Fully qualified name: carb::profiler::LockableOperationType
Defined in carb/profiler/IProfiler.h
enum class carb::profiler::LockableOperationType : uint8_t#
The type of lockable operation event.
enumerator BeforeLock#
This notes on the timeline immediately before locking a non shared lock.
enumerator AfterLock#
This notes on the timeline immediately after locking a non shared lock.
enumerator AfterUnlock#
This notes on the timeline immediately after unlocking a non shared lock.
enumerator AfterSuccessfulTryLock#
This notes on the timeline immediately after successfully try locking a non shared lock.
This notes on the timeline immediately before locking a shared lock.
This notes on the timeline immediately after locking a shared lock.
This notes on the timeline immediately after unlocking a shared lock.
This notes on the timeline immediately after successfully try locking a shared lock.
enumerator BeforeLock#