Fully qualified name: carb::tasking::ScopedTracking
Defined in carb/tasking/TaskingUtils.h
class ScopedTracking#
When instantiated, begins tracking the passed Trackers.
At destruction, tracking on the given Trackers is ended.
This is similar to the manner in which ITasking::addTask() accepts Trackers and begins tracking them prior to the task starting, and then leaves them when the task finishes. This class allows performing the same tracking behavior without the overhead of a task.
Public Functions
inline ScopedTracking()#
Default constructor.
inline ScopedTracking(Trackers trackers)#
Constructor that accepts a Trackers object.
- Parameters:
trackers – The Trackers to begin tracking.
inline ~ScopedTracking()#
The Trackers provided to the constructor finish tracking when
is destroyed.
inline ScopedTracking(ScopedTracking &&rhs)#
Allows move-construct.
inline ScopedTracking &operator=(ScopedTracking &&rhs) noexcept#
Allows move-assign.
inline ScopedTracking()#