carb::input::ActionMappingSetHandle: A handle to an ActionMappingSet . A
value represents an invalid ActionMappingSet .carb::launcher::AddSettingPredicateFn: Prototype for a callback function used to check if a setting should be added.
omni::structuredlog::AllocFlags: Base type for flags to control how new events are allocated.
omni::structuredlog::AllocHandle: Base type for the handle to an allocated block of memory returned from either the IStructuredLog::allocSchema() or IStructuredLog::allocEvent() functions.
carb::tasking::ApplyBatchFn: The function executed by ITasking::applyRangeBatch()
carb::tasking::ApplyFn: The function executed by ITasking::applyRange()
carb::options::ArgParserFunc: Prototype of a parser function to handle a single option.
carb::assert::AssertFlags: Base type for the flags that control the behavior of CARB_ASSERT() and CARB_CHECK() failure reporting.
carb::assets::AssetHash: The hash must be a strong (not necessarily cryptographically secure) 128-bit hash.
carb::audio::AudioImageFlags: Flags for AudioImageDesc .
omni::audio::experimental::AudioResult: possible return values from various audio APIs.
carb::filesystem::CanonicalFlags: Base type for flags for the IFileSystem::makeCanonicalPathEx2() function.
carb::audio::CaptureContextFlags: flags to control the behavior of context creation.
omni::audio::experimental::CaptureDataCallback: A callback that's used to receive audio data from an audio capture stream.
carb::audio::CaptureDeviceFlags: flags to control the capture device selection.
omni::audio::experimental::CaptureDeviceFlags: Flags to indicate some additional behaviour of the device.
omni::audio::experimental::CaptureInfoCallback: A callback that's used to signal capture stream events.
omni::audio::experimental::CaptureStreamFlags: Flags to indicate some additional behaviour of the stream.
omni::audio::experimental::CaptureStreamStartFlags: Flags that alter the behavior of ICaptureStream_abi::start_abi() .
omni::audio::experimental::CaptureStreamStopFlags: Flags that alter the behavior of ICaptureStream_abi::stop_abi() .
carb::eventdispatcher::CleanupFn: Callback function called when an observer is terminated with IEventDispatcher::stopObserving() . Typically not manually used as it is generated by IEventDispatcher::observeEvent() .
carb::audio::CodecCaps: capabilities flags for codecs.
carb::simplegui::ColorEditFlags: Defines flags to be used in colorEdit3() / colorEdit4() / colorPicker3() / colorPicker4() / colorButton()
carb::simplegui::ComboFlags: Defines flags to be used in simplegui::beginCombo()
carb::audio::ContextCallback: prototype for a context callback event function.
carb::audio::ContextParamFlags: base type for the context parameter flags.
carb::audio::ConvertFlags: flags to control the behavior of a conversion operation.
carb::thread::CpuMaskVector: Each entry in the vector is a bitmask for a set of CPUs.
carb::assets::CreateContextFn: Loader function (member of LoaderDesc ) that informs the asset type that loading a file has started and creates any load-specific context data necessary.
carb::assets::CreateDependenciesFn: Loader function (member of LoaderDesc ) that returns a string of the asset dependencies, that is, other files to watch for changes.
carb::assets::CreateLoadParametersFn: Loader function (member of LoaderDesc ) that copies a LoadParameters structure.
carb::audio::DataFlags: flags used for the createData() function.
carb::audio::DecodeStateFlags: Flags that alter the decoding behavior for SoundData objects.
carb::dictionary::DeserializerOptions: Flags for deserializing a string (for ISerializer::createDictionaryFromStringBuffer() )
carb::assets::DestroyContextFn: Loader function (member of LoaderDesc ) that destroys the data created by CreateContextFn .
carb::assets::DestroyDependenciesFn: Loader function (member of LoaderDesc ) that cleans up the previously returned value from CreateDependenciesFn .
carb::assets::DestroyLoadParametersFn: Loader function (member of LoaderDesc ) that destroys a copied LoadParameters structure.
carb::audio::DeviceChangeCallback: prototype for a device change callback function.
