Lexicographically compare two string views.

. All comparisons are done via the basic_string_view::compare() member function (which itself is defined in terms of Traits::compare()):

  • Two views are equal if both the size of a and b are equal and each character in a has an equivalent character in b at the same position.

  • The ordering comparisons are done lexicographically — the comparison is performed by a function equivalent to std::lexicographical_compare. Complexity is linear in the size of the views.



inline bool carb::cpp::operator!=(string_view sv, const char *t)

Lexicographically compare two string views.

template<class CharT, class Traits = std::char_traits<CharT>>
bool carb::cpp::operator!=(const basic_string_view<CharT, Traits> &a, const basic_string_view<CharT, Traits> &b)

Lexicographically compare two string views.

inline bool carb::cpp::operator!=(u32string_view sv, const char32_t *t)

Lexicographically compare two string views.

inline bool carb::cpp::operator!=(const char32_t *t, u32string_view sv)

Lexicographically compare two string views.

inline bool carb::cpp::operator!=(const char *t, string_view sv)

Lexicographically compare two string views.

inline bool carb::cpp::operator!=(const char16_t *t, u16string_view sv)

Lexicographically compare two string views.

inline bool carb::cpp::operator!=(wstring_view sv, const wchar_t *t)

Lexicographically compare two string views.

inline bool carb::cpp::operator!=(const wchar_t *t, wstring_view sv)

Lexicographically compare two string views.

inline bool carb::cpp::operator!=(u16string_view sv, const char16_t *t)

Lexicographically compare two string views.

template<class CharT, class Traits = std::char_traits<CharT>>
bool carb::cpp::operator<(const basic_string_view<CharT, Traits> &a, const basic_string_view<CharT, Traits> &b)

Lexicographically compare two string views.

inline bool carb::cpp::operator<(u16string_view sv, const char16_t *t)

Lexicographically compare two string views.

inline bool carb::cpp::operator<(const char *t, string_view sv)

Lexicographically compare two string views.

inline bool carb::cpp::operator<(u32string_view sv, const char32_t *t)

Lexicographically compare two string views.

inline bool carb::cpp::operator<(const wchar_t *t, wstring_view sv)

Lexicographically compare two string views.

inline bool carb::cpp::operator<(const char16_t *t, u16string_view sv)

Lexicographically compare two string views.

inline bool carb::cpp::operator<(wstring_view sv, const wchar_t *t)

Lexicographically compare two string views.

inline bool carb::cpp::operator<(string_view sv, const char *t)

Lexicographically compare two string views.

inline bool carb::cpp::operator<(const char32_t *t, u32string_view sv)

Lexicographically compare two string views.

inline bool carb::cpp::operator<=(const wchar_t *t, wstring_view sv)

Lexicographically compare two string views.

inline bool carb::cpp::operator<=(const char *t, string_view sv)

Lexicographically compare two string views.

template<class CharT, class Traits = std::char_traits<CharT>>
bool carb::cpp::operator<=(const basic_string_view<CharT, Traits> &a, const basic_string_view<CharT, Traits> &b)

Lexicographically compare two string views.

inline bool carb::cpp::operator<=(const char16_t *t, u16string_view sv)

Lexicographically compare two string views.

inline bool carb::cpp::operator<=(u16string_view sv, const char16_t *t)

Lexicographically compare two string views.

inline bool carb::cpp::operator<=(const char32_t *t, u32string_view sv)

Lexicographically compare two string views.

inline bool carb::cpp::operator<=(string_view sv, const char *t)

Lexicographically compare two string views.

inline bool carb::cpp::operator<=(u32string_view sv, const char32_t *t)

Lexicographically compare two string views.

inline bool carb::cpp::operator<=(wstring_view sv, const wchar_t *t)

Lexicographically compare two string views.

template<class CharT, class Traits = std::char_traits<CharT>>
bool carb::cpp::operator==(const basic_string_view<CharT, Traits> &a, const basic_string_view<CharT, Traits> &b)

Lexicographically compare two string views.

inline bool carb::cpp::operator==(u16string_view sv, const char16_t *t)

Lexicographically compare two string views.

inline bool carb::cpp::operator==(wstring_view sv, const wchar_t *t)

Lexicographically compare two string views.

inline bool carb::cpp::operator==(const wchar_t *t, wstring_view sv)

Lexicographically compare two string views.

inline bool carb::cpp::operator==(const char *t, string_view sv)

Lexicographically compare two string views.

inline bool carb::cpp::operator==(string_view sv, const char *t)

Lexicographically compare two string views.

inline bool carb::cpp::operator==(const char16_t *t, u16string_view sv)

Lexicographically compare two string views.

inline bool carb::cpp::operator==(u32string_view sv, const char32_t *t)

Lexicographically compare two string views.

inline bool carb::cpp::operator==(const char32_t *t, u32string_view sv)

Lexicographically compare two string views.

inline bool carb::cpp::operator>(u32string_view sv, const char32_t *t)

Lexicographically compare two string views.

template<class CharT, class Traits = std::char_traits<CharT>>
bool carb::cpp::operator>(const basic_string_view<CharT, Traits> &a, const basic_string_view<CharT, Traits> &b)

Lexicographically compare two string views.

inline bool carb::cpp::operator>(const char32_t *t, u32string_view sv)

Lexicographically compare two string views.

inline bool carb::cpp::operator>(wstring_view sv, const wchar_t *t)

Lexicographically compare two string views.

inline bool carb::cpp::operator>(const wchar_t *t, wstring_view sv)

Lexicographically compare two string views.

inline bool carb::cpp::operator>(u16string_view sv, const char16_t *t)

Lexicographically compare two string views.

inline bool carb::cpp::operator>(const char16_t *t, u16string_view sv)

Lexicographically compare two string views.

inline bool carb::cpp::operator>(const char *t, string_view sv)

Lexicographically compare two string views.

inline bool carb::cpp::operator>(string_view sv, const char *t)

Lexicographically compare two string views.

inline bool carb::cpp::operator>=(u32string_view sv, const char32_t *t)

Lexicographically compare two string views.

inline bool carb::cpp::operator>=(wstring_view sv, const wchar_t *t)

Lexicographically compare two string views.

inline bool carb::cpp::operator>=(const char32_t *t, u32string_view sv)

Lexicographically compare two string views.

inline bool carb::cpp::operator>=(const char16_t *t, u16string_view sv)

Lexicographically compare two string views.

template<class CharT, class Traits = std::char_traits<CharT>>
bool carb::cpp::operator>=(const basic_string_view<CharT, Traits> &a, const basic_string_view<CharT, Traits> &b)

Lexicographically compare two string views.

inline bool carb::cpp::operator>=(string_view sv, const char *t)

Lexicographically compare two string views.

inline bool carb::cpp::operator>=(u16string_view sv, const char16_t *t)

Lexicographically compare two string views.

inline bool carb::cpp::operator>=(const wchar_t *t, wstring_view sv)

Lexicographically compare two string views.

inline bool carb::cpp::operator>=(const char *t, string_view sv)

Lexicographically compare two string views.