
Fully qualified name: carb/launcher/LauncherUtils.h

File members: carb/launcher/LauncherUtils.h

// Copyright (c) 2020-2024, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
// NVIDIA CORPORATION and its licensors retain all intellectual property
// and proprietary rights in and to this software, related documentation
// and any modifications thereto. Any use, reproduction, disclosure or
// distribution of this software and related documentation without an express
// license agreement from NVIDIA CORPORATION is strictly prohibited.
#pragma once

#include "../Defines.h"
#include "../extras/StringSafe.h"
#include "../../omni/extras/PathMap.h"
#include "../settings/SettingsUtils.h"

#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>

#    include <unistd.h>
#    include "../CarbWindows.h"
#    include "../extras/Unicode.h"

namespace carb
namespace launcher

using SettingsEnumFlags = uint32_t;

constexpr SettingsEnumFlags fSettingsEnumFlagRecursive = 0x01;

using AddSettingPredicateFn = bool (*)(const char* path, void* context);

class ArgCollector
    ArgCollector() = default;

    ArgCollector(const ArgCollector& rhs)
        *this = rhs;

    ArgCollector(ArgCollector&& rhs)
        *this = std::move(rhs);


    void clear()
        m_allocCount = 0;

    const char* const* getArgs(size_t* argCountOut = nullptr)
        if (argCountOut)
            *argCountOut = m_args.size();

        if (m_args.empty())
            return emptyArgList();

        if (m_allocCount < m_args.size())
            m_allocCount = m_args.size();
            m_argList.reset(new (std::nothrow) const char*[m_args.size() + 1]);
            if (CARB_UNLIKELY(m_argList == nullptr))
                if (argCountOut)
                    *argCountOut = 0;
                m_allocCount = 0;
                return nullptr;

        for (size_t i = 0; i < m_args.size(); i++)
            m_argList[i] = m_args[i].c_str();

        // null terminate the list since some platforms and apps expect that behavior.
        m_argList[m_args.size()] = nullptr;
        return m_argList.get();

    size_t getCount() const
        return m_args.size();

    ArgCollector& operator=(const ArgCollector& rhs)
        if (this == &rhs)
            return *this;


        if (rhs.m_args.size() == 0)
            return *this;

        m_args = rhs.m_args;
        return *this;

    ArgCollector& operator=(ArgCollector&& rhs)
        if (this == &rhs)
            return *this;


        m_args = std::move(rhs.m_args);
        return *this;

    bool operator==(const ArgCollector& rhs)
        size_t count = m_args.size();

        if (&rhs == this)
            return true;

        if (count != rhs.m_args.size())
            return false;

        for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++)
            if (m_args[i] != rhs.m_args[i])
                return false;

        return true;

    bool operator!=(const ArgCollector& rhs)
        return !(*this == rhs);

    bool operator!() const
        return m_args.size() == 0;

    explicit operator bool() const
        return !m_args.empty();

    ArgCollector& format(const char* fmt, ...) CARB_PRINTF_FUNCTION(2, 3)
        CARB_FORMATTED(fmt, [&](const char* p) { add(p); });
        return *this;

    ArgCollector& add(const char* value)
        return *this;

    ArgCollector& add(const std::string& value)
        return *this;

    ArgCollector& add(const ArgCollector& value)
        for (auto& arg : value.m_args)
        return *this;

    ArgCollector& add(const char* const* value)
        for (const char* const* arg = value; arg[0] != nullptr; arg++)
        return *this;

    ArgCollector& add(const std::vector<const char*>& value)
        for (auto& v : value)
        return *this;

    ArgCollector& add(const std::vector<std::string>& value)
        for (auto& v : value)
        return *this;

    ArgCollector& operator+=(const char* value)
        return add(value);

    ArgCollector& operator+=(const std::string& value)
        return add(value);

    ArgCollector& operator+=(const ArgCollector& value)
        return add(value);

