In directory: carb/simplegui
Source file: carb/simplegui/SimpleGuiTypes.h
carb.simplegui type definitions.
carb: The main Carbonite namespace.
carb::input: Namespace for the carb.input plugin.
carb::simplegui: Namespace for carb.simplegui plugin.
carb::windowing: Namespace for Carbonite Windowing system.
carb::simplegui::ContextDesc: Defines a descriptor for simplegui context.
carb::simplegui::DrawCommand: Defines a drawing command.
carb::simplegui::DrawData: Defines the data used for drawing back-ends.
carb::simplegui::DrawList: Defines a list of draw commands.
carb::simplegui::DrawVertex: Defines a vertex used for drawing lists.
carb::simplegui::FontConfig: Structure defining the configuration for a font.
carb::simplegui::FontCustomRect: Structure of a custom rectangle for a font definition.
carb::simplegui::ListClipper: Helper: Manually clip large list of items.
carb::simplegui::Payload: Data payload for Drag and Drop operations: acceptDragDropPayload(), getDragDropPayload()
carb::simplegui::Style: Struct with all style variables.
carb::simplegui::TextEditCallbackData: Shared state of InputText(), passed to callback when a ImGuiInputTextFlags_Callback* flag is used and the corresponding callback is triggered.
carb::simplegui::Viewport: The viewports created and managed by simplegui.
carb::simplegui::WindowClass: [BETA] Rarely used / very advanced uses only. Use with SetNextWindowClass() and DockSpace() functions. Provide hints to the platform back-end via altered viewport flags (enable/disable OS decoration, OS task bar icons, etc.) and OS level parent/child relationships.