omni/core/Api.h: Helper macros to provide API calling convention tags.
carb/memory/ArenaAllocator.h: Allocator that initially uses a memory arena first (typically on the stack) and then falls back to the heap.
omni/core/Assert.h: Helper macros to provide assertion checking macros.
carb/assert/AssertUtils.h: Helper utility functions to modify assertion failure behavior.
carb/assets/AssetsTypes.h: Type definitions for carb.assets.plugin
carb/assets/AssetsUtils.h: Utilities for carb.assets.plugin
carb/cpp20/Atomic.h: Redirection for backwards compatibility.
carb/audio/AudioStreamerUtils.h: Helper classes for streaming data from carb::audio::IAudioPlayback .
carb/audio/AudioTypes.h: Data types used by the audio interfaces.
carb/audio/AudioUtils.h: Inline utility functions for audio processing.
carb/cpp20/Barrier.h: Redirection for backwards compatibility.
carb/cpp/Barrier.h: C++14-compatible implementation of select functionality from C++
library.carb/extras/Base64.h: Provides a Base64 encoding and decoding helper class.
omni/structuredlog/BinarySerializer.h: Module for serializing data into the structured logging queue.
carb/BindingsPythonTypes.h: A collection of opaque type definitions needed by multiple Python bindings.
carb/BindingsUtils.h: Utilities for script bindings.
carb/cpp20/Bit.h: Redirection for backwards compatibility.
carb/cpp/Bit.h: C++14-compatible implementation of select functionality from C++
library.carb/container/BufferedObject.h: Defines the BufferedObject class.
omni/core/BuiltIn.h: Header file for Omni built-in interfaces.
carb/CarbWindows.h: Allow access to specific parts of Windows API without including Windows.h.
carb/ClientUtils.h: Utilities for Carbonite clients.
omni/compiletime/CompileTime.h: Compiler time helper functions.
omni/extras/ContainerHelper.h: Helper functions for dealing with docker containers.
carb/extras/CpuInfo.h: Utilities for gathering information about the CPU.
carb/extras/Debugging.h: Provides some helper functions that check the state of debuggers for the calling process.
carb/detail/DeferredLoad.h: Internal utilities for loading Carbonite functions at runtime.
carb/Defines.h: Carbonite basic defines and helper functions.
carb/delegate/Delegate.h: Carbonite Delegate implementation.
carb/tasking/Delegate.h: Carbonite Tasking Delegate implementation.
carb/delegate/detail/DelegateBase.h: Carbonite Delegate base detail implementation.
omni/extras/DictHelpers.h: Helpers for carb::dictionary::Item and carb::dictionary::IDictionary .
carb/dictionary/DictionaryUtils.h: Utility helper functions for common dictionary operations.
carb/extras/EnvironmentVariable.h: Provides a helper class for getting, setting, and restoring environment variables.
carb/extras/EnvironmentVariableParser.h: Parses environment variables into map of key/value pairs.
carb/Error.h: Core components for error handling. These functions are the foundation for language-specific bindings and should not be used directly. See
for user-friendly C++ interfaces.carb/extras/Errors.h: Carbonite error handling utilities.
carb/eventdispatcher/EventDispatcherTypes.h: Type definitions for carb.eventdispatcher.plugin
omni/kit/EventSubscribers.h: Utilities for managing EventSubscribers for
carb/events/EventsUtils.h: Helper utilities for .
carb/cpp17/Exception.h: Redirection for backwards compatibility.
omni/Expected.h: Implementation of
and related functions and structures.omni/ext/ExtensionsUtils.h: Utilities for omni.ext .
omni/extras/FileSystemHelpers.h: Helpers for carb::filesystem::IFileSystem .
carb/filesystem/FindFiles.h: Utilities for finding files.
carb/FindPlugins.h: Utilities for finding plugins.
omni/extras/ForceLink.h: Provides functionality to force a symbol to be linked to a module instead of the optimizer potentially removing it out.
carb/Framework.h: Core header for registering and acquiring interfaces.
omni/Function.h: Implementation of
.carb/cpp17/Functional.h: Redirection for backwards compatibility.
carb/cpp/Functional.h: C++14-compatible implementation of select functionality from C++
library.carb/thread/Futex.h: Carbonite Futex implementation.
