Connector Functionality


Import/Open (From USD)

  • Geometry
    • Static Meshes

  • Lights
    • Opens USD Lights: mapping 3dsmax native lights ( Limited to specific light types) to usd lights.

  • Cameras
    • Opens USD Cameras: mapping 3dsmax native cameras ( Limited to specific camera types) to usd cameras.

  • Materials
    • MDL Context

    • USD Preview Surface

  • Animation - Open USD files with paramter animation (Non-skeletal)

Export (To USD)

  • Geometry
    • Static Meshes

  • Lights
    • Export 3dsMax lights: mapping 3dsmax native lights ( Limited to specific light types) to usd lights.

  • Cameras
    • Export 3dsMax cameras: mapping 3dsmax native cameras ( Limited to specific camera types) to usd cameras.

  • Materials
  • Animation - Export USD files with paramter animation (Non-skeletal)


  • Save USD
    • Saves the current open usd. This saves only the changes made to the usd in place, instead of having to reexport it for faster iterations.

  • Live Edit
    • Transforms: Move rotate and scale assets live.

    • Live Edit Mesh: Live editing the mesh however not all modifiers are reflect updates during a Live Session.

Limitations & Missing Functionality


  • Shapes, Splines (are converted to poly)


  • AML (Autodesk Material Library)

  • UDIM partially functional


  • Bitmap Parameters adjustments

  • Autodesk Bitmaps


  • Environment Light mapping is missing

  • Sun Positioner mapping is missing

  • IES Profiles (Photometric)

  • Atmospheres and Effects for Lights

  • Vray and other non-native 3dsMax lights are have limited functionality


  • Skeletal Mesh import is missing

Live Sync

  • File must be saved to Omniverse Nucleus server for Live workflows.

  • Up axis for 3ds Max file and USD stage need to both be Y-Up.

  • Live is disabled if the target USD has animation.

  • Name changes to objects in the scene explorer may not register correctly, change names in modifier panel instead.