carb::stats::CARB_STRONGTYPE: Base type for the identifier for a single statistic value.
CARB_UNUSED: Portable way to mark unused variables as used.
omni::ext::OMNI_DECLARE_INTERFACE: Declaration of IExtensionData.
omni::ext::OMNI_DECLARE_INTERFACE: Declaration of IExtensionHooks.
carb::acquireFramework: Acquire the Carbonite framework for an application.
carb::acquireFrameworkAndRegisterBuiltins: Main acquisition of the Carbonite Framework for Clients (applications and plugins).
carb::acquireFrameworkForBindings: Undocumented.
carb::acquireInterfaceForBindings: A helper function for Framework::tryAcquireInterface() that attempts to load plugins if not found.
carb::acquireInterfaceFromLibraryForBindings: Helper for Framework::tryAcquireInterfaceFromLibrary() that throws on error.
carb::crashreporter::addCrashMetadata: Adds a metadata value to the crash reporter.
carb::crashreporter::addCrashMetadata: Adds a metadata value to the crash reporter.
carb::crashreporter::addExtraCrashFile: Adds an extra file to be uploaded when a crash occurs.
omni::log::addModulesChannels: Registers known channels with the log returned by omniGetLogWithoutAcquire() .
omni::structuredlog::addModulesSchemas: A function that registers all schemas within a module.
carb::cpp::addressof: Get the address of arg , even if
is overloaded. This is generally only useful in memory management functionsto_address
is almost always preferable.carb::cpp::addressof: Taking the address of a
rvalue is never correct.carb::extras::adjustWindowsDllSearchPaths: (Windows only) Sets the default DLL search directories for the application.
carb::audio::alignBytesToFrameCeil: aligns a byte count to a frame boundary for an audio data format.
carb::audio::alignBytesToFrameCeil: aligns a byte count to a frame boundary for an audio data format.
carb::audio::alignBytesToFrameCeil: aligns a byte count to a frame boundary for an audio data format.
carb::audio::alignBytesToFrameFloor: aligns a byte count to a frame boundary for an audio data format.
carb::audio::alignBytesToFrameFloor: aligns a byte count to a frame boundary for an audio data format.
carb::audio::alignBytesToFrameFloor: aligns a byte count to a frame boundary for an audio data format.
carb::allocate: Allocates a block of memory.
carb::settings::appendToStringArray: Appends a set of string values to the end of a setting key.
carb::cpp::as_bytes: Obtains a view ot the object representation of the elements of the given span.
carb::cpp::as_writable_bytes: Obtains a writable view to the object representation of the elements of the given span.
carb::time::asctime_r: Platform independent version of asctime_r: convert a
struct tm
into a null-terminated string.carb::assertHandlerFallback: Assertion handler helper function.
carb::this_thread::atomic_fence_seq_cst: A replacement function for
that performs better on some older compilers.carb::math::bitScanForward: Searches an integer value from least significant bit to most significant bit for the first set (1) bit.
carb::math::bitScanReverse: Searches an integer value from most significant bit to least significant bit for the first set (1) bit.
carb::cpp::bit_cast: Re-interprets the bits
as typeTo
.carb::cpp::bit_ceil: Finds the smallest integral power of two not less than the given value.
carb::cpp::bit_floor: Finds the largest integral power of two not greater than the given value.
carb::audio::bitsPerSampleToIntegerPcmSampleFormat: converts a bits per sample count to an integer PCM sample format.
omni::core::borrow: Returns an ObjectPtr managing the given pointer. omni::core::IObject::acquire() is called on the pointer.
carb::borrowObject: Helper function to create carb::ObjectPtr from a carb::IObject pointer by "borrowing" the pointer; that is, by increasing the reference count.
carb::audio::bytesToFrames: converts a byte count to a frame count.
carb::audio::bytesToFrames: converts a byte count to a frame count.
carb::audio::bytesToFrames: converts a byte count to a frame count.
carb::audio::bytesToMicroseconds: converts a byte count to an approximate time in microseconds.
carb::audio::bytesToMicroseconds: converts a byte count to an approximate time in microseconds.
carb::audio::bytesToMicroseconds: converts a byte count to an approximate time in microseconds.
carb::audio::bytesToMilliseconds: converts a byte count to an approximate time in milliseconds.
carb::audio::bytesToMilliseconds: converts a byte count to an approximate time in milliseconds.
carb::audio::bytesToMilliseconds: converts a byte count to an approximate time in milliseconds.
carb::audio::calculateGainFromLinearScale: Calculate a decibel gain value from a linear volume scale.
carb::audio::calculateLinearScaleFromGain: Calculate the linear volume scale from a decibel gain level.
carb::audio::calculateOpusGain: Calculate the gain parameter for an Opus encoder from a floating point gain.
carbGetErrorApi: Get the instance of the error-handling API.
carbGetFrameworkVersion: An automatically-generated function exported by Carbonite plugins used to check the plugin's Framework compatibility.
carbGetPluginDeps: An automatically-generated function exported by some Carbonite plugins.
carb::carbGetSdkVersion: Retrieves the Carbonite SDK version string,.
carbOnPluginPostShutdown: An automatically-generated function exported by Carbonite plugins.
carbOnPluginPreStartup: An automatically-generated function exported by Carbonite plugins.
carbOnPluginQuickShutdown: An optional function that a plugin author can export from their plugin to quick-shutdown their plugin.
carbOnPluginRegister: An automatically-generated function exported by some Carbonite plugins (now deprecated).
carbOnPluginRegisterEx: An automatically-generated function exported by some Carbonite plugins (now deprecated).
carbOnPluginRegisterEx2: An automatically-generated function exported by some Carbonite plugins.
carbOnPluginShutdown: An optional function that a plugin author can export from their plugin to shutdown their plugin.
carbOnPluginStartup: An optional function that a plugin author can export from their plugin to start their plugin.
carbOnPluginStartupEx: An optional function that a plugin author can export from their plugin to start their plugin.
carbOnReloadDependency: An optional function that a plugin author can export from their plugin to receive dependency reload notifications.
carbReallocate: Internal function used by all other allocation functions.
carb_max: Picks the maximum of two values.
carb_min: Picks the minimum of two values.
omni::core::cast: Casts the given pointer to the given interface (e.g. T).
omni::structuredlog::clearJsonTree: Free any memory allocated to a JsonNode and clear it out to an empty node.
omni::structuredlog::compareJsonTrees: Perform a deep comparison of two nodes.
