namespace container
Carbonite container classes.
carb::container::BufferedObject: Lock-Free Asynchronous Buffer Supports only 1 producer, 1 consumer.
carb::container::IntrusiveList: IntrusiveList is very similar to std::list, but requires the tracking information to be contained within the stored type
, rather than built around it.carb::container::IntrusiveListLink: Defines a "link node" that IntrusiveList will use for tracking data for the contained type.
carb::container::IntrusiveUnorderedMultimap: IntrusiveUnorderedMultimap is a closed-addressing hash table very similar to std::unordered_multimap, but requires the tracking information to be contained within the stored type
, rather than built around it.carb::container::IntrusiveUnorderedMultimapLink: Defines a "link node" that IntrusiveUnorderedMultimap will use for tracking data for the contained type.
carb::container::LocklessQueue: Implements a lockless queue: a FIFO queue that is thread-safe yet requires no kernel synchronization.
carb::container::LocklessQueueLink: Defines the link object.
carb::container::LocklessStack: Implements a lockless stack: a LIFO container that is thread-safe yet requires no kernel involvement.
carb::container::LocklessStackLink: Defines the link object.
carb::container::RHUnorderedMap: Implements an Unordered Map, that is: a container that contains a mapping of keys to values where all keys must be unique.
carb::container::RHUnorderedMultimap: Implements an Unordered Multimap, that is: a container that contains a mapping of keys to values where keys may be inserted multiple times, each creating a new element.
carb::container::RHUnorderedMultiset: Implements an Unordered Multimap, that is: a container that contains a set of keys where keys may be inserted multiple times, each creating a new element.
carb::container::RHUnorderedSet: Implements an Unordered Set, that is: a container that contains a set of keys that all must be unique.