
Fully qualified name: carb::AcquireInterfaceFlags

Defined in carb/Framework.h

enum carb::AcquireInterfaceFlags#

Flags for use with carb::AcquireInterfaceOptions.


enumerator eAIFDefaultType#

Default search type, a plugin name may be specified in typeParam.

enumerator eAIFFromInterfaceType#

Acquire interface from interface specified in typeParam.

enumerator eAIFFromLibraryType#

Acquire interface from library specified in typeParam.

enumerator eAIFNumTypes#

New types can be added here.

Count of types.

enumerator fAIFTypeMask#

A mask that contains all of the above types.

enumerator fAIFOptional#

The interface acquire is optional and may fail without error logging.

enumerator fAIFNoInitialize#

The interface acquire will only succeed if the plugin is already initialized.