Installation Instructions#
Follow our Connector installation instructions to install this connector.
Before installing the Omniverse Connector from your Workstation Launcher, make sure you have a compatible version of McNeel Rhino installed.
In the near future Connectors will be hosted on the NVIDIA NGC Catalog for download and installation. The Omniverse Launcher entry for each connector will be updated with a direct download link to the connector installer on the NGC Catalog from the Launcher.
McNeel Rhino has developed a native OpenUSD plugin for Import and Export support. Learn more here.
McNeel Rhino has an Open Source RhinoUSD project on GitHub.
Enabling the Omniverse Panel#
Once the Plugin has been installed, you will find the Omniverse Panel should be floating in Rhino.

Feel free to Drag and Dock it to any Toolbar Position you like for Quick and Easy Access.

You can also dock the Omniverse Toolbar to a tab position by Drag and Dropping the Omniverse Toolbar window’s tab to Rhino’s Main Top Tab-Bar.