carb::extras::compareStrings: Compare two strings in a case sensitive manner.
carb::extras::compareStringsNoCase: Compare two strings in a case insensitive manner.
carb::configureFramework: Configures the framework given a slew of input parameters.
omni::structuredlog::configureStructuredLogging: Checks the settings registry for structured log settings and makes them active.
carb::cpp::construct_at: Construct a
in place using the provided args .carb::extras::convertCarboniteToWindowsPath: (Windows only) Converts a UTF-8 file path to Windows system file path.
carb::extras::convertErrnoToMessage: Returns a human-readable string for a given errno value.
carb::audio::convertSoundFormat: Convert a sound to a new sample format.
carb::audio::convertToFlac: Convert a sound to FLAC.
carb::audio::convertToVorbis: Convert a sound to Vorbis.
carb::audio::convertUnits: converts an input value from one unit to another.
carb::extras::convertUtf16StringToUtf8: Convert a UTF-16 encoded string to UTF-8.
carb::extras::convertUtf16StringToUtf8: Convert a UTF-16 encoded string to UTF-8.
carb::extras::convertUtf16StringToUtf8: Convert a UTF-8 encoded string to UTF-32.
carb::extras::convertUtf32StringToUtf8: Convert a UTF-32 encoded string to UTF-8.
carb::extras::convertUtf32StringToUtf8: Convert a UTF-8 encoded string to UTF-32.
carb::extras::convertUtf32StringToUtf8: Convert a UTF-32 encoded string to UTF-8.
carb::extras::convertUtf8StringToUtf16: Convert a UTF-8 encoded string to UTF-16.
carb::extras::convertUtf8StringToUtf16: Convert a UTF-8 encoded string to UTF-16.
carb::extras::convertUtf8StringToUtf16: Convert a UTF-8 encoded string to UTF-16.
carb::extras::convertUtf8StringToUtf32: Convert a UTF-8 encoded string to UTF-32.
carb::extras::convertUtf8StringToUtf32: Convert a UTF-8 encoded string to UTF-32.
carb::extras::convertUtf8StringToUtf32: Convert a UTF-8 encoded string to UTF-32.
carb::extras::convertUtf8StringToWide: Convert a UTF-8 encoded string to wide string.
carb::extras::convertUtf8StringToWide: Convert a UTF-8 encoded string to UTF-16.
carb::extras::convertUtf8StringToWide: Convert a UTF-8 encoded string to wide.
carb::extras::convertWideStringToUtf8: Convert a UTF-8 encoded string to UTF-16.
carb::extras::convertWideStringToUtf8: Convert a wide encoded string to UTF-8 string.
carb::extras::convertWideStringToUtf8: Convert a UTF-8 encoded string to wide.
carb::extras::convertWinApiErrorCodeToMessage: (Windows only) Converts a Win32 API error code into a human-readable string.
carb::extras::convertWindowsToCarbonitePath: (Windows only) Converts Windows system file path to a UTF-8 file path.
carb::extras::copyStringSafe: Copy a string with optional truncation.
carb::extras::copyStringSafe: Copy slice of string with optional truncation.
carb::cpp::countl_one: Returns the number of consecutive 1 bits in the value of val, starting from the most significant bit ("left").
carb::cpp::countl_one_constexpr: Returns the number of consecutive 1 bits in the value of val, starting from the most significant bit ("left").
carb::cpp::countl_zero: Returns the number of consecutive 0 bits in the value of val, starting from the most significant bit ("left").
carb::cpp::countl_zero_constexpr: Returns the number of consecutive 0 bits in the value of val, starting from the most significant bit ("left").
carb::cpp::countr_one: Returns the number of consecutive 1 bits in the value of val, starting from the least significant bit ("right").
carb::cpp::countr_one_constexpr: Returns the number of consecutive 1 bits in the value of val, starting from the least significant bit ("right").
carb::cpp::countr_zero: Returns the number of consecutive 0 bits in the value of val, starting from the least significant bit ("right").
carb::cpp::countr_zero_constexpr: Returns the number of consecutive 0 bits in the value of val, starting from the least significant bit ("right").
carb::dictionary::createDictionaryFromFile: Attempts to read the contents of a file into a dictionary.
carb::audio::createEmptySound: Create an empty SoundData of a specific length.
omni::ext::createExtensionStateChangeHook: Wrapper to pass an invocable object to Extension Manager Hooks.
carb::extras::createLibraryNameForModule: Creates a full library name from a module's base name.
carb::audio::createSoundFromBlob: create a sound data object from a blob in memory.
carb::audio::createSoundFromFile: create a sound data object from a file on disk.
carb::audio::createSoundFromRawPcmBlob: Creates a sound data object from a blob of memory.
carb::events::createSubscriptionToPop: A helper for IEvents::createSubscriptionToPop() that creates a LambdaEventListener .
carb::events::createSubscriptionToPopByType: A helper for IEvents::createSubscriptionToPop() that creates a LambdaEventListener .
carb::events::createSubscriptionToPush: A helper for IEvents::createSubscriptionToPush() that creates a LambdaEventListener .
carb::events::createSubscriptionToPushByType: A helper for IEvents::createSubscriptionToPush() that creates a LambdaEventListener .
omni::core::createType: Instantiates the given type and casts it to T.
omni::core::createType: Instantiates an implementation of interface T.
carb::time::ctime_r: Platform independent version of ctime_r; convert a
into a null-terminated string in the user's local time zone.carb::cpp::data: Returns a pointer to the block of memory containing the elements of the range.
carb::cpp::data: Returns a pointer to the block of memory containing the elements of the range.
carb::cpp::data: Returns a pointer to the block of memory containing the elements of the range.
carb::cpp::data: Returns a pointer to the block of memory containing the elements of the range.
carb::deallocate: Deallocates a block of memory previously allocated with allocate() .
carb::extras::debugBacktrace: Attempts to capture the callstack for the current thread.
carb::extras::debugPrint: Prints a formatted string to debug output.
carb::extras::debuggerBreak: Performs a software breakpoint if a debugger is currently attached to this process.
carb::audio::decrementWithWrap: Decrement a counter with a non-power-of-2 modulo.
carb::audio::degreesToRadians: converts an angle in degrees to an angle in radians.
carb::audio::degreesToRadians: converts an angle in degrees to an angle in radians.
carb::deleteHandler: Default handler for carb::IObject reaching zero references, which calls
.carb::assert::deregisterAssertForClient: Removes the global instance of the IAssert interface.