carb::audio::DeviceFlags: flags to indicate the current state of a device in the system.
carb::audio::DeviceNotifyCallback: A callback that is performed when a device notification occurs.
carb::simplegui::DockNodeFlags: Defines flags to be used in simplegui::dockSpace()
carb::simplegui::DragDropFlags: Defines flags to be used in simplegui::beginDragDropSource(), simplegui::acceptDragDropPayload()
carb::simplegui::DrawCallback: Draw callbacks for advanced uses.
carb::simplegui::DrawCornerFlags: Defines DrawCornerFlags.
omni::structuredlog::EnableFlags: Base type for flags to control how events and schemas are enabled or disabled.
carb::audio::EncodeStateFlags: flags to control the behavior of the encoder.
carb::audio::EntityAttributeFlags: flags that indicate how listener and voice entity objects should be treated and which values in the EntityAttributes object are valid.
carb::extras::ErrnoType: The decayed type of
omni::structuredlog::EventFlags: Base type for flags to control the behavior of processing a single event.
omni::structuredlog::EventId: Base type for a unique ID of a registered event.
carb::audio::EventPointId: base type for an event point identifier.
carb::events::EventType: Event type is 64-bit number.
carb::input::EventTypeMask: Defines event type mask.
carb::launcher::ExitCode: Base type for a process exit code.
omni::ext::ExtensionSummaryFlag: A bit type for Extension Summary.
omni::structuredlog::ExtraFieldFlags: Base type for flags that control how extra field flags are specified or retrieved in omni::structuredlog::IStructuredLogExtraFields::getExtraCloudEventField() and omni::structuredlog::IStructuredLogExtraFields::setExtraCloudEventField().
carb::crashreporter::FileHandle: An abstraction for the lowest level file handle for the given operating system.
carb::filesystem::FindFilesFlag: Flag type for FindFilesArgs .
carb::filesystem::FindFilesOnExcludedFn: Callback invoked when a file matches a pattern matchWildcards and excludeWildcards.
carb::filesystem::FindFilesOnFilterNonCanonicalFn: Callback for each encountered file invoked before canonicalization and pattern matching.
carb::filesystem::FindFilesOnMatchedFn: Callback invoked when a file matches a pattern matchWildcards and does not match a pattern in excludeWildcards.
carb::filesystem::FindFilesOnSearchPathFn: Callback invoked when starting a search in one of the given search paths.
carb::filesystem::FindFilesOnSkippedFn: Callback invoked when a file matches does not match a pattern in matchWildcards.
carb::FindPluginsOnMatchedFn: Callback that is called when a candidate plugin file is located.
carb::simplegui::FocusedFlags: Defines flags to be used in simplegui::isWindowFocused()
carb::simplegui::FontEnumFn: Font enumeration function.
carb::FourCC: A representation that can combine four character codes into a single 32-bit value for quick comparison.
carb::GetFrameworkVersionFn: Required. Returns the plugin's required carb::Framework version.
omni::core::GetModuleDependenciesFn: Called to get dependencies from the module.
carb::GetPluginDepsFn: Optional. Returns a static list of interfaces this plugin depends upon.
carb::profiler::GpuContextId: ID for a GPU context created with IProfiler::createGpuContext .
carb::audio::GroupFlags: base type for the flags that control the behavior of the creation of a group.
carb::assets::HashAssetFn: Loader function (member of LoaderDesc ) that hashes an asset's data, this is used to combine collisions in the asset system.
carb::assets::HashLoadParametersFn: Loader function (member of LoaderDesc ) that hashes a LoadParameters structure.
carb::assets::HashedType: C++ Type hash used to identify a C++ type. Typically a hash of a type name string.
carb::simplegui::HoveredFlags: Defines flags to be used in simplegui::isItemHovered(), simplegui::isWindowHovered()
omni::experimental::job::IAffinityMask: Typedef for API wrapper of IAffinityMask_abi .
carb::events::IEventListenerPtr: Helper definition for IEventListener smart pointer.
carb::events::IEventPtr: Helper definition for IEvent smart pointer.
