In directory: omni/ext
Source file: omni/ext/IExtensions.h
omni.ext Extension System interfaces
omni::ext::ExtensionManager: The manager class that is responsible for all Extensions.
omni::ext::IExtensionManagerHooks: Extension manager subclass with all the hooks that can be installed into it.
omni::ext::IExtensionStateChangeHook: An interface that can be implemented to receive extension state changes.
omni::ext::IHookHolder: Hook holder.
omni::ext::IPathProtocolProvider: Interface to be implemented to add new extension path protocols.
omni::ext::IRegistryProvider: Interface to be implemented by registry providers.
omni::ext::ExtensionFolderInfo: A struct for describing Extension Folder information.
omni::ext::ExtensionInfo: A struct describing Extension information.
omni::ext::ExtensionSummary: A struct describing an Extension Summary.
omni::ext::IExtensions: omni.ext plugin interface
omni::ext::RegistryProviderInfo: A struct for describing Registry Provider information.
omni::ext::SolverInput: Input to running custom extension solver.
omni::ext::Version: Extension version struct.
omni::ext::VersionLockDesc: Version lock generation parameters.