carb/thread/FutexImpl.h: Futex implementation details.
carb/extras/HandleDatabase.h: HandleDatabase definition file.
omni/kit/IApp.h: interface definition file
omni/kit/IAppMessageBox.h: Message box interface for
carb/assert/IAssert.h: Provides an interface to allow for more detailed assertion failure dialogues.
carb/assets/IAssets.h: Interface definition for carb.assets.plugin
carb/assets/IAssetsBlob.h: "Blob" (Binary Large OBject) asset type definition
carb/audio/IAudioCapture.h: The audio capture interface.
omni/audio/experimental/IAudioCapture.h: An updated audio capture interface.
carb/audio/IAudioData.h: The audio data management interface.
carb/audio/IAudioDevice.h: The audio device enumeration interface.
carb/audio/IAudioGroup.h: The audio group interface.
carb/audio/IAudioPlayback.h: The audio playback interface.
carb/audio/IAudioUtils.h: General audio utilities.
omni/platforminfo/ICpuInfo.gen.h: This file was generated by omni.bind .
omni/platforminfo/ICpuInfo.h: Helper interface to retrieve CPU info.
carb/dictionary/IDictionary.h: carb.dictionary interface definition file.
carb/eventdispatcher/IEventDispatcher.h: Interface definition for carb.eventdispatcher.plugin
carb/events/IEvents.h: interface definition file.
omni/ext/IExt.h: omni.ext interface definition file
omni/ext/IExtensionData.gen.h: This file was generated by omni.bind .
omni/ext/IExtensionHooks.gen.h: This file was generated by omni.bind .
omni/ext/IExtensions.h: omni.ext Extension System interfaces
carb/tasking/IFiberEvents.h: IFiberEvents definition file.
carb/filesystem/IFileSystem.h: Carbonite FileSystem interface definition file.
carb/input/IInput.h: Interface definition for carb::input::IInput .
omni/experimental/job/IJob.gen.h: This file was generated by omni.bind .
omni/experimental/job/IJob.h: IJob definition file.
carb/l10n/IL10n.h: The L10n interface.
carb/launcher/ILauncher.h: Simple external process launcher helper interface.
omni/log/ILog.gen.h: This file was generated by omni.bind .
omni/log/ILog.h: Fast, multi-channel logging.
omni/log/ILogChannelFilter.gen.h: This file was generated by omni.bind .
omni/log/ILogChannelFilter.h: Provides a base class for a filter for log channel patterns.
carb/logging/ILogging.h: carb.logging interface definition
omni/platforminfo/IMemoryInfo.gen.h: This file was generated by omni.bind .
omni/platforminfo/IMemoryInfo.h: Helper interface to retrieve memory info.
omni/core/IObject.gen.h: This file was generated by omni.bind .
carb/IObject.h: Implementation of Carbonite objects.
omni/core/IObject.h: Defines the base class for ABI-safe interfaces.
omni/platforminfo/IOsInfo.gen.h: This file was generated by omni.bind .
omni/platforminfo/IOsInfo.h: Helper interface to retrieve operating system info.
carb/profiler/IProfileMonitor.h: Monitor interface for carb.profiler .
carb/profiler/IProfiler.h: carb.profiler interface definition file.
omni/str/IReadOnlyCString.gen.h: This file was generated by omni.bind .
omni/str/IReadOnlyCString.h: Interface to manage access to a read-only string.
omni/kit/IRunLoopRunner.h: Interface definition for IRunLoopRunner for
carb/dictionary/ISerializer.h: Interface to handle serializing data from a file format into an carb::dictionary::IDictionary item. This interface is currently implemented in two plugins, each offering a different input/output format - JSON and TOML. The plugins are called
. The caller must ensure they are using the appropriate one for their needs when loading, the plugin, acquiring the interface, and performing serialization operations (both to and from strings).carb/settings/ISettings.h: carb.settings interface definition
carb/simplegui/ISimpleGui.h: carb.simplegui interface definition file.
examples/example.stats/include/carb/stats/IStats.h: Example interface that collects arbitrary statistics.
omni/structuredlog/IStructuredLog.gen.h: This file was generated by omni.bind .
omni/structuredlog/IStructuredLog.h: The core structured logging interface.
