carb::AcquireInterfaceFlags: Flags for use with carb::AcquireInterfaceOptions .
carb::stats::AggregationType: Names for the different ways a statistic can be aggregated when a new value is added.
omni::platforminfo::Architecture: Names for the processor architecture for the system.
carb::audio::AudioResult: possible return values from various audio APIs.
carb::BindingType: An enum that describes a binding registration for carb::Framework::registerScriptBinding() .
omni::audio::experimental::CaptureInfoType: The reason that a CaptureInfoCallback was called.
carb::filesystem::ChangeAction: Defines change action that is reported to callback function.
carb::dictionary::ChangeEventType: Type of a change passed to a subscription callback.
omni::log::ChannelUpdateReason: Reason for a channel update notification.
carb::audio::ChooseType: names of possible methods for choosing sounds to play from a sound group.
carb::audio::CodecPart: names to identify the different parts of a codec.
carb::simplegui::Condition: Condition for simplegui::setWindow***(), setNextWindow***(), setNextTreeNode***() functions.
omni::extras::ConsentLevel: Consent level names.
carb::audio::ContextCallbackEvent: names for events that get passed to a context callback function.
omni::platforminfo::CpuFeature: CPU feature names.
carb::crashreporter::CrashSentResult: Result codes used to notify subscribers of crash dump uploads whether an upload succeed or not.
carb::input::CurrentButtonState: Current button state.
carb::simplegui::DataType: A primary data type.
carb::audio::DeviceBackend: Which device backend is being used for audio.
carb::audio::DeviceType: the direction to collect device information for.
carb::input::DeviceType: Defines possible device types.
carb::simplegui::Direction: A cardinal direction.
carb::filesystem::DirectoryItemType: Defines the type of directory item.
omni::ext::DownloadState: The download state communicated by registry provider to extension manager.
omni::ext::ExtensionPathType: An enum describing Extensions Path type.
omni::ext::ExtensionStateChangeType: Different moments in extension state lifetime.
carb::filesystem::FileStatus: defines the potential states that an open file stream can be in.
carb::filesystem::FileWhence: fixed positions in a file that a file pointer can be moved relative to.
carb::input::FilterResult: The result returned by InputEventFilterFn.
carb::audio::FlacFileType: The file type used to store FLAC encoded audio.
carb::profiler::FlowType: The type of flow event passed to IProfiler::emitFlowStatic() / IProfiler::emitFlowDynamic() . Typically used only by profiler macros.
carb::input::GamepadConnectionEventType: Defines the gamepad connection event types.
carb::input::GamepadInput: Defines a gamepad input.
omni::kit::update::IUsdStageEventOrdering: Ordering of USD Stage Update events during USD Context Update.
omni::structuredlog::IdMode: Names to control how the next event identifier is generated after each event message.
omni::structuredlog::IdType: Names to control what type of event identifiers will be used for each message.
carb::profiler::InstantType: The type of instant event passed to IProfiler::emitInstantStatic() / IProfiler::emitInstantDynamic() .
carb::dictionary::ItemFlag: Item flags that can be specified by the user.
carb::dictionary::ItemType: Supported item types.
omni::structuredlog::JsonTreeCompareFuzz: Options to do a less of a strict comparison when comparing trees.
carb::input::KeyboardEventType: Defines keyboard event type.
carb::input::KeyboardInput: Defines keyboard key codes.
carb::launcher::KillStatus: Return statuses for ILauncher::killProcessWithTimeout() .
omni::kit::update::KitUsdStageEventOrdering: Ordering of events within a omni::kit::RunLoop::postUpdate event loop.
omni::log::Level: Severity of a message.
carb::LoadPluginResult: Result of loading a plugin. Used by carb::Framework::loadPlugin . Non-negative values indicated success.
carb::l10n::LocalizedName: Boolean value tags for the getLanguageName() and getTerritoryName() functions.
carb::profiler::LockableOperationType: The type of lockable operation event.
carb::logging::LogSettingBehavior: Defines a log setting behavior.
carb::extras::MemoryQueryType: The type of memory to query.
