
Defined in usdrt/scenegraph/usd/sdf/path.h



class SdfPathAncestorsRange

Range representing a path and ancestors, and providing methods for iterating over them.

Public Functions

inline SdfPathAncestorsRange(const SdfPath &path)


inline const SdfPath &GetPath() const

Get the current path part in the iteration.

inline iterator begin() const
inline iterator end() const
struct iterator


Public Types

using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag
using value_type = SdfPath
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t
using reference = const SdfPath&
using pointer = const SdfPath*

Public Functions

inline iterator(const SdfPath &path)

Construct an iterator from path.

iterator() = default

Default constructor.

inline iterator &operator++()

Iterator increment.

inline const SdfPath &operator*() const

Dereference operator.

inline const SdfPath *operator->() const

Accessor operator.

inline bool operator==(const iterator &o) const

Equality operator.

inline bool operator!=(const iterator &o) const

Inequality operator.