carb::crashreporter::deregisterCrashReporterForClient: Deregisters and disables the crash reporter for the calling process.
carb::l10n::deregisterLocalizationForClient: Called during client shutdown to clear out the global state.
carb::logging::deregisterLoggingForClient: Unregisters the log channels and the logger interface.
carb::profiler::deregisterProfilerForClient: Clears the g_carbProfiler global variable and unregisters load and release hooks with the Framework .
destroyInterface: An optional function that a plugin author can provide to destroy an interface.
carb::cpp::destroy_at: Call the destructor of all array elements.
carb::cpp::destroy_at: Call the destructor of p .
carb::assert::disableDialog: Disables the assertion failure dialog for the process.
carb::dictionary::dumpToString: Writes a dictionary to a string.
rtx::enableAbiskoMode: Caches and returns whether the value of "/rtx/rendermode" is "abisko".
rtx::enableAperture: Dummy function.
rtx::enableMDLDistilledMtls: Caches and returns the value of "/rtx/mdltranslator/distillMaterial".
omni::extras::endsWith: Checks a string to see if it ends with a given suffix.
omni::erase: Erases all instances of
.omni::erase_if: Erases all elements of
the satisfypred
.carb::tokens::escapeString: A helper function that escapes necessary symbols in the provided string so that they won't be recognized as related to token parsing.
carb::audio::estimateVideoLatency: Calculates an estimate of the current level of video latency.
omni::ext::fetchAllExtensionPackages: Helper function to fetch all extension packages and load them into the memory.
fillInterface: A required function that a plugin author must provide to construct a requested version of an interface.
fillInterface: A required function that a plugin author must provide to construct an interface.
omni::extras::fillOutArray: Fills the array given by outArray by calling fillFn.
carb::input::filterBufferedEvents: Filter and modify input events in the event buffer.
carb::filesystem::findFiles: Finds files in a given list of search paths matching a given list of patterns.
carb::findPlugins: Helper function to find plugins in a given list of search paths.
carb::extras::fixWindowsPathPrefix: (Windows only) Performs fixup on a Windows file path by adding or removing the long path prefix as necessary.
carb::fnv1aHash: Compile-time FNV-1a 64-bit hash, use with CARB_HASH_STRING macro.
carb::extras::formatString: A snprintf wrapper that clamps the return value.
carb::extras::formatStringV: A vsnprintf wrapper that clamps the return value.
carb::audio::framesToBytes: converts a frame count to a byte offset.
carb::audio::framesToBytes: converts a frame count to a byte offset.
carb::audio::framesToBytes: converts a frame count to a byte offset.
carb::audio::framesToMicroseconds: converts a frame count at a given frame rate to a time in microseconds.
carb::audio::framesToMicroseconds: converts a frame count at a given frame rate to a time in microseconds.
carb::audio::framesToMilliseconds: converts a frame count at a given frame rate to a time in milliseconds.
carb::audio::framesToMilliseconds: converts a frame count at a given frame rate to a time in milliseconds.
carb::fromHexVersion: Converts a hex-version to a Version struct.
carb::cpp::gcd: Computes the greatest common divisor of two integers.
carb::audio::generateSoundFormat: Generates a SoundFormat based on the 4 parameters given.
carb::this_thread::get: Returns the native handle for the current thread.
carb::input::getActionMappingDescFromString: Translates a hot-key string to a ActionMappingDesc .
carb::this_thread::getAffinity: Gets the current CPU Affinity for the current thread.
carb::thread::getAffinity: Gets the current CPU Affinity for the thread.
carb::extras::getAppPathAndName: Determines application path and name.
carb::assets::getAssetType: Defines a template for users to specialize their asset type as unique identifiers.
carb::dictionary::getCachedDictionaryInterface: helper function to retrieve the IDictionary interface.
carb::events::getCachedEventsInterface: Helper for carb::getCachedInterface<IEvents>() .
carb::getCachedInterface: Retrieves the specified interface as if from Framework::tryAcquireInterface() and caches it for fast retrieval.
carb::getCachedInterfaceForBindings: A helper function for carb::getCachedInterface() that throws on error.
carb::detail::getCarbErrorApiFunc: Loads the function which loads the
.carb::dictionary::getChildByIndex: Specialization for the getChildByIndex() callback that implements a simple retrieval of the requested child item using IDictionary::getItemChildByIndex() .
carb::dictionary::getChildByIndex: Prototype for a callback function used to walk children in a dictionary.
carb::crashreporter::getCommandLineArgsAsString: Retrieves the process' command line as a string.
carb::audio::getConeDefaults: fills a cone descriptor with the default cone values.
carb::crashreporter::getCrashMetadataValue: Retrieves the value of a crash metadata value (if defined).
carb::extras::getCurrentProcessMemoryUsage: Retrieve the physical memory usage by the current process.
carb::extras::getDefaultLibraryExtension: Retrieves the default library file extension for the current platform.
carb::extras::getDefaultLibraryPrefix: Retrieves the default library file prefix for the current platform.
carb::tasking::getDefaultTaskingDesc: Default TaskingDesc plugin starts with.
carb::input::getDeviceInputFromString: Parses components from a device input string.
carb::input::getDeviceNameString: Returns a device name.
carb::input::getDeviceTypeFromString: Converts a device-type string to a DeviceType .
carb::input::getDeviceTypeString: Returns a string representation of the device type.
omni::extras::getDirectoryItems: Returns a list of all files and sub-folders in the given folder.
omni::extras::getDirectoryItemsOfType: Returns a list of either files or sub-folders in the given folder.
carb::extras::getDistroName: Retrieves the platform distro name.
omni::extras::getDockerCpuLimit: Attempts to read the current effective CPU usage quota for processes in a container.
omni::ext::getEnabledExtensionId: Helper function to find the Extension ID of a given Extension.
omni::ext::getExtensionPath: Helper function to look up the path from an extension dictionary.
carb::assert::getFailureCount: Retrieves the current assertion failure count for the calling process.
omni::extras::getFileSystem: Helper function for acquiring and caching the filesystem.
carb::getFramework: Gets the Carbonite framework.
carb::extras::getFriendlyMemorySize: Retrieves a friendly memory size and scale suffix for a given number of bytes.
carb::input::getGamepadInputFromString: Converts a gamepad input string to a GamepadInput .
carb::input::getGamepadInputString: Returns a string representation of a gamepad input enum value.
carb::this_process::getId: Returns the ID of the currently executing process.
carb::this_thread::getId: Retrieve the thread ID for the current thread.