    ArgCollector& operator+=(const char* const* value)
        return add(value);

    ArgCollector& operator+=(const std::vector<const char*>& value)
        return add(value);

    ArgCollector& operator+=(const std::vector<std::string>& value)
        return add(value);

#define ADD_PRIMITIVE_HANDLER(type, fmt)                                                                               \
    ArgCollector& add(type value)                                                                                      \
    {                                                                                                                  \
        char buffer[128];                                                                                              \
        carb::extras::formatString(buffer, CARB_COUNTOF(buffer), fmt, value);                                          \
        m_args.push_back(buffer);                                                                                      \
        return *this;                                                                                                  \
    }                                                                                                                  \
    ArgCollector& operator+=(type value)                                                                               \
    {                                                                                                                  \
        return add(value);                                                                                             \

    // unsigned integer handlers.
    ADD_PRIMITIVE_HANDLER(unsigned char, "%u")
    ADD_PRIMITIVE_HANDLER(unsigned short, "%u")
    ADD_PRIMITIVE_HANDLER(unsigned int, "%u")
    ADD_PRIMITIVE_HANDLER(unsigned long, "%lu")
    ADD_PRIMITIVE_HANDLER(unsigned long long, "%llu")

    // signed integer handlers.
    ADD_PRIMITIVE_HANDLER(short, "%d")
    ADD_PRIMITIVE_HANDLER(long, "%ld")
    ADD_PRIMITIVE_HANDLER(long long, "%lld")

    // other numerical handlers.  Note that some of these can be trivially implicitly cast to
    // other primitive types so we can't define them again.  Specifically the size_t,
    // intmax_t, and uintmax_t types often match other types with handlers defined above.
    // Which handler each of these matches to will differ by platform however.
    ADD_PRIMITIVE_HANDLER(float, "%.10f")
    ADD_PRIMITIVE_HANDLER(double, "%.20f")


    ArgCollector& add(const char* root,
                      const char* prefix,
                      SettingsEnumFlags flags = 0,
                      AddSettingPredicateFn predicate = nullptr,
                      void* context = nullptr)
        dictionary::IDictionary* dictionary = getCachedInterface<dictionary::IDictionary>();
        settings::ISettings* settings = getCachedInterface<settings::ISettings>();
        std::string rootPath;

        auto addSetting = [&](const char* path, int32_t elementData, void* context) -> int32_t {
            dictionary::ItemType type;

            type = settings->getItemType(path);

            // skip dictionaries since we're only interested in leaves here.
            if (type == dictionary::ItemType::eDictionary)
                return elementData + 1;

            if ((flags & fSettingsEnumFlagRecursive) == 0 && elementData > 1)
                return elementData;

            // verify that the caller wants this setting added.
            if (predicate != nullptr && !predicate(path, context))
                return elementData + 1;

            switch (type)
                case dictionary::ItemType::eBool:
                    format("%s%s=%s", prefix, &path[1], settings->getAsBool(path) ? "true" : "false");

                case dictionary::ItemType::eInt:
                    format("%s%s=%" PRId64, prefix, &path[1], settings->getAsInt64(path));

                case dictionary::ItemType::eFloat:
                    format("%s%s=%g", prefix, &path[1], settings->getAsFloat64(path));

                case dictionary::ItemType::eString:
                    // Pointer use is safe here because this call comes from walkSettings()
                    format("%s%s=\"%s\"", prefix, &path[1], settings->getStringBuffer(path));


            return elementData;

        // unexpected root prefix (not an absolute settings path) => fail.
        if (root == nullptr || root[0] == 0)
            root = "/";

        // avoid a `nullptr` check later.
        if (prefix == nullptr)
            prefix = "";

        // make sure to strip off any trailing separators since that would break the lookups.
        rootPath = root;

        if (rootPath.size() > 1 && rootPath[rootPath.size() - 1] == '/')
            rootPath = rootPath.substr(0, rootPath.size() - 1);

