
Defined in usdrt/scenegraph/usd/usdSkel/bindingAPI.h



class UsdSkelBindingAPI : public usdrt::UsdAPISchemaBase

Provides API for authoring and extracting all the skinning-related data that lives in the “geometry hierarchy” of prims and models that want to be skeletally deformed.

See the extended UsdSkelBindingAPI schema documentation for more about bindings and how they apply in a scene graph.

For any described attribute Fallback Value or Allowed Values below that are text/tokens, the actual token is published and defined in UsdSkelTokens. So to set an attribute to the value “rightHanded”, use UsdSkelTokens->rightHanded as the value.

Public Functions

inline explicit UsdSkelBindingAPI(const UsdPrim &prim = UsdPrim())

Construct a UsdSkelBindingAPI on UsdPrim prim . Equivalent to UsdSkelBindingAPI::Get(prim.GetStage(), prim.GetPath()) for a valid prim, but will not immediately throw an error for an invalid prim.

inline explicit UsdSkelBindingAPI(const UsdSchemaBase &schemaObj)

Construct a UsdSkelBindingAPI on the prim held by schemaObj . Should be preferred over UsdSkelBindingAPI(schemaObj.GetPrim()), as it preserves SchemaBase state.

inline virtual ~UsdSkelBindingAPI()


inline operator bool() const
inline UsdAttribute GetGeomBindTransformAttr() const

Encodes the bind-time world space transforms of the prim. If the transform is identical for a group of gprims that share a common ancestor, the transform may be authored on the ancestor, to “inherit” down to all the leaf gprims. If this transform is unset, an identity transform is used instead.


matrix4d primvars:skel:geomBindTransform

C++ Type


Usd Type


inline UsdAttribute CreateGeomBindTransformAttr() const

See GetGeomBindTransformAttr(), and also Create vs Get Property Methods for when to use Get vs Create. If specified, author defaultValue as the attribute’s default, sparsely (when it makes sense to do so) if writeSparsely is true - the default for writeSparsely is false.

inline UsdAttribute GetJointsAttr() const

An (optional) array of tokens defining the list of joints to which jointIndices apply. If not defined, jointIndices applies to the ordered list of joints defined in the bound Skeleton’s joints attribute. If undefined on a primitive, the primitive inherits the value of the nearest ancestor prim, if any.


uniform token[] skel:joints

C++ Type


Usd Type




inline UsdAttribute CreateJointsAttr() const

See GetJointsAttr(), and also Create vs Get Property Methods for when to use Get vs Create. If specified, author defaultValue as the attribute’s default, sparsely (when it makes sense to do so) if writeSparsely is true - the default for writeSparsely is false.

inline UsdAttribute GetJointIndicesAttr() const

Indices into the joints attribute of the closest (in namespace) bound Skeleton that affect each point of a PointBased gprim. The primvar can have either constant or vertex interpolation. This primvar’s elementSize will determine how many joint influences apply to each point. Indices must point be valid. Null influences should be defined by setting values in jointWeights to zero. See UsdGeomPrimvar for more information on interpolation and elementSize.


int[] primvars:skel:jointIndices

C++ Type


Usd Type


inline UsdAttribute CreateJointIndicesAttr() const

See GetJointIndicesAttr(), and also Create vs Get Property Methods for when to use Get vs Create. If specified, author defaultValue as the attribute’s default, sparsely (when it makes sense to do so) if writeSparsely is true - the default for writeSparsely is false.

inline UsdAttribute GetJointWeightsAttr() const

Weights for the joints that affect each point of a PointBased gprim. The primvar can have either constant or vertex interpolation. This primvar’s elementSize will determine how many joints influences apply to each point. The length, interpolation, and elementSize of jointWeights must match that of jointIndices. See UsdGeomPrimvar for more information on interpolation and elementSize.


