namespace launcher
Namespace for the Carbonite process launch helper interface.
carb::launcher::ArgCollector: A simple child process argument collector helper class.
carb::launcher::EnvCollector: A simple environment variable collector helper class.
carb::launcher::KillStatus: Return statuses for ILauncher::killProcessWithTimeout() .
carb::launcher::restoreParentDeathSignal: Restores the parent death signal on set-user-ID and set-group-ID images.
carb::launcher::ILauncher: A simple process launcher helper interface.
carb::launcher::LaunchDesc: Descriptor of the new process to be launched by ILauncher::openProcess().
carb::launcher::AddSettingPredicateFn: Prototype for a callback function used to check if a setting should be added.
carb::launcher::ExitCode: Base type for a process exit code.
carb::launcher::KillFlags: Process kill flags.
carb::launcher::LauncherFlags: Launcher flags.
carb::launcher::OnProcessReadFn: Prototype for a stream read callback function.
carb::launcher::ProcessId: Base type for the identifier of a process.
carb::launcher::SettingsEnumFlags: Base type for the flags used when adding a settings tree to an argument collector object.
carb::launcher::WaitFlags: Stream waiting flags.
carb::launcher::fKillFlagFailOnDebugger: Flag to indicate that ILauncher::killProcess() or ILauncher::killProcessWithTimeout() calls should simply fail if a debugger is currently attached to the child process being terminated.
carb::launcher::fKillFlagForce: Flag to indicate that a child process should be force killed.
carb::launcher::fKillFlagKillChildProcesses: Flag to indicate that any direct child processes of the process being terminated should also be terminated.
carb::launcher::fKillFlagSkipWait: Flag to indicate that the ILauncher::killProcess() or ILauncher::killProcessWithTimeout() calls should not wait for the child process to fully exit before returning.
carb::launcher::fLaunchFlagAllowBadEnv: Flag to indicate that the child process should still continue to be launched even if the environment block for it could not be created for any reason.
carb::launcher::fLaunchFlagAllowBadLog: Flag to indicate that launching the child process should not fail if either of the log files fails to open for write.
carb::launcher::fLaunchFlagByteMode: Flag to indicate that reading from the
streams of the child process should be handled as a byte stream.carb::launcher::fLaunchFlagForce: When the fLaunchFlagKillOnParentExit flag is also used, this indicates that the child process should be forcibly terminated instead of just being asked to exit when the parent process dies.
carb::launcher::fLaunchFlagKillOnParentExit: Flag to indicate that the new child process should be killed when the calling parent process exits.
carb::launcher::fLaunchFlagLaunchDetached: Flag to indicate that the child process should be launched fully detached from the launching (ie: parent) process.
carb::launcher::fLaunchFlagMessageMode: Flag to indicate that reading from the
streams of the child process should be handled as a message stream.carb::launcher::fLaunchFlagNoInheritEnv: Flag to indicate that the calling process's environment should not be inherited by the child process in addition to the new environment variables specified in the launch descriptor.
carb::launcher::fLaunchFlagNoStdErr: Flags to indicate that the child process' standard output streams should be closed upon launch.
carb::launcher::fLaunchFlagNoStdOut: Flags to indicate that the child process' standard output streams should be closed upon launch.
carb::launcher::fLaunchFlagNoStdStreams: Flags to indicate that the child process' standard output streams should be closed upon launch.
carb::launcher::fLaunchFlagOpenStdin: Flag to indicate that the stdin stream for the child process should be opened and accessible on the side of the parent process.
carb::launcher::fLaunchFlagScript: Flag to indicate that the requested command should be launched as a script.
carb::launcher::fSettingsEnumFlagRecursive: Flag to indicate that the settings in the requested tree should be added recursively to the argument collector.
carb::launcher::fWaitFlagAnyStream: Flag to indicate that the wait should succeed when any of the flagged streams have been successfully waited on.
carb::launcher::fWaitFlagCloseStdErrStream: Flag to indicate that the
stream for a child should be closed before waiting on it.carb::launcher::fWaitFlagCloseStdOutStream: Flag to indicate that the
stream for a child should be closed before waiting on it.carb::launcher::fWaitFlagStdErrStream: Flag to indicate that the
stream should be waited on.carb::launcher::fWaitFlagStdOutStream: Flag to indicate that the
stream should be waited on.carb::launcher::kBadId: Special value to indicate a bad process identifier.
carb::launcher::kDefaultProcessBufferSize: A default buffer size to use for reading from a child process's
streams.carb::launcher::kInfiniteTimeout: Indicates an infinite timeout for use in the ILauncher::waitProcessExit() function in its timeout parameter.
carb::launcher::kInterpreterPythonCommand: Interpreter names for python scripts.
carb::launcher::kInterpreterPythonScript: Interpreter names for python scripts.
carb::launcher::kInterpreterShellScript: Standard command interpreters for Windows and Linux.
carb::launcher::kInterpreterShellScript2: Standard command interpreters for Windows and Linux.
carb::launcher::kNullTerminated: Special value that can be passed to ILauncher::writeProcessStdin() for the bytes parameter to indicate that the input is a null terminated UTF-8 string.
carb::launcher::kStillActive: Special exit code to indicate that the process is still running and has not exited yet.