Fully qualified name: carb/RStringEnum.inl
File members: carb/RStringEnum.inl
// Copyright (c) 2021-2024, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
// NVIDIA CORPORATION and its licensors retain all intellectual property
// and proprietary rights in and to this software, related documentation
// and any modifications thereto. Any use, reproduction, disclosure or
// distribution of this software and related documentation without an express
// license agreement from NVIDIA CORPORATION is strictly prohibited.
// This file is purposely missing #pragma once or any sort of include guard as it is included multiple times.
# error This file may only be included from RString.h or RString.inl.
#if (defined(__INTELLISENSE__) && defined(RSTRINGENUM_FROM_RSTRING_H)) || !defined(ENTRY) || defined(DOXYGEN_BUILD)
namespace carb
constexpr size_t kMaxStaticRString = 500;
# define ENTRY(index, name) RS_##name = index,
# define EMPTY_ENTRY(index, name) name = index,
# define BUILDING_ENUM 1
# endif
enum class eRString : unsigned
# define BUILDING_ENUM 0
// clang-format off
// For step 4 in the Increasing Version checklist in RStringInternals.inl, copy the block below into the saved-off
// version of RStringInternals.inl
// vvvvvvvvvv
ENTRY(1, RString)
ENTRY(2, carb)
ENTRY(3, omni)
ENTRY(4, Carbonite)
ENTRY(5, Omniverse)
ENTRY(6, None)
ENTRY(7, null)
ENTRY(8, bool)
ENTRY(9, uint8)
ENTRY(10, uint16)
ENTRY(11, uint32)
ENTRY(12, uint64)
ENTRY(13, int8)
ENTRY(14, int16)
ENTRY(15, int32)
ENTRY(16, int64)
ENTRY(17, float)
ENTRY(18, double)
ENTRY(19, string)
ENTRY(20, charptr)
ENTRY(21, dictionary)
ENTRY(22, variant_pair)
ENTRY(23, variant_array)
ENTRY(24, RStringU)
ENTRY(25, RStringKey)
ENTRY(26, RStringUKey)
ENTRY(27, variant_map)
ENTRY(28, IObject)
// ^^^^^^^^^^
// For step 4 in the Increasing Version checklist in RStringInternals.inl, copy the block above into the saved-off
// version of RStringInternals.inl
// clang-format on
static_assert(unsigned(eRString::RS_Max) <= kMaxStaticRString, "Too many static RString values!");
# undef ENTRY
} // namespace carb