carb/extras/Base64.h: Provides a Base64 encoding and decoding helper class.
carb/extras/CpuInfo.h: Utilities for gathering information about the CPU.
carb/extras/Debugging.h: Provides some helper functions that check the state of debuggers for the calling process.
carb/extras/EnvironmentVariable.h: Provides a helper class for getting, setting, and restoring environment variables.
carb/extras/EnvironmentVariableParser.h: Parses environment variables into map of key/value pairs.
carb/extras/Errors.h: Carbonite error handling utilities.
carb/extras/HandleDatabase.h: HandleDatabase definition file.
carb/extras/Library.h: Provides helper functions to handle library loading and management.
carb/extras/MemoryUsage.h: Helper to get the memory characteristics of a program.
carb/extras/Options.h: Provides a set of helper functions to manage the processing of command line arguments.
carb/extras/Path.h: Path interpretation utilities.
carb/extras/SharedMemory.h: Provides a helper class to manage a block of shared memory.
carb/extras/StringSafe.h: Wrappers for libc string functions to avoid dangerous edge cases.
carb/extras/TestEnvironment.h: Provides helper functions to check the platform a process is running on.
carb/extras/Tokens.h: Provides helper functions to manage and evaluate token strings.
carb/extras/Utf8Parser.h: Provides helper classes to parse and convert UTF-8 strings to and from Unicode.
carb/extras/Uuid.h: UUIDv4 utilities.
carb/extras/VariableSetup.h: Provides helper functions to retrieve setup variable values.
carb/extras/WindowsPath.h: Carbonite Windows path utilities.