carb::this_process::getIdCached: Get the ID of the currently executing process.
omni::core::getInterfaceDefaults: Given an interface id (i.e. T), returns the preferred implementation (if any) instantiated when calling omni::core::ITypeFactory::createType(), the preferred module (if any) searched when calling omni::core::ITypeFactory::createType(), and the preferred implementation version number (if any) required when calling omni::core::ITypeFactory::createType().
carb::dictionary::getItemFullPath: Retrieves the full path to dictionary item from its top-most ancestor.
carb::input::getKeyboardInputFromString: Converts a keyboard input string to a KeyboardInput .
carb::input::getKeyboardInputString: Returns a string representation of the keyboard input.
carb::extras::getLastErrno: Returns the last value of errno.
carb::extras::getLastErrnoMessage: Reads the current value of
and returns a human-readable string for the errno value.carb::extras::getLastLoadLibraryError: Retrieves a string explaining the most recent library load failure cause.
carb::extras::getLastWinApiErrorCode: Platform specific functions ///.
carb::extras::getLastWinApiErrorMessage: (Windows only) Reads the value of
and converts it to a human-readable string.carb::extras::getLibraryDirectory: Retrieves the parent directory of the library containing a given address or symbol.
carb::extras::getLibraryDirectoryByHandle: Retrieves the parent directory of a library.
carb::extras::getLibraryFilename: Retrieves the path for a loaded library from an address or symbol within it.
carb::extras::getLibraryFilenameByHandle: Retrieves the path for a loaded library from its handle.
carb::extras::getLibraryHandle: Retrieves the handle for a loaded library from an address or symbol within it.
carb::extras::getLibraryHandleByFilename: Attempts to retrieve a library's handle by its filename.
carb::extras::getLibrarySymbol: Attempts to retrieve the address of a symbol from a loaded module.
carb::l10n::getLocalizedStringFromHashNoPlugin: A version of getLocalizedStringFromHash() for when the localization plugin is unloaded.
carb::logging::getLogging: Accessor for logging interface.
carb::extras::getMemorySizeMultiplier: Retrieves the memory size multiplier from a value suffix.
carb::extras::getMemoryValueByName: Retrieves a memory value by its key name in '/proc/meminfo' or other.
carb::input::getModifierFlagFromString: Converts a keyboard modifier flag string to a KeyboardModifierFlags .
carb::input::getModifierFlagString: Returns a string representation of the keyboard modifier flag.
carb::input::getModifierFlagsFromString: Returns KeyboardModifierFlags composed of all the flags from a given string.
carb::input::getModifierFlagsString: Returns a string of all modifier flags present.
omni::core::getModuleFilename: Given an object, returns the name of the module (.dll/.exe) which contains the object's code.
omni::log::getModuleLogChannels: Returns a per-module list of channels defined during static initialization via OMNI_LOG_ADD_CHANNEL .
carb::input::getMouseInputFromString: Converts a mouse input string to a MouseInput .
carb::input::getMouseInputString: Returns a string representation of a mouse input enum value.
carb::this_thread::getName: Retrieves the name of the current thread.
carb::thread::getName: Retrieves the name of the thread previously set with setName() .
omni::extras::getOutArray: Retrieves an array of unknown size using
and passes it tofillFn
.carb::extras::getPathExtension: Helper function to get a Path object representing the extension part of the provided string representation of a path.
carb::extras::getPathParent: Helper function to get a Path object representing parent directory for the provided string representation of a path.
carb::extras::getPathRelative: Helper function to calculate a relative path from a provided path and a base path.
carb::extras::getPathStem: Helper function to get a Path object representing the stem part of the provided string representation of a path.
carb::extras::getPeakProcessMemoryUsage: Retrieves the peak memory usage information for the calling process.
carb::extras::getPhysicalMemory: Retrieve the physical memory available on the system.
carb::audio::getPlaySoundDescDefaults: Initialize a PlaySoundDesc to its defaults.
carb::this_thread::getProcessId: Returns the ID of the currently executing process.
carb::this_thread::getProcessIdCached: Get the ID of the currently executing process.
carb::profiler::getProfiler: Allows access to the g_carbProfiler global variable previously registered with registerProfilerForClient() .
rtx::getRayTypeCount: Returns how many ray types the renderer will use based on settings.
carb::audio::getRolloffDefaults: fills a rolloff descriptor with the default rolloff values.
omni::structuredlog::getSchemaResultName: Retrieves a string containing the name of a SchemaResult value.
carb::audio::getSetBitCount: counts the number of set bits in a bit flag set.
carb::settings::getSettingOrDefault: Access a setting key if present, otherwise returning a default value.
carb::audio::getSoundDataLoadDescDefaults: Initialize a SoundDataLoadDesc to its defaults.
carb::audio::getSpeakerCountForMode: Retrieves the total number of speakers for a given speaker mode.
carb::audio::getSpeakerFlagsForCount: calculates a set of speaker flags for a channel count.
carb::audio::getSpeakerFromSpeakerFlag: retrieves a speaker name from a single speaker mode flag.
carb::audio::getSpeakerFromSpeakerMode: retrieves an indexed speaker name from a speaker mode mask.
carb::audio::getSpeakerModeForCount: retrieves a default speaker mode for a given channel count.
carb::settings::getString: Retrieves a std::string from a string-type setting for simplicity.
carb::dictionary::getStringArray: Attempts to retrieve an array of string values from a given dictionary path.
carb::dictionary::getStringArray: Attempts to retrieve an array of string values from a given dictionary path.
carb::settings::getStringArray: A helper function for reading a setting value that is an array of string values as
.carb::settings::getStringArrayFromItemValues: A helper function for reading a setting value that is an array of mixed values as
.carb::settings::getStringAt: Retrieves a std::string from an array of string-type setting for simplicity.
carb::input::getStringFromActionMappingDesc: Builds a hot-key string from a ActionMappingDesc .
carb::dictionary::getStringFromItemName: Attempts to retrieve the name of an item from a given path in a dictionary.
carb::dictionary::getStringFromItemValue: Attempts to retrieve the value of an item from a given path in a dictionary.
carb::settings::getStringFromItemValue: Retrieves a std::string from a setting key for simplicity.
carb::settings::getStringFromItemValueAt: Retrieves a std::string from an array setting key for simplicity.
carb::extras::getStringFromMapOrEnvVar: Helper function that reads string value form the string map or the environment variable, if map doesn't hold such key.
