namespace extras
common namespace for extra helper functions and classes.
omni::extras::ForceSymbolLink: Helper class to force the linking of a C++ symbol.
omni::extras::PrivacySettings: Static helper class to provide standardized access to the telemetry privacy setting values.
omni::extras::ScratchBuffer: A templated helper class to provide a simple resizable scratch buffer.
omni::extras::UniqueApp: Helper class to manage a unique app.
omni::extras::ConsentLevel: Consent level names.
omni::extras::endsWith: Checks a string to see if it ends with a given suffix.
omni::extras::fillOutArray: Fills the array given by outArray by calling fillFn.
omni::extras::getDirectoryItems: Returns a list of all files and sub-folders in the given folder.
omni::extras::getDirectoryItemsOfType: Returns a list of either files or sub-folders in the given folder.
omni::extras::getDockerCpuLimit: Attempts to read the current effective CPU usage quota for processes in a container.
omni::extras::getFileSystem: Helper function for acquiring and caching the filesystem.
omni::extras::getOutArray: Retrieves an array of unknown size using
and passes it tofillFn
.omni::extras::getSubfolders: Helper function to gather all sub-folders within an array of sub-folders.
omni::extras::getSubfolders: Helper function to gather all sub-folders within a given folder.
omni::extras::gitHashFromOmniverseVersion: Attempts to parse the Git hash from an Omniverse-specific semantic version.
omni::extras::isAnyVersion: Checks if the given SemanticVersion has negative major, minor and patch values.
omni::extras::isPathEqual: Checks if two given file paths are equal with case sensitivity based on the platform.
omni::extras::isRunningInContainer: Attempts to detect whether this process is running inside a container.
omni::extras::ltrim: Performs an in-place left-trim on a given string.
omni::extras::operator<: Less-than operator for two semantic versions.
omni::extras::operator==: Equality operator for two semantic versions.
omni::extras::prereleaseCmp: Semantic Version pre-release comparator according to rules at .
omni::extras::prereleaseCmp: Semantic Version pre-release comparator according to rules at .
omni::extras::readFile: Reads file content into a string.
omni::extras::replaceAll: Replaces all instances of a substring within a given string with a replacement value.
omni::extras::resolvePath: Resolves a given path by resolving all Tokens and optionally prepending the given root path.
omni::extras::rtrim: Performs an in-place right-trim on a given string.
omni::extras::split: Splits a string based on a delimiter.
omni::extras::startsWith: Checks a string to see if it begins with a given prefix.
omni::extras::stringCompareCaseInsensitive: Checks two strings for equality in an ASCII case-insensitive manner.
omni::extras::stringToInt2: Converts a string value to an Int2 representation, that is, a two-component vector.
omni::extras::stringToInteger: Converts a given string to a 32-bit signed integer value.
omni::extras::stringToVersion: Parses a given string into a semantic version.
omni::extras::stringToVersionOrDefault: Parses a string to a semantic version, or a default value if parsing fails.
omni::extras::toLower: Transforms a string to lowercase in-place.
omni::extras::trim: Performs an in-place trim (from both sides) on a given string.
omni::extras::trimCopy: Performs a trim (from both sides) on a given string, returning a copy.
omni::extras::versionsCmp: Less-than comparator for two versions.
omni::extras::SemanticVersion: Version struct, follows Semantic Versioning 2.0.
omni::extras::PathEqual: Custom equality functor for a case sensitive or insensitive map lookup.
omni::extras::PathGreater: Custom greater-than functor for a case sensitive or insensitive map lookup.
omni::extras::PathHash: Custom hash functor for a case sensitive or insensitive hash based on the OS.
omni::extras::PathLess: Custom less-than functor for a case sensitive or insensitive map lookup.
omni::extras::PathMap: A map to store file paths and associated data according to local OS rules.
omni::extras::UnorderedPathMap: An unordered map to store file paths and associated data according to local OS rules.
omni::extras::kInt2Delimiters: Default delimiters for stringToInt2 .
omni::extras::kTrimCharsDefault: Default whitespace characters for string trimming functions.