
Fully qualified name: omni::structuredlog::JsonPrinter

Defined in omni/structuredlog/JsonSerializer.h

class JsonPrinter : public omni::structuredlog::JsonConsumer#

An implementation of JsonConsumer that just prints to a fixed string.

Public Functions

inline JsonPrinter()#
inline JsonPrinter(char *output, size_t outputLen) noexcept#

Create a printer from a fixed string buffer.

  • output[out] The instance will write to this buffer.

  • outputLen[in] The number of bytes that can be written to output.

inline void reset(char *output, size_t outputLen) noexcept#

Reinitialize the printer with a new buffer.

  • output[out] The instance will write to this buffer.

  • outputLen[in] The number of bytes that can be written to output.

inline virtual void consume(
const char *json,
size_t jsonLen,
) noexcept override#

Write a string into the buffer.

  • json[in] The data to write into the buffer.

  • jsonLen[in] The length of json, excluding any null terminator.

inline virtual void terminate() noexcept override#

Terminate the output, if needed.


This will be called to ensure the output is null terminated.

inline bool hasOverflowed() noexcept#

Check whether more data was printed than would fit in the printer’s buffer.


true if the buffer was too small to fit all the consumed data.


false if the buffer was able to fit all the consumed data.

inline char *getNextChar() const noexcept#

Get the pointer to the next char to be written in the buffer.


The pointer to the next character to be written. If the buffer has overflowed, this will point past the end of the buffer.