omni::extras::getSubfolders: Helper function to gather all sub-folders within an array of sub-folders.
omni::extras::getSubfolders: Helper function to gather all sub-folders within a given folder.
carb::extras::getSystemMemoryInfo: Retrieves the memory usage information for the system.
carb::this_process::getUniqueId: Returns an ID uniquely identifying this process at least for the uptime of the machine.
carb::dictionary::getValueOrDefault: Gets a child value from a given Item if present, otherwise returns the given default value.
carb::extras::getWindowsCanonicalPath: (Windows only) Converts Windows path string into a canonical form.
carb::extras::getWindowsFullPath: (Windows only) Retrieves the full path and file name of the specified file.
omni::getline: Reads characters from the input stream
and places them in the stringstr
.omni::getline: Reads characters from the input stream
and places them in the stringstr
.omni::extras::gitHashFromOmniverseVersion: Attempts to parse the Git hash from an Omniverse-specific semantic version.
carb::time::gmtime_r: Platform independent version of gmtime_r: convert a
to UTC component representation.carb::thread::hardware_concurrency: Similar to
, but pays attention to docker cgroup config and CPU limits.carb::cpp::has_single_bit: Checks if a given value is an integral power of 2.
carb::hashBuffer: Runtime FNV-1a 64-bit byte hash.
carb::hashCombine: Combines two hashes producing better collision avoidance than XOR.
carb::hashLowercaseBuffer: Runtime FNV-1a 64-bit lower-case byte hash (as if the bytes had been converted using tolower() ).
carb::hashLowercaseString: Runtime FNV-1a 64-bit lower-case string hash (as if the string had been converted using tolower() ).
carb::hashPair: A helper function for combining two hash values.
carb::hashScalar: Runtime FNV-1a 64-bit hash of a scalar type.
carb::hashString: Runtime FNV-1a 64-bit string hash.
carb::hashUppercaseBuffer: Runtime FNV-1a 64-bit upper-case byte hash (as if the bytes had been converted using toupper() ).
carb::hashUppercaseString: Runtime FNV-1a 64-bit upper-case string hash (as if the string had been converted using toupper() ).
omni::structuredlog::ignoreJsonTreeSerializerValidationError: Default value for the onValidationError template parameter.
carb::audio::incrementWithWrap: Increment a counter with a non-power-of-2 modulo.
carb::cpp::invoke: Invoke the function f with the given args pack.
carb::cpp::invoke_r: Invoke the function with the given arguments with the explicit return type
. This follows the same rules as carb::cpp::invoke() .omni::extras::isAnyVersion: Checks if the given SemanticVersion has negative major, minor and patch values.
carb::extras::isCiEnvironment: Checks if this process is running under a CI system such as TeamCity or GitLab.
carb::extras::isDebuggerAttached: Checks if a debugger is attached to the calling process.
omni::ext::isExtensionEnabled: Helper function to check if an extension is enabled by name.
carb::crashreporter::isExtraCrashFileKeyUsed: Checks whether a key for an extra crash report file has already been used.
carb::isFrameworkValid: Returns
if the Carbonite framework has been created and is still alive. Creation happens at the first carb::acquireFramework() call and ends at any carb::releaseFramework() call.carb::extras::isMemoryOverlap: Check if two memory regions overlaps.
omni::extras::isPathEqual: Checks if two given file paths are equal with case sensitivity based on the platform.
carb::math::isPowerOf2: Returns whether the given integer value is a power of two.
omni::extras::isRunningInContainer: Attempts to detect whether this process is running inside a container.
carb::extras::isRunningOnCentos: Checks whether the calling process is running on CentOS.
carb::extras::isRunningOnUbuntu: Checks whether the calling process is running on Ubuntu.
carb::extras::isStringPrefix: Test if one string is a prefix of the other.
carb::extras::isTestEnvironment: Queries whether the calling process is the Carbonite unit tests.
carb::isVersionSemanticallyCompatible: Checks two versions to see if they are semantically compatible.
omni::str::isWildcardPattern: Tests whether a string is potentially a wildcard pattern.
carb::dictionary::keepOriginal: Function that indicates that the merger should retain the existing destination item.
carb::loadFrameworkConfiguration: Loads the framework configuration based on a slew of input parameters.
carb::extras::loadLibrary: Attempts to load a named library into the calling process.
carb::detail::loadPluginsFromConfig: Loads plugins based on settings specified in the given
object.carb::loadPluginsFromPattern: Simple plugin loading function wrapper that loads plugins matching a single pattern.
carb::loadPluginsFromPatterns: Simple plugin loading function wrapper that loads plugins matching multiple patterns.
carb::settings::loadSettingsFromFile: A helper function to load settings from a file.
carb::time::localtime_r: Platform independent version of localtime_r: convert a
to local timezone component representation.carb::audio::makeSpeakerFlag: a conversion function from a Speaker enum to bitflags.
carb::audio::makeSpeakerFlag: a conversion function from a Speaker enum to bitflags.
carb::dictionary::makeStringArrayAtPath: Set a string array at the given path with the given array (creating it if it doesn't yet exist).
omni::str::matchWildcard: Checks if a string matches a wildcard pattern.
omni::str::matchWildcards: Attempts to match a string to a set of wildcard patterns.
carb::audio::microsecondsToBytes: converts a time in microseconds to a byte count.
carb::audio::microsecondsToBytes: converts a time in microseconds to a byte count.
carb::audio::microsecondsToBytes: converts a time in microseconds to a byte count.
carb::audio::microsecondsToFrames: converts a time in microseconds to a frame count.
carb::audio::microsecondsToFrames: converts a time in microseconds to a frame count.
carb::audio::millisecondsToBytes: converts a time in milliseconds to a byte count.
carb::audio::millisecondsToBytes: converts a time in milliseconds to a byte count.
carb::audio::millisecondsToBytes: converts a time in milliseconds to a byte count.
carb::audio::millisecondsToFrames: converts a time in milliseconds to a frame count.
carb::audio::millisecondsToFrames: converts a time in milliseconds to a frame count.
carb::audio::muteVoice: Mute a voice.
carb::math::numLeadingZeroBits: Returns the number of leading zero bits for an integer value.
omniCoreStart: Initializes the omni core library's internal data structures.
omniCoreStop: Tears down the omni core library's internal data structures.
omniCoreStopForBindings: Tears down the omni core library's internal data structures for script bindings.
omniCreateLog: Instantiates a default implementation of omni::log::ILog . omni::core::IObject::acquire() is called on the returned pointer.