carb::events::IEventStreamPtr: Helper definition for IEventStream smart pointer.
omni::ext::IExtensionStateChangeHookPtr: RAII pointer type.
omni::ext::IHookHolderPtr: RAII pointer type for IHookHolder .
omni::experimental::job::IJob: Typedef for API wrapper of IJob_abi .
omni::experimental::job::IJobAffinity: Typedef for API wrapper of IJobAffinity_abi .
omni::experimental::job::IJobWorker: Typedef for API wrapper of IJobWorker_abi .
omni::ext::IPathProtocolProviderPtr: Pointer type.
omni::str::IReadOnlyCString: Typedef for API wrapper of IReadOnlyCString_abi .
omni::ext::IRegistryProviderPtr: Pointer type.
omni::kit::IRunLoopRunnerPtr: RAII pointer type for IRunLoopRunner .
carb::events::ISubscriptionPtr: Helper definition for ISubscription smart pointer.
omni::core::ITypeFactory: Typedef for API wrapper of ITypeFactory_abi .
carb::assets::Id: An Asset ID, used to identify a particular asset.
carb::input::InputEventFilterFn: Callback function type for filtering events.
carb::simplegui::InputTextFlags: Defines input text flags for simplegui::inputText()
carb::input::InputType: Defines input code type.
omni::core::InterfaceImplementationCreateFn: Function called by ITypeFactory to instantiate an implementation.
carb::assets::IsLoadCanceledFn: Determines if a currently processed load has been canceled.
carb::simplegui::ItemFlags: Defines item flags for simplegui::pushItemFlags().
carb::tasking::JobFn: Defines the function for performing a user-provided job.
omni::experimental::job::JobFunction: Defines the function for performing a user-provided job.
carb::simplegui::KeyModifiers: Key modifiers returned by ISimpleGui::getKeyModifiers() .
carb::launcher::KillFlags: Process kill flags.
carb::launcher::LauncherFlags: Launcher flags.
carb::extras::LibraryFlags: Base type for the flags to control how libraries are loaded.
carb::extras::LibraryHandle: Handle to a loaded library.
carb::assets::LoadAssetFn: Loader function (member of LoaderDesc ) used to construct an asset from raw data.
carb::LoadHookFn: Load Hook function.
carb::LoadHookHandle: A handle type for Framework::addLoadHook() and Framework::removeLoadHook()
carb::assets::LoadParametersEqualsFn: Loader function (member of LoaderDesc ) that determines if two LoadParameters derivatives are equal.
carb::profiler::LockableId: ID for a Lockable context created with IProfiler::createLockable .
carb::logging::LogDestinations: Base type for the flags that indicate which log destinations are currently active.
carb::logging::LogFn: Function pointer typedef for a logging function.
carb::profiler::MaskCallbackFn: A callback used for IProfiler::setMaskCallback() . Typically handled automatically by carb::profiler::registerProfilerForClient() .
omni::experimental::job::MaskType: Alias for an affinity mask.
carb::crashreporter::MetadataId: Registration identifier for a single metadata value.
omni::core::ModuleExportEntryFlag: Per omni::core::ModuleExportEntry flags.
omni::core::ModuleGetExportsFn: Type of kModuleGetExportsName . See omniModuleGetExports .
carb::eventdispatcher::Observer: A handle to an observer, registered with IEventDispatcher::observeEvent() .
carb::eventdispatcher::ObserverFn: Callback function called when an event is dispatched. Typically not manually used as it is generated by IEventDispatcher::observeEvent() .
