Installation Instructions

Download the Omniverse Connector plugin for your version of ParaView from the table below:


5.12 Windows Zip

5.12 Linux Zip

After downloading the ParaView Connector plugin via the links above, perform the following steps:

Windows Installation

  • Unzip the installer package to a location of choice.

  • Run ParaViewOmniSetup.bat.

  • A dialog will pop up asking for the location of an existing official ParaView install into which to copy the Omniverse Connector plugin.

    • Select a location and press OK.

  • Accept the EULA.

  • Another dialog will pop up with a menu indicating whether a supported version of ParaView has been found, and the installation status of the Omniverse Connector plugin.

    • Click the Install button for the plugin to be installed to the ParaView installation at the location provided.

  • Press Close once done.

Linux Installation

  • Unzip the installer package to a location of choice.

  • On Linux, call export PVOV_INSTALL_PATH=<ParaView-install-dir> to set the location of an existing official ParaView install into which to copy the Omniverse Connector plugin.

  • Run -i.

  • Accept the EULA.

  • The plugin will now be installed to the ParaView installation at the location provided.

Instead of running the setup script, one can also copy the /lib folder over to the PV install, and to <PVOV_INSTALL_PATH>/lib/paraview-<version-nr>/plugins/paraview.plugins.xml add the following line: <Plugin name="OmniverseConnector" auto_load="1" />.


You can verify whether the ParaView Connector is properly installed by running ParaView and navigating to Tools->Manage Plugins. Make sure the Omniverse Connector plugin is loaded.