input::IInput: Defines an input interface.
carb::input::InputDevice: An opaque type representing an Input Device.
carb::input::InputEvent: Defines the unified input event.
carb::input::InputProvider: Defines an input provider interface.
carb::input::Keyboard: An opaque type representing a Keyboard .
carb::input::KeyboardEvent: Defines a keyboard event.
carb::input::Mouse: An opaque type representing a Mouse .
carb::input::MouseEvent: Defines the mouse event.
carb::input::ActionMappingSetHandle: A handle to an ActionMappingSet . A
value represents an invalid ActionMappingSet .carb::input::ButtonFlags: Type definition representing button flags.
carb::input::EventTypeMask: Defines event type mask.
carb::input::InputEventFilterFn: Callback function type for filtering events.
carb::input::InputType: Defines input code type.
carb::input::KeyboardModifierFlags: Type definition representing keyboard modifier flags.
carb::input::OnActionEventFn: Function type that describes keyboard event callback.
carb::input::OnGamepadConnectionEventFn: Function type that describes gamepad connection event callback.
carb::input::OnGamepadEventFn: Function type that describes gamepad event callback.
carb::input::OnInputEventFn: Function type that describes input event callback.
carb::input::OnKeyboardEventFn: Function type that describes keyboard event callback.
carb::input::OnMouseEventFn: Function type that describes mouse event callback.
carb::input::SubscriptionId: Type used as an identifier for all subscriptions.
carb::input::SubscriptionOrder: Subscription order.
carb::input::kAnyDevice: A value that means any available device.
carb::input::kButtonFlagStateDown: Button is down.
carb::input::kButtonFlagStateUp: Button is up.
carb::input::kButtonFlagTransitionDown: Button is transitioning from up to down.
carb::input::kButtonFlagTransitionUp: Button is transitioning from down to up.
carb::input::kCharacterMaxNumBytes: UTF-8 RFC3629 - max 4 bytes per character.
carb::input::kDeviceNameSeparator: The separator used for device name components.
carb::input::kEventTypeAll: Represents all event types.
carb::input::kInvalidSubscriptionId: An invalid SubscriptionId with value 0.
carb::input::kKeyboardModifierFlagAlt: Alt key.
carb::input::kKeyboardModifierFlagCapsLock: Caps-lock key.
carb::input::kKeyboardModifierFlagControl: Control key.
carb::input::kKeyboardModifierFlagCount: Defines total number of keyboard modifiers.
carb::input::kKeyboardModifierFlagNumLock: Num-lock key.
carb::input::kKeyboardModifierFlagShift: Shift key.
carb::input::kKeyboardModifierFlagSuper: Super key.
carb::input::kModifierSeparator: The separator used for modifiers.
carb::input::kSubscriptionOrderDefault: The 'default' subscription ordering, same as
.carb::input::kSubscriptionOrderFirst: Represents the 'first' subscription.
carb::input::kSubscriptionOrderLast: Represents the 'last' subscription.