OmniCarbShutdownFn: Type of the
function that is generated by OMNI_MODULE_DEFINE_CARB_FUNCTIONS .OmniCarbStartupFn: Type of the
function that is generated by OMNI_MODULE_DEFINE_CARB_FUNCTIONS .OmniCoreStartFlags: Base type for the Omni core startup flags.
carb::input::OnActionEventFn: Function type that describes keyboard event callback.
omni::structuredlog::OnBlobWriterValidationErrorFunc: The prototype of the function to call when a validation error occurs.
carb::assets::OnChangeEventFn: Function to provide as a callback on asset changes.
carb::filesystem::OnChangeEventFn: Defines the callback function to use when listening to changes on file system.
carb::crashreporter::OnCrashSentFn: Prototype for a callback function that is performed any time a dump is successfully uploaded.
carb::assets::OnDependencyChangedFn: Loader function (member of LoaderDesc ) that is called when a dependency changes.
carb::crashreporter::OnDumpSubmittedFn: Prototype for a callback that indicates when a crash dump upload has completed.
carb::input::OnGamepadConnectionEventFn: Function type that describes gamepad connection event callback.
carb::input::OnGamepadEventFn: Function type that describes gamepad event callback.
carb::crashreporter::OnGetMetadataFileBlobFn: Metadata value callback function prototype.
carb::crashreporter::OnGetMetadataFloatFn: Metadata value callback function prototype.
carb::crashreporter::OnGetMetadataIntegerFn: Metadata value callback function prototype.
carb::crashreporter::OnGetMetadataStringFn: Metadata value callback function prototype.
carb::crashreporter::OnGetMetadataUIntegerFn: Metadata value callback function prototype.
carb::crashreporter::OnGetMetadataWideStringFn: Metadata value callback function prototype.
carb::input::OnInputEventFn: Function type that describes input event callback.
carb::dictionary::OnItemFn: Prototype for a callback function used to walk items in a dictionary.
carb::input::OnKeyboardEventFn: Function type that describes keyboard event callback.
omni::core::OnModuleCanUnloadFn: Called to determine if the module can be unloaded.
omni::core::OnModuleLoadFn: Called to load interface implementation registration information.
omni::core::OnModuleStartedFn: This function will be called after the module is fully registered. It is called after omni::core::OnModuleLoadFn successfully returns.
omni::core::OnModuleUnloadFn: Called when the module is about to be unloaded.
carb::input::OnMouseEventFn: Function type that describes mouse event callback.
carb::dictionary::OnNodeChangeEventFn: A callback that, once registered with subscribeToNodeChangeEvents(), receives callbacks when Items change.
carb::OnPluginPostShutdownFn: Optional. Called after OnPluginShutdownFn .
carb::OnPluginPreStartupFn: Optional. Called after OnPluginRegisterExFn .
carb::OnPluginQuickShutdownFn: Optional. Called if provided in lieu of OnPluginShutdownFn when the carb::quickReleaseFrameworkAndTerminate() is performing a quick shutdown.
carb::OnPluginRegisterEx2Fn: Either this or OnPluginRegisterEx2Fn or OnPluginRegisterFn are required. Populates the given carb::PluginRegistryEntry2 with the plugin's information.
carb::OnPluginRegisterExFn: Either this or OnPluginRegisterFn or OnPluginRegisterEx2 are required. Populates the given carb::PluginRegistryEntry with the plugin's information.
carb::OnPluginRegisterFn: Either this or OnPluginRegisterExFn or OnPluginRegisterEx2Fn are required. Populates the given carb::PluginRegistryEntry with the plugin's information.
carb::OnPluginShutdownFn: Optional. Called after OnPluginStartupExFn .
carb::OnPluginStartupExFn: Optional. Called after OnPluginPreStartupFn .
carb::OnPluginStartupFn: Optional. Called after OnPluginPreStartupFn .
carb::launcher::OnProcessReadFn: Prototype for a stream read callback function.
carb::OnReloadDependencyFn: Optional.
carb::tasking::OnTaskFn: The function to execute as a task.
carb::dictionary::OnTreeChangeEventFn: A callback that, once registered with subscribeToTreeChangeEvents(), receives callbacks when Items change.
carb::dictionary::OnUpdateItemFn: Function that will tell whether the merger should overwrite the destination item with the source item.
omni::structuredlog::OnValidationErrorFunc: The prototype of the function to call when a validation error occurs.
carb::audio::OpusEncoderFlags: Flags to use when encoding audio in SampleFormat::eOpus .
carb::events::Order: Event notification order.
