namespace logging
Namespace for logging interfaces and utilities.
carb::logging::ScopedFilePause: A class that pauses logging to a file when constructed and resumes logging to a file when destroyed.
carb::logging::ScopedLevelThreadOverride: A RAII object for overriding a thread's log level for a given type in StandardLogger while in scope.
carb::logging::StandardLogger2: A sub-interface of ILogging for StandardLogger instances.
carb::logging::LogSettingBehavior: Defines a log setting behavior.
carb::logging::OutputStream: Enumerations of output stream types.
carb::logging::OutputType: StandardLogger2 output types.
carb::logging::deregisterLoggingForClient: Unregisters the log channels and the logger interface.
carb::logging::getLogging: Accessor for logging interface.
carb::logging::registerLoggingForClient: Acquires the default ILogging interface and registers log channels.
carb::logging::stringToLevel: Convert a given string to a log level.
carb::logging::ILogging: Defines the log system that is associated with the Framework .
carb::logging::LogFileConfiguration: Describes the configuration for logging to a file for setFileConfiguration.
carb::logging::Logger: Defines an extension interface for logging backends to register with the ILogging system.
carb::logging::StandardLogger: The default logger provided by the Framework .
carb::logging::StringToLogLevelMapping: A struct that describes level name to integer value.
carb::logging::LogDestinations: Base type for the flags that indicate which log destinations are currently active.
carb::logging::LogFn: Function pointer typedef for a logging function.
carb::logging::SetLogLevelFn: Defines a callback type for setting log level for every source.
carb::logging::fLogDestinationDebugConsole: Flag to indicate that logging to the system specific debug console is enabled.
carb::logging::fLogDestinationLogFile: Flag to indicate that logging to a file is currently enabled.
carb::logging::fLogDestinationNone: Special value to indicate that no log destinations are currently enabled.
carb::logging::fLogDestinationStandardStreams: Flag to indicate that logging to the standard streams (ie: stdout and stderr) is enabled.
carb::logging::kKeepSameFile: Can be used by setFileConfiguration.
carb::logging::kLevelError: Error level, this is for error messages.
carb::logging::kLevelFatal: Fatal level, this is for messages on unrecoverable errors.
carb::logging::kLevelInfo: Info level, this is for informational messages.
carb::logging::kLevelVerbose: Verbose level, this is for detailed diagnostics messages.
carb::logging::kLevelWarn: Warning level, this is for warning messages.
carb::logging::kStringToLevelMappings: A mapping of log level names to integer value.
carb::logging::kStringToLevelMappingsCount: The number of items in kStringToLevelMappings .