The NVIDIA Omniverse™ ParaView Connector offers a toolkit for ParaView users to send and live sync their model(s) to an NVIDIA Omniverse™ Nucleus Server, or alternatively locally output them to USD, along with OpenVDB in case of volumes. As a result, a user will be able to edit and sync their ParaView data with any OMNIVERSE® Connect applications, or just import it into applications supporting USD or OpenVDB. Now, depending on the use case, ParaView users can choose the workflows and pipelines that work best for their needs while maintaining up to date revisions for all downstream consumers of their work.
See the Installation Instructions and Test the connector using the ParaView wavelet source for a walkthrough in configuring and using the connector. A condensed list of Features is also available.
GitHub Source Code#
We have released the Omniverse ParaView connector on GitHub as a code sample for the developer community Open Source.
See also
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