omni::ext::Order: Hook call order.
carb::audio::OutputFlags: base type for the flags that control the output of an audio context.
omni::structuredlog::OutputFlags: Base type for the ouptut flags for the structured logging system.
carb::audio::OutputStreamFlags: base type for all output stream flags.
omni::structuredlog::ParserVersion: Base type for the version of the event payload parser to use.
omni::extras::PathEqual: Custom equality functor for a case sensitive or insensitive map lookup.
omni::extras::PathGreater: Custom greater-than functor for a case sensitive or insensitive map lookup.
omni::extras::PathHash: Custom hash functor for a case sensitive or insensitive hash based on the OS.
omni::extras::PathLess: Custom less-than functor for a case sensitive or insensitive map lookup.
omni::extras::PathMap: A map to store file paths and associated data according to local OS rules.
carb::audio::PlayFlags: base type for the play descriptor flags.
carb::audio::PlaybackContextFlags: flags to control the behavior of context creation.
carb::audio::PlaybackModeFlags: base type for the various playback mode flags.
carb::assets::Pool: An Asset Pool, used to group assets together.
omni::structuredlog::PrivacyLoadFlags: Base type for the flags for that can be passed in the flags parameter to the omni::structuredlog::IStructuredLogSettings::loadPrivacySettingsFromFile() function.
carb::launcher::ProcessId: Base type for the identifier of a process.
carb::process::ProcessId: The type for a process ID.
carb::thread::ProcessId: The type for a process ID.
carb::profiler::ProfileEvents: An opaque pointer used by IProfileMonitor .
carb::thread::RecursiveSpinlock: A spinlock implementation that allows recursion.
carb::delegate::RefFromDelegate_t: Definition helper for
carb::tasking::RefFromDelegate_t: Definition helper for
carb::thread::RelayFlags: Base type for flags to the task relay system.
carb::thread::RelayTaskFn: Prototype for a relayed task function.
carb::ReleaseHookFn: Release Hook function.
carb::tokens::ResolveFlags: Flags for token resolution algorithm.
carb::crashreporter::ResolveSymbolFn: Prototype for a callback function used to resolve symbol information.
omni::audio::experimental::SampleFormat: the data type for a single sample of raw audio data.
carb::audio::SaveFlags: Flags used for the saveToFile() function.
omni::structuredlog::SchemaAddFn: Registration function to install a schema with the structured logging system.
omni::structuredlog::SchemaFlags: Base type for flags to control the behavior of the handling of a schema as a whole.
carb::extras::ScopedHandleRef: Deprecated: Use HandleRef instead.
carb::simplegui::SelectableFlags: Defines flags to be used in simplegui::selectable()
carb::events::SenderId: Event sender identifier.
carb::dictionary::SerializerOptions: Base type for flags for the ISerializer::createStringBufferFromDictionary() function.
omni::structuredlog::SessionId: Base type for a session ID.
carb::logging::SetLogLevelFn: Defines a callback type for setting log level for every source.
rtx::SettingFlags: Setting Flags type definition.
carb::launcher::SettingsEnumFlags: Base type for the flags used when adding a settings tree to an argument collector object.
carb::assets::Snapshot: A snapshot, representing asset data at a given point in time.
carb::audio::SoundDataDestructionCallback: An optional callback that gets fired when the SoundData 's final reference is released.
carb::audio::SoundDataReadCallback: callback function prototype for reading data for fDataFlagUserDecode sound data objects.
carb::audio::SoundDataSetPosCallback: an optional callback to reposition the data pointer for a user decoded stream.
omni::audio::experimental::SoundFormat: provides information about the format of a sound.
carb::audio::SpeakerDirectionFlags: flags to affect the behavior of a speaker direction descriptor when it is passed to setSpeakerDirections().
carb::audio::SpeakerMode: the base type for a set of speaker flag masks.
omni::audio::experimental::SpeakerMode: the base type for a set of speaker flag masks.
carb::thread::Spinlock: A spinlock implementation that does not allow recursion.