float[] primvars:skel:jointWeights

C++ Type


Usd Type


inline UsdAttribute CreateJointWeightsAttr() const

See GetJointWeightsAttr(), and also Create vs Get Property Methods for when to use Get vs Create. If specified, author defaultValue as the attribute’s default, sparsely (when it makes sense to do so) if writeSparsely is true - the default for writeSparsely is false.

inline UsdAttribute GetSkinningMethodAttr() const

Different calculation method for skinning. LBS, DQ, and blendWeight.


uniform token skel:skinningMethod = "ClassicLinear"

C++ Type


Usd Type




Allowed Values

ClassicLinear, DualQuaternion, WeightedBlend

inline UsdAttribute CreateSkinningMethodAttr() const

See GetSkinningMethodAttr(), and also Create vs Get Property Methods for when to use Get vs Create. If specified, author defaultValue as the attribute’s default, sparsely (when it makes sense to do so) if writeSparsely is true - the default for writeSparsely is false.

inline UsdAttribute GetSkinningBlendWeightsAttr() const

Weights for weighted blend skinning method. The primvar can have either constant or vertex interpolation. Constant interpolation means every vertex share the same single blend weight. Vertex interpolation means every vertex has their own blend weight. The element size should match the vertices count in this case.


uniform float[] primvars:skel:skinningBlendWeights

C++ Type


Usd Type




inline UsdAttribute CreateSkinningBlendWeightsAttr() const

See GetSkinningBlendWeightsAttr(), and also Create vs Get Property Methods for when to use Get vs Create. If specified, author defaultValue as the attribute’s default, sparsely (when it makes sense to do so) if writeSparsely is true - the default for writeSparsely is false.

inline UsdAttribute GetBlendShapesAttr() const

An array of tokens defining the order onto which blend shape weights from an animation source map onto the skel:blendShapeTargets rel of a binding site. If authored, the number of elements must be equal to the number of targets in the blendShapeTargets rel. This property is not inherited hierarchically, and is expected to be authored directly on the skinnable primitive to which the blend shapes apply.


uniform token[] skel:blendShapes

C++ Type


Usd Type




inline UsdAttribute CreateBlendShapesAttr() const

See GetBlendShapesAttr(), and also Create vs Get Property Methods for when to use Get vs Create. If specified, author defaultValue as the attribute’s default, sparsely (when it makes sense to do so) if writeSparsely is true - the default for writeSparsely is false.

inline UsdRelationship GetAnimationSourceRel() const

Animation source to be bound to Skeleton primitives at or beneath the location at which this property is defined.

inline UsdRelationship CreateAnimationSourceRel() const

See GetAnimationSourceRel(), and also Create vs Get Property Methods for when to use Get vs Create.

inline UsdRelationship GetSkeletonRel() const

Skeleton to be bound to this prim and its descendents that possess a mapping and weighting to the joints of the identified Skeleton.

inline UsdRelationship CreateSkeletonRel() const

See GetSkeletonRel(), and also Create vs Get Property Methods for when to use Get vs Create.

inline UsdRelationship GetBlendShapeTargetsRel() const

Ordered list of all target blend shapes. This property is not inherited hierarchically, and is expected to be authored directly on the skinnable primitive to which the the blend shapes apply.

inline UsdRelationship CreateBlendShapeTargetsRel() const

See GetBlendShapeTargetsRel(), and also Create vs Get Property Methods for when to use Get vs Create.

UsdPrim GetPrim() const

Return this schema object’s held prim.

SdfPath GetPath() const

Return the SdfPath to this schema object’s held prim.

Public Static Functions

static inline const TfToken _GetStaticTfType()

Public Static Attributes

static const UsdSchemaType schemaType = UsdSchemaType::SingleApplyAPI

Compile time constant representing what kind of schema this class is.

See also


Protected Functions

inline const TfToken &_GetInstanceName() const

Returns the instance name of the API schema object belonging to a multiple-apply API schema.

The returned instance name will be empty for non-applied and single-apply API schemas.