omniCreateTypeFactory: Creates a default implementation of ITypeFactory.
omniGetBuiltInWithoutAcquire: Returns a built-in interface based on the given parameter.
omniGetLogWithoutAcquire: Returns the global log. omni::core::IObject::acquire() is not called on the returned pointer.
omniGetModuleDirectory: Returns the module's directory name (e.g. "c:/foo" for "c:/foo/omni-glfw.dll"). The pointer returned is valid for the lifetime of the module.
omniGetModuleFilename: Returns the module's name (e.g. "c:/foo/omni-glfw.dll"). The pointer returned is valid for the lifetime of the module.
omniGetStructuredLogWithoutAcquire: Retrieves the module's structured log object.
omniGetTypeFactoryWithoutAcquire: Returns the global ITypeFactory. omni::core::IObject::acquire() is not called on the returned pointer.
omniModuleGetExports: Main entry point into a module. Returns the list of capabilities and requirements for the module.
omniReleaseStructuredLog: Releases the structured log pointer.
carb::memory::operator!=: Inequality operator.
carb::container::detail::operator!=: Inequality operator.
inequality operatorcarb::extras::operator!=: Tests inequality between HandleRef and
.carb::extras::operator!=: Tests inequality between HandleRef and
.carb::extras::operator!=: Inequality operator.
carb::extras::operator!=: Inequality operator.
carb::operator!=: Inequality operator.
omni::detail::operator!=: Test for inequality between lhs and rhs .
omni::operator!=: Compares the contents of two vectors for inequality.
omni::operator!=: Check if func is activated.
omni::operator!=: Compares
.omni::operator!=: Compares
.omni::operator!=: Compares
.omni::operator!=: Check if func is activated.
omni::operator!=: Compares
.omni::operator!=: Compares
.carb::cpp::operator””_sv: Creates a string view of a character array literal. noexcept
carb::cpp::operator””_sv: Creates a string view of a character array literal.
carb::cpp::operator””_sv: Creates a string view of a character array literal. noexcept
carb::cpp::operator””_sv: Creates a string view of a character array literal. noexcept
carb::variant_literals::operator””_v: Literal cast operator for a long double variant value.
carb::variant_literals::operator””_v: Literal cast operator for an unsigned long long variant value.
carb::variant_literals::operator””_v: Literal cast operator for a string variant value.
carb::extras::operator+: Concatenation operator.
carb::extras::operator+: Concatenation operator.
carb::extras::operator+: Concatenation operator.
carb::extras::operator+: Concatenation operator.
carb::extras::operator+: Concatenation operator.
carb::extras::operator+: Concatenation operator.
carb::extras::operator+: Concatenation operator.
omni::detail::operator+: Get an iterator dist elements forward from iter .
omni::operator+: Creates a new string by concatenating
.omni::operator+: Creates a new string by concatenating
.omni::operator+: Creates a new string by concatenating
.omni::operator+: Creates a new string by concatenating
.omni::operator+: Creates a new string by concatenating
.omni::operator+: Creates a new string by concatenating
.omni::operator+: Creates a new string by concatenating
.omni::operator+: Creates a new string by concatenating
.omni::operator+: Creates a new string by concatenating
.omni::operator+: Creates a new string by concatenating
.omni::operator+: Creates a new string by concatenating
.omni::operator+: Creates a new string by concatenating
.omni::operator+: Creates a new string by concatenating
.omni::operator+: Creates a new string by concatenating
.omni::operator+: Creates a new string by concatenating
.omni::detail::operator-: Get the distance between iterators lhs and rhs . If
lhs < rhs
, this value will be negative.carb::extras::operator/: Join operator.
carb::operator<: Less-than comparison operator.
omni::detail::operator<: Test that lhs points to something less than rhs .
omni::extras::operator<: Less-than operator for two semantic versions.
omni::operator<: Compares
.omni::operator<: Compares
.omni::operator<: Compares the contents of two vectors lexicographically.
omni::operator<: Compares
.omni::operator<: Compares
.omni::operator<: Compares
.carb::operator<<: Global stream output operator for RStringUKey .
carb::operator<<: Global stream output operator for RStringKey .
carb::operator<<: Global stream output operator for RString .
carb::operator<<: Global stream output operator for RStringU .
omni::operator<<: Output stream operator overload.
carb::operator<=: Less-than-or-equal comparison operator.
omni::detail::operator<=: Test that lhs points to something less than or equal to rhs .
omni::operator<=: Compares
.omni::operator<=: Compares
.omni::operator<=: Compares
.omni::operator<=: Compares
.omni::operator<=: Compares the contents of two vectors lexicographically.
omni::operator<=: Compares
.carb::memory::operator==: Equality operator.
carb::container::detail::operator==: Equality operator.
equality operatorcarb::extras::operator==: Equality operator.
carb::extras::operator==: Tests equality between HandleRef and
.carb::extras::operator==: Equality operator.
carb::extras::operator==: Tests equality between HandleRef and
.carb::operator==: Equality operator.
omni::detail::operator==: Test for equality between lhs and rhs .
omni::extras::operator==: Equality operator for two semantic versions.
omni::operator==: Check if func is not activated.
omni::operator==: Compares the contents of two vectors for equality.
omni::operator==: Check if func is not activated.
omni::operator==: Compares
.omni::operator==: Compares
.omni::operator==: Compares
.omni::operator==: Compares
.omni::operator==: Compare the error contents of lhs with rhs .
omni::operator==: Compare the contents of
for equality.omni::operator==: Compare the contents of lhs with the non
type rhs .omni::operator==: Compares
.omni::detail::operator>: Test that lhs points to something greater than rhs .
omni::operator>: Compares
.omni::operator>: Compares
.omni::operator>: Compares
.omni::operator>: Compares
.omni::operator>: Compares the contents of two vectors lexicographically.
omni::operator>: Compares
.omni::detail::operator>=: Test that lhs points to something greater than or equal to rhs .
omni::operator>=: Compares
.omni::operator>=: Compares
.omni::operator>=: Compares
.omni::operator>=: Compares the contents of two vectors lexicographically.
omni::operator>=: Compares
.omni::operator>=: Compares
.omni::operator>>: Input stream operator overload.
carb::dictionary::overwriteOriginal: Note that this function does not properly handle overwriting of arrays due to overwriting array being shorter, potentially leaving part of the older array in-place after the merge Use overwriteOriginalWithArrayHandling() if dictionaries are expected to contain array data.