omni/structuredlog/IStructuredLogControl.gen.h: This file was generated by omni.bind .
omni/structuredlog/IStructuredLogControl.h: The structured log control interface.
omni/structuredlog/IStructuredLogExtraFields.gen.h: This file was generated by omni.bind .
omni/structuredlog/IStructuredLogExtraFields.h: Interface to manage extra CloudEvent fields in all structured log messages.
omni/structuredlog/IStructuredLogFromILog.gen.h: This file was generated by omni.bind .
omni/structuredlog/IStructuredLogFromILog.h: An interface for redirecting omni::log::ILog messages to structured logging.
omni/structuredlog/IStructuredLogSettings.gen.h: This file was generated by omni.bind .
omni/structuredlog/IStructuredLogSettings.h: Interface to querying and adjusting structured logging settings.
omni/structuredlog/IStructuredLogSettings2.gen.h: This file was generated by omni.bind .
omni/structuredlog/IStructuredLogSettings2.h: Interface to querying and adjusting structured logging settings.
carb/tasking/ITasking.h: carb.tasking interface definition file.
carb/tasking/IThreadPool.h: IThreadPool definition file.
carb/thread/IThreadUtil.h: Provides an interface that handles various threading utility operations.
carb/tokens/ITokens.h: Implementation of
interface.omni/core/ITypeFactory.gen.h: This file was generated by omni.bind .
omni/core/ITypeFactory.h: Provides the ITypeFactory interface declaration.
carb/variant/IVariant.h: Interface definition for carb.variant.plugin
omni/core/IWeakObject.gen.h: This file was generated by omni.bind .
omni/core/IWeakObject.h: Defines omni::core::IWeakObject .
carb/cpp/detail/ImplData.h: C++14-compatible implementation of the C++ standard library
function.carb/cpp/detail/ImplDummy.h: Implementation details.
carb/input/InputProvider.h: Definitions for the carb::input::InputProvider sub-interface of carb::input::IInput .
carb/input/InputTypes.h: Type definitions for carb.input .
carb/input/InputUtils.h: Utilities for carb::input::IInput .
carb/Interface.h: Macros for defining a Carbonite interface.
omni/core/Interface.h: Helper functions for collecting module information.
carb/InterfaceUtils.h: Utilities for Carbonite Interface management.
examples/example.stats/plugins/carb.stats/Interfaces.cpp: Example. Interface implementation file for the sample Carbonite plugin.
carb/container/IntrusiveList.h: Carbonite intrusive list container.
carb/container/IntrusiveUnorderedMultimap.h: Carbonite intrusive unordered multi-map container.
omni/structuredlog/JsonSerializer.h: Module for manually serializing JSON data with low performance overhead.
omni/structuredlog/JsonTree.h: ABI safe structure for specifying structured log schemas.
omni/structuredlog/JsonTreeSerializer.h: Module for Serializing the omni::structuredlog::JsonNode tree structures.
omni/kit/KitUpdateOrder.h: Helpers for kit update ordering.
carb/l10n/L10nUtils.h: The L10n interface.
carb/cpp20/Latch.h: Redirection for backwards compatibility.
carb/cpp/Latch.h: C++14-compatible implementation of select functionality from C++
library.carb/launcher/LauncherUtils.h: Helper classes and functions for the ILauncher interface.
carb/extras/Library.h: Provides helper functions to handle library loading and management.
carb/container/LocklessQueue.h: Defines the LocklessQueue class.
carb/container/LocklessStack.h: Defines the LocklessStack class.
carb/logging/Log.h: carb.logging utilities
omni/log/LogChannel.h: Utilities for handling logging channels.
carb/logging/Logger.h: carb.logging Logger definition
carb/logging/LoggingTypes.h: Type definitions for carb.logging .
carb/logging/LoggingUtils.h: Utilities for carb.logging .
carb/Memory.h: DLL Boundary safe memory management functions.
carb/cpp17/Memory.h: Redirection for backwards compatibility.
carb/cpp20/Memory.h: Redirection for backwards compatibility.
carb/cpp/Memory.h: C++14-compatible implementation of select functionality from C++
library.carb/extras/MemoryUsage.h: Helper to get the memory characteristics of a program.