carb::profiler::StaticStringType: A type representing a static string returned by IProfiler::registerStaticString() .
carb::l10n::StringIdentifier: The return type for IL10n::getHashFromKeyString() .
omni::structuredlog::StringView: String view for
strings.carb::filesystem::SubscriptionId: Type definition of a subscription.
carb::input::SubscriptionId: Type used as an identifier for all subscriptions.
carb::input::SubscriptionOrder: Subscription order.
carb::simplegui::TabBarFlags: Defines flags to be used in simplegui::beginTabBar()
carb::simplegui::TabItemFlags: Defines flags to be used in simplegui::beginTabItem()
carb::tasking::TaskContext: An opaque handle that is used with getTaskContext(), suspendTask() and wakeTask().
carb::tasking::TaskDebugInfoFn: Callback function for ITasking::walkTaskDebugInfo() .
carb::tasking::TaskStorageDestructorFn: A destructor function for a Task Storage slot.
carb::tasking::TaskStorageKey: An opaque handle representing a Task Storage slot.
carb::simplegui::TextEditCallback: Definition of callback from InputText().
carb::simplegui::TextureId: User data to identify a texture.
carb::thread::ThreadId: The type for a thread ID.
carb::audio::TranscodeFlags: Flags that alter the behavior of a PCM transcoding operation.
carb::simplegui::TreeNodeFlags: Defines tree node flags to be used in simplegui::collapsingHeader(), simplegui::treeNodeEx()
omni::core::TypeFactoryLoadFlags: Base type for the flags used when registering plugins or implementations with the type factory. These are used to modify how the plugin or implementation is registered. No flags are currently defined. These flags will all have the prefix
.omni::core::TypeId: Base type for an interface type identifier.
carb::assets::UnloadAssetFn: Loader function (member of LoaderDesc ) used to unload an asset.
omni::extras::UnorderedPathMap: An unordered map to store file paths and associated data according to local OS rules.
carb::UseCarbAllocator: An object can inherit from this class in order to use Carbonite allocation functions for creation/deletion.
carb::audio::UserDataDestructor: prototype for the optional destructor function for a user data object.
carb::variant::VariantArrayPtr: Helper definition.
carb::variant::VariantMapPtr: Helper definition.
carb::simplegui::ViewportFlags: Flags stored in ImGuiViewport::Flags, giving indications to the platform back-ends.
carb::audio::VoiceCallback: prototype for a voice event callback function.
carb::audio::VoiceParamFlags: base type for the voice parameter flags.
carb::launcher::WaitFlags: Stream waiting flags.
carb::simplegui::Wchar: SimpleGui-specific definition of a wide character.
carb::extras::WinApiErrorType: (Windows only) The type of value returned from
carb::simplegui::WindowFlags: Defines window flags for simplegui::begin()
carb::profiler::ZoneId: An opaque ID returned by IProfiler::beginStatic() / IProfiler::beginDynamic() that should be returned in IProfiler::endEx() to validate that the zone was closed properly.
carb::cpp::binary_semaphore: Alias for a counting semaphore that can only be acquired by one caller at a time.
carb::cpp::bool_constant: An integral constant with
type and valueB
.carb::cpp::invoke_result_t: Helper for carb::cpp::invoke_result which accesses the
member.carb::l10n::localizeStringFn: The entry point to getLocalizedStringFromHash().
carb::cpp::remove_cvref_t: Helper type for remove_cvref .
carb::thread::shared_lock: Alias for
.omni::span: An object that refers to a contiguous sequence of objects.
carb::cpp::string_view: basic_string_view<char>
omni::string_view: basic_string_view<char>
carb::cpp::type_identity_t: Helper type for type_identity .
carb::cpp::u16string_view: basic_string_view<char16_t>
omni::u16string_view: basic_string_view<char16_t>
carb::cpp::u32string_view: basic_string_view<char32_t>
omni::u32string_view: basic_string_view<char32_t>
carb::cpp::void_t: Void type.
carb::cpp::wstring_view: basic_string_view<wchar_t>
omni::wstring_view: basic_string_view<wchar_t>