Fully qualified name: carb::simplegui::FontCustomRect
Defined in carb/simplegui/SimpleGuiTypes.h
struct FontCustomRect#
Structure of a custom rectangle for a font definition.
Public Functions
inline FontCustomRect()#
inline bool isPacked() const#
Checks if the font custom rect is packed or not.
- Returns:
if the font is packed;false
Public Members
uint32_t id#
[input] User ID. Use <0x10000 to map into a font glyph, >=0x10000 for other/internal/custom texture data.
uint16_t width#
[input] Desired rectangle dimension
uint16_t height#
[input] Desired rectangle dimension
uint16_t x#
[output] Packed position in Atlas
uint16_t y#
[output] Packed position in Atlas
float glyphAdvanceX#
[input] For custom font glyphs only (ID<0x10000): glyph xadvance
Font *font#
[input] For custom font glyphs only (ID<0x10000): target font Constructor.
inline FontCustomRect()#