carb::extras::MemoryScaleType: Names for the different types of common memory scales.
omni::kit::MessageBoxButtons: Buttons to place on the message box.
omni::kit::MessageBoxResponse: Message box user response.
omni::kit::MessageBoxType: Message box type.
carb::crashreporter::MetadataValueType: Possible types that a volatile metadata value could be.
carb::simplegui::MouseCursor: Enumeration for GetMouseCursor() User code may request binding to display given cursor by calling SetMouseCursor(), which is why we have some cursors that are marked unused here.
carb::input::MouseEventType: Defines the mouse event types.
carb::input::MouseInput: Defines a mouse input.
omni::structuredlog::NodeType: The data type contained within a JsonNode .
carb::tasking::ObjectType: Object type for Object .
OmniBuiltIn: Used by omniGetBuiltInWithoutAcquire() to specify the desired interface.
carb::audio::OpusCodecUsage: The intended usage for audio.
omni::platforminfo::Os: Names for the supported operating systems.
carb::logging::OutputStream: Enumerations of output stream types.
carb::logging::OutputType: StandardLogger2 output types.
carb::options::ParseResult: The possible result codes of parsing a single option.
carb::PluginHotReload: Defines the plugin hot reloading (auto reload) behavior.
carb::PluginReloadState: Lets clients of a plugin know both just before and just after that the plugin is being reloaded.
omni::kit::update::PostUpdateOrdering: Ordering of events within a omni::kit::RunLoop::postUpdate event loop.
omni::kit::update::PreUpdateOrdering: Ordering of events within a omni::kit::RunLoop::preUpdate event loop.
carb::PrefetchLevel: A prefetch level hint to pass to CARB_PREFETCH()
carb::input::PreviousButtonState: Previous button state.
carb::tasking::Priority: Defines a task priority.
carb::RStringOp: Operations for RString (and variant classes) constructor.
carb::assets::Reason: The reason a Snapshot was taken or not.
carb::thread::RelayResult: Possible result codes for Framework::runRelayTask().
carb::tokens::ResolveResult: Possible result of resolving tokens.
omni::kit::RestartArgsPolicy: How to handle passed arguments when restarting an app.
carb::audio::RolloffType: distance based DSP value rolloff curve types.
carb::audio::SampleFormat: the data type for a single sample of raw audio data.
omni::structuredlog::SchemaResult: Possible results from registering a new schema.
omni::log::SettingBehavior: Defines if a log channel's setting should be respected or if the global logging system's settings should be used.
carb::audio::Speaker: speaker names.
carb::stats::StatType: Names for the type of statistic value to be stored or retrieved.
carb::audio::StreamState: names for the state of a stream used in the Streamer object.
carb::tokens::StringEndingMode: Possible options for ending of the resolved string.
carb::simplegui::StyleColor: Enumeration for pushStyleColor() / popStyleColor()
carb::simplegui::StyleColorsPreset: Predefined Style Colors presets.
carb::simplegui::StyleVar: Defines style variable (properties) that can be used to temporarily modify UI styles.
carb::tasking::TaskDebugState: Debug state of a task.
carb::audio::UnitType: description of how a size or offset value is defined.
carb::dictionary::UpdateAction: Actions that may be returned by OnUpdateItemFn.
omni::kit::update::UpdateOrdering: Ordering of events within a omni::kit::RunLoop::update event loop.
carb::options::ValueType: Type names for values passed to the parser functions.
carb::audio::VoiceCallbackType: voice callback reason names.
carb::filesystem::WalkAction: Defines the behavior requested by the callback function.
carb::dictionary::WalkerMode: Mode names for the ways to walk the requested dictionary.
carb::cpp::byte: A byte is a distinct type that implements the concept of byte as specified in the C++ language definition. Like
andunsigned char
, it can be used to access raw memory occupied by other objects, but unlike those types it is not a character type and is not an arithmetic type. A byte is only a collection of bits, and only bitwise operators are defined for it.carb::cpp::endian: Indicates the endianness of all scalar types for the current system.