        // walk the settings tree to collect all the requested settings.
            dictionary, settings, dictionary::WalkerMode::eIncludeRoot, rootPath.c_str(), 0, addSetting, context);
        return *this;

    const std::string& at(size_t index) const
        if (index >= m_args.size())
            return m_empty;

        return m_args[index];

    const std::string& operator[](size_t index) const
        return at(index);

    void pop()
        if (m_args.empty())


    bool erase(size_t index)
        if (index >= m_args.size())
            return false;

        m_args.erase(m_args.begin() + (decltype(m_args)::difference_type)index);
        return true;

    std::string toString() const
        std::ostringstream stream;
        for (auto& arg : m_args)
            size_t index = size_t(-1);
            for (;;)
                size_t start = index + 1;
                index = arg.find_first_of("\\\" '", start); // Characters that must be escaped
                stream << arg.substr(start, index - start);
                if (index == std::string::npos)
                stream << '\\' << arg[index];

            // Always add a trailing space. It will be popped before return.
            stream << ' ';

        std::string out = stream.str();
        if (!out.empty())
            out.pop_back(); // Remove the extra space

        return out;

    static const char* const* emptyArgList()
        static const char* const empty{ nullptr };
        return &empty;

    std::string m_empty;

    std::vector<std::string> m_args;

    std::unique_ptr<const char*[]> m_argList;

    size_t m_allocCount = 0;

class EnvCollector
    EnvCollector() = default;

    EnvCollector(const EnvCollector& rhs)
        *this = rhs;

    EnvCollector(EnvCollector&& rhs)
        *this = std::move(rhs);


    void clear()

    const char* const* getEnv()

        for (auto& var : m_env)
            m_args.format("%s=%s", var.first.c_str(), var.second.c_str());

        return m_args.getArgs();

    size_t getCount() const
        return m_env.size();

    EnvCollector& operator=(const EnvCollector& rhs)
        if (this == &rhs)
            return *this;


        if (rhs.m_env.size() == 0)
            return *this;

        m_env = rhs.m_env;
        return *this;

    EnvCollector& operator=(EnvCollector&& rhs)
        if (this == &rhs)
            return *this;


        m_env = std::move(rhs.m_env);
        return *this;

    bool operator==(const EnvCollector& rhs)
        size_t count = m_env.size();

        if (&rhs == this)
            return true;

        if (count != rhs.m_env.size())
            return false;

        for (auto var : m_env)
            auto other = rhs.m_env.find(var.first);

            if (other == rhs.m_env.end())
                return false;

            if (other->second != var.second)
                return false;

        return true;

    bool operator!=(const EnvCollector& rhs)
        return !(*this == rhs);

    bool operator!()
        return m_env.size() == 0;

    operator bool()
        return !m_env.empty();

    EnvCollector& add(const char* name, const char* value)
        m_env[name] = value == nullptr ? "" : value;
        return *this;

    EnvCollector& add(const std::string& name, const std::string& value)
        m_env[name] = value;
        return *this;

    EnvCollector& add(const std::string& name, const char* value)
        m_env[name] = value == nullptr ? "" : value;
        return *this;

    EnvCollector& add(const char* name, const std::string& value)
        m_env[name] = value;
        return *this;

#define ADD_PRIMITIVE_HANDLER(type, fmt)                                                                               \
    EnvCollector& add(const char* name, type value)                                                                    \
    {                                                                                                                  \
        char buffer[128];                                                                                              \
        carb::extras::formatString(buffer, CARB_COUNTOF(buffer), fmt, value);                                          \
        return add(name, buffer);                                                                                      \
    }                                                                                                                  \
    EnvCollector& add(const std::string& name, type value)                                                             \
    {                                                                                                                  \
        return add(name.c_str(), value);                                                                               \