carb::dictionary::overwriteOriginalWithArrayHandling: Helper function for IDictionary::update() that ensures arrays are properly overwritten.
carb::input::parseDeviceNameString: Separates a device name into a device type and device ID.
omni::ext::parseExtUrl: Simple helper function to parse a given URL into a scheme and a path.
carb::audio::pauseVoice: Pause a voice.
carb::audio::playLoopingSound: Play a sound sound that loops.
carb::audio::playOneShotSound: Play a sound with no special parameters.
carb::pluginDeinitialize: Function called automatically at plugin shutdown to de-initialize utilities within each plugin.
carb::pluginInitialize: Function called automatically at plugin startup to initialize utilities within each plugin.
carb::math::popCount: Returns the number of set (1) bits in an integer value.
carb::cpp::popcount: Returns the number of 1 bits in the value of x.
carb::cpp::popcount_constexpr: Returns the number of 1 bits in the value of x.
omni::extras::prereleaseCmp: Semantic Version pre-release comparator according to rules at .
omni::extras::prereleaseCmp: Semantic Version pre-release comparator according to rules at .
carb::options::printOptionUsage: Prints out the documentation for an option table.
carb::memory::protectedMemmove: Copies memory as via memmove, but returns false if a read access violation occurs while reading.
carb::memory::protectedStrncpy: Copies memory as via strncpy, but returns false if an access violation occurs while reading.
carb::quickReleaseFrameworkAndTerminate: Releases the Carbonite framework immediately and exits the process, without running C/C++ atexit() registered functions or static destructors.
carb::audio::radiansToDegrees: converts an angle in radians to an angle in degrees.
carb::audio::radiansToDegrees: converts an angle in radians to an angle in degrees.
omni::extras::readFile: Reads file content into a string.
carb::reallocate: Reallocates a block of memory previously allocated with allocate() .
carb::assert::registerAssertForClient: Registers the IAssert implementation with the calling module.
carb::crashreporter::registerCrashReporterForClient: Registers the crash reporter for this process and sets it up.
carb::l10n::registerLocalizationForClient: Called during client initialization to obtain the globals needed for localization.
carb::logging::registerLoggingForClient: Acquires the default ILogging interface and registers log channels.
carb::extras::registerPathAlias: Registers a new path string alias for replacement with resolvePathAliases() .
carb::profiler::registerProfilerForClient: Acquires the default IProfiler interface and assigns it to the g_carbProfiler global variable.
carb::releaseFramework: Releases the Carbonite framework immediately.
carb::releaseFrameworkAndDeregisterBuiltins: This function releases the Carbonite Framework .
carb::releaseFrameworkForBindings: Releases the Carbonite Framework for a script binding.
omni::log::removeModulesChannels: Removes channels added by omni::log::addModulesChannels() .
omni::extras::replaceAll: Replaces all instances of a substring within a given string with a replacement value.
carb::resetCachedInterface: Resets any previously-cached interface of the given type and allows it to be acquired again.
omni::extras::resolvePath: Resolves a given path by resolving all Tokens and optionally prepending the given root path.
carb::extras::resolvePathAliases: Replaces path alias markers in a path with the full names.
carb::tokens::resolveString: Helper for resolving a token string.
carb::launcher::restoreParentDeathSignal: Restores the parent death signal on set-user-ID and set-group-ID images.
omni::core::resultToString: Given a Result code, returns a human readable interpretation of the code.
carb::audio::sampleFormatToBitsPerSample: retrieves the number of bits per channel for a given sample format.
carb::crashreporter::detail::sanitizeExtraCrashFileKey: Sanitizes a string to be usable as a key name in the settings registry.
carb::dictionary::saveFileFromDictionary: Writes the contents of a dictionary to a file.
carb::settings::saveFileFromSettings: A helper function to save settings to a file.
carb::audio::saveSoundToDisk: Save a sound to disk.
carb::audio::saveToDiskAsFlac: Convert a sound to FLAC.
carb::audio::saveToDiskAsOpus: Convert a sound to Opus.
carb::audio::saveToDiskAsVorbis: Save a sound to disk as Vorbis.
carb::crashreporter::sendAndRemoveLeftOverDumpsAsync: Attempts to upload any crash dump files left by a previously crashed process.
omni::structuredlog::serializeArray: Serialize an array type from a JSON tree.
omni::structuredlog::serializeJsonTree: Serialize JSON using a JsonNode as the schema and a binary blob to read data.
omni::structuredlog::serializeJsonTree: Serialize JSON using a JsonNode as the schema and a binary blob to read data.
omni::structuredlog::serializeScalar: Serialize a scalar type from a JSON tree.
carb::this_thread::setAffinity: Sets the CPU Affinity for the current thread.
carb::this_thread::setAffinity: Sets the affinity of the current thread.
carb::thread::setAffinity: Sets the CPU affinity for the given thread handle.
carb::thread::setAffinity: Sets the CPU Affinity for the thread.
carb::settings::setBoolArray: A helper function for setting a
as an array of bools.carb::detail::setClientName: Sets the client name for the calling module.
carb::input::setDefaultActionMapping: Adds an action mapping if one does not already exist.
carb::settings::setDefaultAndGetSetting: Sets a default value for a setting key and returns the current value.
rtx::setDefaultBoolEx: A helper function that atomically sets the setting value at path if and only if it doesn't exist.
carb::detail::setDefaultPluginsFromConfig: Sets carb::Framework 's "default" plugins from the given
key.carb::dictionary::setDictionaryArrayElementFromStringValue: Parses a string representation of an array and sets it relative to a dictionary path.
carb::dictionary::setDictionaryElementAutoType: Attempts to set a value in a dictionary with an attempt to detect the value type.
carb::dictionary::setDictionaryFromCmdLine: Parses a set of command line arguments for dictionary items arguments and sets them.
carb::dictionary::setDictionaryFromStringMapping: Sets a series of values in a dictionary based on keys and values in a map object.
carb::settings::setFloatArray: A helper function for setting a
as an array of floats.carb::settings::setFloatArray: A helper function for setting a
as an array of doubles.carb::settings::setIntArray: A helper function for setting a
as an array of 64-bit integers.carb::settings::setIntArray: A helper function for setting a
as an array of integers.carb::this_thread::setName: Sets the name for the current thread.
carb::thread::setName: Sets the name of the given thread.
carb::dictionary::setStringArray: Sets an array of values at a given path relative to a dictionary item.
carb::dictionary::setStringArray: Sets an array of values at a given path relative to a dictionary item.
