Live Workflow#


Sign In 1

The sign-in window allows users to connect to their Omniverse Nucleus Server for Exporting and using Live Syncs. Enter the server name you wish to connect to and press Sign In. Once done, a browser window will appear. Enter your username and password to connect.

Sign In 1




Address of Omniverse Nucleus Server


Begins the connection


Stops the sign-in process and closes the sign-in window

Live Sync#

Live sync

Live sync updates your models allowing other Omniverse Apps get your changes in real-time.

connect to live session



Live Sync (Lightning Bolt)

Live Sync ON when checked

Source file

Name of the Rhino file being synced

Published file

Name of the .usd file being synced with

Connect USD

Opens a browser, allowing the user to select the .usd file to sync with

User Icon

Opens the Sign In dialog


Shows participants in current live session

Leave Session

Leave the current live session

Merge Session

Merge live session edits into connected .usd file, ends live session


The Live Sync Window must remain open to use Live Sync. Closing this window will terminate a live sync connection.

Create a session



Join or Create Session Toggle

Switch between dialog for joining or creating a live session

Text Box

Field to input the name of the live session to be created

Create Session

Creates a live session with the name provided in the text box


Cancels live session creation

Join a session



Join or Create Session Toggle

Switch between dialog for joining or creating a live session

Session Drop Down

Drop down selector for live sessions associated with the connected .usd file


Lists participants in selected live session

Join Session

Joins a live session with the name provided in the text box


Cancels live session join

Active session

Live Sync dialog during an active Live session

Push Changes to Omniverse#

Push changes

During a Live Sync session, clicking this button will pause updates from being sent to the Live session. This allows you to perform multiple edits before the model re-exports to the Live session. Clicking it again will resume Live updates.