
Fully qualified name: omni::telemetry::kExtraFieldsToAddSetting

Defined in omni/structuredlog/Telemetry.h

constexpr char omni::telemetry::kExtraFieldsToAddSetting[] = "/telemetry/extraFieldsToAdd"#

This allows only a subset of the extra fields specified under /structuredLog/extraFields/ to be passed on to the transmitter when it is launched.

By default all extra fields specified under /structuredLog/extraFields/ will be passed on to the transmitter to use, but will be ignored by the transmitter. If a subset of those extra fields should be automatically added to each message by the transmitter, they can be added to this setting’s value in a single comma separated list in a string. Any whitespace in the string will be ignored. If this setting is undefined or contains an empty string, no extra fields will be automatically added to each message.