omni/core/ModuleExports.h: Helpers for defining a plugin's omni::core::ModuleExports table.
omni/core/ModuleInfo.h: Helper functions for collecting module information.
carb/thread/Mutex.h: Carbonite mutex and recursive_mutex implementation.
carb/cpp/Numeric.h: C++14-compatible implementation of select functionality from C++
library.carb/ObjectUtils.h: Helper utilities for Carbonite objects ( carb::IObject ).
omni/core/Omni.h: Main header for the Omniverse core.
omni/core/OmniAttr.h: Helpers related to define interfaces and interface attributes.
omni/core/OmniInit.h: Core header for starting the Omniverse core.
carb/cpp17/Optional.h: Redirection for backwards compatibility.
carb/extras/Options.h: Provides a set of helper functions to manage the processing of command line arguments.
omni/extras/OutArrayUtils.h: Provides templated helper functions to fill an arbitrary array of values.
carb/extras/Path.h: Path interpretation utilities.
omni/extras/PathMap.h: A set of helper templates to provide platform specific behavior around path handling.
omni/core/Platform.h: Helper macros to detect the current platform.
carb/PluginCoreUtils.h: Utilities to ease the creation of Carbonite plugins. Most code will include carb/PluginUtils.h instead of this file.
carb/PluginInitializers.h: Utilities to ease the creation of Carbonite plugins.
carb/PluginUtils.h: Utilities to ease the creation of Carbonite plugins.
omni/detail/PointerIterator.h: Provides
class for constructing pointer-based iterators.carb/detail/PopBadMacros.h: Implementation detail.
omni/extras/PrivacySettings.h: Helper class to retrieve the current privacy settings state.
carb/profiler/Profile.h: carb.profiler macros and helpers
carb/profiler/ProfilerUtils.h: carb.profiler helper utilities.
carb/detail/PushBadMacros.h: Implementation detail.
omni/python/PyBind.h: Python binding helpers.
carb/container/RHUnorderedMap.h: Carbonite Robin-hood Unordered Map container.
carb/container/RHUnorderedMultimap.h: Carbonite Robin-hood Unordered Multi-map container.
carb/container/RHUnorderedMultiset.h: Carbonite Robin-hood Unordered Multi-set container.
carb/container/RHUnorderedSet.h: Carbonite Robin-hood Unordered Set container.
carb/RString.h: Registered String utility. See carb::RString for more info.
carb/RStringEnum.inl: Registered String utility enum values. See carb::RString for more info.
carb/thread/RecursiveSharedMutex.h: Recursive Shared Mutex implementation.
omni/core/Result.gen.h: This file was generated by omni.bind .
omni/core/Result.h: Result codes form the basics of error handling.
omni/core/ResultError.h: Helpers related reporting errors from omni::core::Result .
carb/container/RobinHoodImpl.h: Carbonite Robin-hood container generic implementation.
omni/extras/RtxSettings.h: RTX Settings utilities.
omni/extras/ScratchBuffer.h: A helper class to provide a resizable scratch buffer.
carb/SdkVersion.h: Defines a macro containing the SDK version this header was built with.
carb/cpp20/Semaphore.h: Redirection for backwards compatibility.
carb/cpp/Semaphore.h: C++14-compatible implementation of select functionality from C++
library.omni/extras/SettingsHelpers.h: Helpers for carb.settings .
carb/settings/SettingsUtils.h: carb.settings utilities
omni/kit/SettingsUtils.h: Settings utilities for
carb/extras/SharedMemory.h: Provides a helper class to manage a block of shared memory.
carb/thread/SharedMutex.h: C++17-compatible Shared Mutex implementation for C++14 or higher.
carb/simplegui/SimpleGuiTypes.h: carb.simplegui type definitions.
carb/cpp20/Span.h: Redirection for backwards compatibility.
carb/cpp/Span.h: C++14-compatible implementation of select functionality from C++
library.omni/Span.h: Implementation of omni::span .
carb/thread/Spinlock.h: Carbonite Spinlock implementation.
carb/logging/StandardLogger.h: carb.logging StandardLogger definitions
carb/logging/StandardLogger2.h: carb.logging StandardLogger2 definitions
carb/StartupUtils.h: Contains carb::startupFramework() and carb::shutdownFramework() . Consider using OMNI_CORE_INIT() , which invokes these methods for you in a safe manner.