carb::settings::setStringArray: A helper function for setting a
as an array of strings.omni::structuredlog::setStructuredLogLoggingEnabled: Enables or disables the structured logging log message redirection.
carb::audio::setVoiceFrequencyRatio: Set the frequencyRatio of a voice.
carb::audio::setVoiceMatrix: Set the matrix of a voice.
carb::audio::setVoiceVolume: Set the volume of a voice.
carb::assert::showToConsole: Sets whether a message should be printed out to the console on a failed assertion.
carb::shutdownFramework: Tears down the Carbonite framework.
carb::this_thread::sleepForUs: A simple sleep for the current thread that does not include the overhead of
.carb::this_thread::spinTryWait: Calls a predicate until it returns true or a number of attempts have elapsed.
carb::this_thread::spinTryWaitWithBackoff: Calls a predicate until it returns true or a number of attempts have elapsed, backing off as time passes.
carb::this_thread::spinWait: Calls a predicate repeatedly until it returns
.carb::this_thread::spinWaitWithBackoff: Calls a predicate until it returns true with progressively increasing delays between calls.
omni::extras::split: Splits a string based on a delimiter.
omni::extras::startsWith: Checks a string to see if it begins with a given prefix.
carb::startupFramework: Starts/Configures the framework given a slew of input parameters.
omni::core::steal: Returns an ObjectPtr managing the given pointer. omni::core::IObject::acquire() is not called on the pointer.
carb::stealObject: Helper function to create carb::ObjectPtr from a carb::IObject pointer by "stealing" the pointer; that is, without increasing the reference count.
omni::stod: Interprets the string
as a floating point value.omni::stof: Interprets the string
as a floating point value.omni::stoi: Interprets the string
as a signed integer value.omni::stol: Interprets the string
as a signed integer value.omni::stold: Interprets the string
as a floating point value.omni::stoll: Interprets the string
as a signed integer value.omni::stoul: Interprets the string
as a unsigned integer value.omni::stoull: Interprets the string
as a unsigned integer value.omni::compiletime::strcmp: Compile time std::strcmp().
omni::extras::stringCompareCaseInsensitive: Checks two strings for equality in an ASCII case-insensitive manner.
omni::extras::stringToInt2: Converts a string value to an Int2 representation, that is, a two-component vector.
omni::extras::stringToInteger: Converts a given string to a 32-bit signed integer value.
carb::logging::stringToLevel: Convert a given string to a log level.
omni::extras::stringToVersion: Parses a given string into a semantic version.
omni::extras::stringToVersionOrDefault: Parses a string to a semantic version, or a default value if parsing fails.
omni::compiletime::strlen: Returns the length of the string at compile time.
carb::input::subscribeToActionEvents: Subscribes to the action event stream for a specified action.
omni::ext::subscribeToExtensionEnable: A wrapper function to subscribe to extension enable (and optionally disable) events.
carb::input::subscribeToGamepadConnectionEvents: Subscribes to the gamepad connection event stream.
carb::input::subscribeToGamepadEvents: Subscribes to the gamepad event stream.
carb::input::subscribeToKeyboardEvents: Subscribes to the keyboard event stream.
carb::input::subscribeToMouseEvents: Subscribes to the mouse event stream.
carb::container::detail::swap: ADL swap function.
carb::cpp::swap: Swaps two string views.
omni::swap: Swaps
.omni::swap: Swap a and b by
.carb::memory::testReadable: Tests if a memory word (size_t) can be read from an address without crashing.
carb::input::toButtonFlags: Combines the previous and current button states into a Button flags. .
carb::input::toCurrentButtonState: Converts a button state to a CurrentButtonState .
carb::toHexVersion: Converts a Version struct to a hex-version.
carb::dictionary::toItemType: Helper function to convert a data type to a corresponding dictionary item type.
carb::dictionary::toItemType< bool >: Specialization for an
item value.carb::dictionary::toItemType< char * >: Specialization for an
item value.carb::dictionary::toItemType< const char * >: Specialization for an
const char*
item value.carb::dictionary::toItemType< double >: Specialization for an
item value.carb::dictionary::toItemType< float >: Specialization for an
item value.carb::dictionary::toItemType< int32_t >: Specialization for an
item value.carb::dictionary::toItemType< int64_t >: Specialization for an
item value.omni::extras::toLower: Transforms a string to lowercase in-place.
carb::input::toPreviousButtonState: Converts a button state to a PreviousButtonState .
omni::to_string: Converts the numerical value
to a string.omni::to_string: Converts the numerical value
to a string.omni::to_string: Converts the numerical value
to a string.omni::to_string: Converts the numerical value
to a string.omni::to_string: Converts the numerical value
to a string.omni::to_string: Converts the numerical value
to a string.omni::to_string: Converts the numerical value
to a string.omni::to_string: Converts the numerical value
to a string.omni::to_string: Converts the numerical value
to a string.carb::tolower: A fast table-based implementation of std::tolower for ASCII characters only.
carb::toupper: A fast table-based implementation of std::toupper for ASCII characters only.
carb::variant::translate: A helper function to translate a typed value into a VariantData via a Translator .
carb::events::typeFromString: Run-time conversion of string to carb::events::EventType .
omni::core::typeId: Returns the type id of the given type name at run time.
omni::unexpected: An empty
constructor call impliesTError = void
.omni::unexpected: Allow deduction of
from theunexpected(t)
expression.carb::extras::unloadLibrary: Unloads a loaded library.
carb::audio::unmuteVoice: Unmute a voice.
carb::audio::unpauseVoice: Unpause a voice.
carb::extras::unregisterPathAlias: Unregisters a path string alias.
carb::dictionary::unsubscribeTreeFromAllEvents: Unsubscribes all items in a dictionary tree from change notifications.
carb::assert::useBreakpoint: Sets whether the software breakpoint for a failed assertion should be triggered.
omni::extras::versionsCmp: Less-than comparator for two versions.
carb::dictionary::walkDictionary: Walk a dictionary item to enumerate all of its values.
carb::settings::walkSettings: A function for walking all of the settings from a given root.
carb::extras::withFormatNV: Formats as with vsnprintf() and calls a Callable with the result and the size.
carb::extras::withFormatV: Formats as with vsnprintf() and calls a Callable with the result.
carb::wrapInterfaceFunction: Wraps an interface function into a
.carb::wrapInterfaceFunction: Wraps an interface function into a
.carb::crashreporter::writeFileBlob: Writes a blob of data to an open file descriptor in a platform independent manner.