Connector Functionality
Import/Open (From USD)
- Geometry
Static Meshes
- Lights
Opens USD Lights: mapping 3dsmax native lights ( Limited to specific light types) to usd lights.
- Cameras
Opens USD Cameras: mapping 3dsmax native cameras ( Limited to specific camera types) to usd cameras.
- Materials
MDL Context
USD Preview Surface
Animation - Open USD files with paramter animation (Non-skeletal)
Export (To USD)
- Geometry
Static Meshes
- Lights
Export 3dsMax lights: mapping 3dsmax native lights ( Limited to specific light types) to usd lights.
- Cameras
Export 3dsMax cameras: mapping 3dsmax native cameras ( Limited to specific camera types) to usd cameras.
- Materials
Some native material types export to MDL with basic attribute mapping
Vray to MDL - Some Vray materials to MDL on export See V-Ray™ and 3ds-Max™ to MDL Features and Limitations for details.
USD preview Surface to the Default render context.
Animation - Export USD files with paramter animation (Non-skeletal)
- Save USD
Saves the current open usd. This saves only the changes made to the usd in place, instead of having to reexport it for faster iterations.
- Live Edit
Transforms: Move rotate and scale assets live.
Live Edit Mesh: Live editing the mesh however not all modifiers are reflect updates during a Live Session.
Limitations & Missing Functionality
Shapes, Splines (are converted to poly)
AML (Autodesk Material Library)
UDIM partially functional
Bitmap Parameters adjustments
Autodesk Bitmaps
Environment Light mapping is missing
Sun Positioner mapping is missing
IES Profiles (Photometric)
Atmospheres and Effects for Lights
Vray and other non-native 3dsMax lights are have limited functionality
Skeletal Mesh import is missing
Live Sync
File must be saved to Omniverse Nucleus server for Live workflows.
Up axis for 3ds Max file and USD stage need to both be Y-Up.
Live is disabled if the target USD has animation.
Name changes to objects in the scene explorer may not register correctly, change names in modifier panel instead.