examples/example.stats/plugins/carb.stats/Stats.cpp: Example. Implementation file for the IStats interface.
examples/example.stats/plugins/carb.stats/Stats.h: Example. Header file for the Stats implementation.
carb/cpp17/StdDef.h: Redirection for backwards compatibility.
carb/cpp/StdDef.h: C++14-compatible implementation of select functionality from C++
library.omni/String.h: ABI safe string implementation.
omni/extras/StringHelpers.h: String manipulation helper utilities.
carb/extras/StringSafe.h: Wrappers for libc string functions to avoid dangerous edge cases.
carb/cpp17/StringView.h: Redirection for backwards compatibility.
carb/cpp/StringView.h: C++14-compatible implementation of select functionality from C++
library.omni/StringView.h: Implementation of omni::span .
omni/structuredlog/StringView.h: A string_view wrapper to make telemetry calls easier.
omni/structuredlog/StructuredLogCommon.h: Common types/macros/functions for structured logging.
omni/structuredlog/StructuredLogSettingsUtils.h: Utilities for the carb::settings::ISettings settings for structured logging.
carb/detail/TSan.h: Carbonite declarations of functions for TSAN (thread sanitizer) support.
carb/tasking/TaskingHelpers.h: carb.tasking helper functions
carb/tasking/TaskingTypes.h: carb.tasking type definitions
carb/tasking/TaskingUtils.h: carb.tasking utilities.
carb/extras/TestEnvironment.h: Provides helper functions to check the platform a process is running on.
carb/thread/ThreadLocal.h: Carbonite dynamic thread-local storage implementation.
carb/tasking/ThreadPoolUtils.h: ThreadPoolWrapper definition file.
carb/extras/Tokens.h: Provides helper functions to manage and evaluate token strings.
carb/tokens/TokensUtils.h: Implementation of utilities for carb::tokens::ITokens .
carb/time/TscClock.h: Implementation of a clock based on the CPU time-stamp counter.
carb/cpp17/Tuple.h: Redirection for backwards compatibility.
omni/core/TypeId.h: Helper functions and macros for generating type identifiers.
carb/cpp17/TypeTraits.h: Redirection for backwards compatibility.
carb/cpp20/TypeTraits.h: Redirection for backwards compatibility.
carb/cpp/TypeTraits.h: C++14-compatible implementation of select functionality from C++
library.carb/Types.h: Common types used through-out Carbonite.
omni/core/Types.h: Common data structs and types.
Undocumented.h: Place-holder documentation for core types whose documentation we haven't had a chance to clean-up.
omni/extras/UniqueApp.h: Helper class to manage a unique process.
carb/extras/Utf8Parser.h: Provides helper classes to parse and convert UTF-8 strings to and from Unicode.
carb/math/Util.h: Carbonite math utility functions.
carb/memory/Util.h: Helper utilities for memory.
carb/process/Util.h: Carbonite process utilities.
carb/thread/Util.h: Carbonite thread utilities.
carb/cpp17/Utility.h: Redirection for backwards compatibility.
carb/extras/Uuid.h: UUIDv4 utilities.
carb/extras/VariableSetup.h: Provides helper functions to retrieve setup variable values.
carb/cpp17/Variant.h: Redirection for backwards compatibility.
carb/variant/VariantTypes.h: Type definitions for carb.variant.plugin
carb/variant/VariantUtils.h: Utilities for carb.variant.plugin
omni/Vector.h: ABI safe std::vector implementation.
omni/detail/VectorDetail.h: implementation details for omni::vector
carb/Version.h: Utilities for Carbonite version.
omni/extras/Version.h: Version utilities.
omni/kit/Wildcard.h: Wildcard utilities for
omni/str/Wildcard.h: Helper functions to handle matching wildcard patterns.
omni/log/WildcardLogChannelFilter.h: Provides a helper class to store wildcard patterns for log channels.
carb/extras/WindowsPath.h: Carbonite Windows path utilities.
examples/example.stats/example.stats/main.cpp: Example app to demonstrate the implementation and use of a simple Carbonite interface. This example app requires the
plugin.omni/extras/md5.h: MD5 hash utils.