    // unsigned integer handlers.
    ADD_PRIMITIVE_HANDLER(uint8_t, "%" PRIu8)
    ADD_PRIMITIVE_HANDLER(uint16_t, "%" PRIu16)
    ADD_PRIMITIVE_HANDLER(uint32_t, "%" PRIu32)
    ADD_PRIMITIVE_HANDLER(uint64_t, "%" PRIu64)

    // signed integer handlers.
    ADD_PRIMITIVE_HANDLER(int8_t, "%" PRId8)
    ADD_PRIMITIVE_HANDLER(int16_t, "%" PRId16)
    ADD_PRIMITIVE_HANDLER(int32_t, "%" PRId32)
    ADD_PRIMITIVE_HANDLER(int64_t, "%" PRId64)

    // other numerical handlers.  Note that some of these can be trivially implicitly cast to
    // other primitive types so we can't define them again.  Specifically the size_t,
    // intmax_t, and uintmax_t types often match other types with handlers defined above.
    // Which handler each of these matches to will differ by platform however.
    ADD_PRIMITIVE_HANDLER(float, "%.10f")
    ADD_PRIMITIVE_HANDLER(double, "%.20f")


    EnvCollector& add(const char* var)
        const char* sep;

        // Windows' environment sets variables such as "=C:=C:\".  We need to handle this case.
        // Here the variable's name is "=C:" and its value is "C:\".  This similar behavior is
        // not allowed on Linux however.
        if (var[0] == '=')
            sep = strchr(var + 1, '=');

            sep = strchr(var, '=');

        // no assignment in the string => clear out that variable.
        if (sep == nullptr)
            m_env[var] = "";
            return *this;

        m_env[std::string(var, (std::string::size_type)(sep - var))] = sep + 1;
        return *this;

    EnvCollector& add(const std::string& var)
        return add(var.c_str());

    EnvCollector& operator+=(const char* var)
        return add(var);

    EnvCollector& operator+=(const std::string& var)
        return add(var.c_str());

    EnvCollector& add(const char* const* vars)
        for (const char* const* var = vars; var[0] != nullptr; var++)
        return *this;

    EnvCollector& add(const std::vector<const char*>& vars)
        for (auto& v : vars)
        return *this;

    EnvCollector& add(const std::vector<std::string>& vars)
        for (auto& v : vars)
        return *this;

    EnvCollector& add(const EnvCollector& vars)
        for (auto& var : vars.m_env)
            m_env[var.first] = var.second;
        return *this;

    EnvCollector& operator+=(const char* const* vars)
        return add(vars);

    EnvCollector& operator+=(const std::vector<const char*>& vars)
        return add(vars);

    EnvCollector& operator+=(const std::vector<std::string>& vars)
        return add(vars);

    EnvCollector& operator+=(const EnvCollector& vars)
        return add(vars);

    EnvCollector& add()

        for (char** env = environ; env[0] != nullptr; env++)
        return *this;
    EnvCollector& add()
        LPWCH origEnv = GetEnvironmentStringsW();
        LPWCH env = origEnv;
        std::string var;
        size_t len;

        // walk the environment strings table and add each variable to this object.
        for (len = wcslen(env); env[0] != 0; env += len + 1, len = wcslen(env))
            var = extras::convertWideToUtf8(env);

        return *this;

    EnvCollector& remove(const char* name)
        return *this;

    EnvCollector& remove(const std::string& name)
        return remove(name.c_str());

    EnvCollector& operator-=(const char* name)
        return remove(name);

    EnvCollector& operator-=(const std::string& name)
        return remove(name.c_str());

    const std::string& at(const char* name)
        auto var = m_env.find(name);

        if (var == m_env.end())
            return m_empty;

        return var->second;

    const std::string& at(const std::string& name)
        return at(name.c_str());

    const std::string& operator[](const char* name)
        return at(name);

    const std::string& operator[](const std::string& name)
        return at(name.c_str());

    omni::extras::UnorderedPathMap<std::string> m_env;

    ArgCollector m_args;

    std::string m_empty;

} // namespace launcher
} // namespace carb