Search all NVIDIA Omniverse Kit Developer Documentation
Showing 309 results
blast-sdk Core Audio
A low level audio plugin for Omniverse applications
example.cpp_ext: C++ Extension Example
Example of extension that loads C++ plugin.
example.mixed_ext: C++ & Python (Mixed) Extension Example
Example of extension that both have python and c++ code.
example.python_ext: Python Extension Example
The simplest python extension example. Use it as a starting point for your extensions.
fabric_benchmark: Fabric Benchmark Extension
Benchmarking extension for Fabric.
flow: Omniverse Fluid Dynamics
kit-manual: Omniverse Kit Manual
omni-fabric-coodinated-token: Omniverse Kit Extension & App Template
omni.activity.core: Activity Core
The activity and the progress processor
omni.activity.profiler: Activity Profiler
Converts carb profiler events to omni activity events.
omni.activity.pump: Activity Pump
The activity and the progress processor gets pumped every 0.25 seconds
omni.activity.ui: Activity Window
Activity window displaying high-level and detailed file loading progress Chat USD (Preview)
Integration of the USD NIM & Agents into Kit Omni AI Documentation Generator
It is an advanced agent designed to generate developer documentation for kit extensions. It provides docstring for code, summerizes overview and usage, and extracts the settings for the extension Omni UI Agent
Integrating the OmniUI Agent into Kit Chat USD Agent Bundle
Integration of the chat USD Agent into Kit LangChain Core (Preview)
A core AI extension pulls the networked AI system transitioned to incorporate the open-source LangChain framework LangChain Widgets (Preview)
A UI Framework for Building Adaptive and Intelligent Networked Systems. Omni AI Documentation Generator
It is an advanced agent designed to generate developer documentation for kit extensions. It provides docstring for code, summerizes overview and usage, and extracts the settings for the extension Chat USD Agent Bundle
Integration of the chat USD Agent into Kit LC Ai Agent
A core AI extension pulls the networked AI system transitioned to incorporate the open-source LangChain framework AI Agent Core Widgets
A UI Framework for Building Adaptive and Intelligent Networked Systems. Omniverse Application Setup Extension
This Extension enable setup for applications
omni.appwindow: App Window
Create main/top-level application windows in kit. Boom Collision Audio
Handle playing and managing audio clips based on dynamic events.
omni.avreality.rain: Omniverse AVReality Rain Extension
Used to control rain settings, bake puddles and more.
omni.blast: Blast Destruction
Integrates destruction of physics actors using the Blast SDK
omni.configurator_publisher: Configurator Publisher
The Configurator Publisher provides a fixed configurable pipeline to process chosen asset.
omni.datastore: Datastore caches
Derived data caches to store GPU-ready data for streaming by the RTX-Renderer and other systems
omni.ecs: ECS Framework
Entity-Component-System (ECS) framework built on USD, Fabric, and OmniGraph
omni.example.cpp.actions: Example C++ Extension: actions
Demonstrates how to create actions in C++ that can then be executed from either C++ or Python.
omni.example.cpp.commands: Example C++ Extension: commands
Demonstrates how to create commands in C++ that can then be executed from either C++ or Python.
omni.example.cpp.hello_world: Example C++ Extension: Hello World
Demonstrates how to create a C++ object that will startup / shutdown along with the extension.
omni.example.cpp.omnigraph_node: Example C++ Extension: OmniGraph Node
Demonstrates how to create a C++ node for OmniGraph
omni.example.cpp.pybind: Example C++ Extension: pybind
Demonstrates how to reflect C++ code using pybind11 so that it can be called from Python code.
omni.example.cpp.ui_widget: Example C++ Extension: UI Widget
Demonstrates how to create a C++ widget for omni.ui
omni.example.cpp.usd: Example C++ Extension: USD
Demonstrates how to create a C++ plugin that can interact with the current USD stage.
omni.example.cpp.usd_physics: Example C++ Extension: USD Physics
Demonstrates how to create a C++ plugin that can add physics to the current USD stage.
omni.example.cpp.usdrt: Example C++ Extension: USDRT
Demonstrates how to create a C++ plugin that can interact with the current USDRT stage.
omni.example.python.hello_world: Example Python Extension: Hello World
Demonstrates how to create a Python module that will startup / shutdown along with the extension.
omni.example.python.ui: Example Python Extension: UI
Demonstrates how to create simple UI elements (eg. buttons and labels) from Python.
omni.example.python.usdrt: Example Python Extension: USDRT
Example Kit extension using the USDRT Scenegraph API.
omni.fabric.commands: Fabric Commands
Commands for Fabric
omni.flowusd: Omni Flow Documentation
Flow fluid simulation USD plugin
omni.gdn_asset_publisher: GDN Asset Publisher
The GDN asset publisher collects the chosen asset, zips it, and then uploads it to GDN.
omni.gpu_foundation: GPU Foundation
Low-level management of GPU-based resources and compute workloads.
omni.gpu_foundation.shadercache.d3d12 extension documentation
omni.gpu_foundation shader caches for D3D12
omni.gpu_foundation.shadercache.vulkan extension documentation
omni.gpu_foundation shader caches for Vulkan
omni.graph: OmniGraph Python
Contains the implementation of the OmniGraph core (Python Support).
omni.graph.action: OmniGraph Action Graph
Contains nodes for Omnigraph Action Graphs.
omni.graph.action_core: OmniGraph Action Graph Core
Contains nodes for Omnigraph Action Graphs.
omni.graph.action_nodes: OmniGraph Action Graph Nodes
Contains nodes for Omnigraph Action Graphs.
omni.graph.bundle.action: Action Graph Bundle
Load all extensions necessary for using OmniGraph action graphs
omni.graph.bundle.all: OmniGraph Bundle
Load all extensions that form the core of OmniGraph extensions, including the basic node library and test suite
omni.graph.core: OmniGraph
Contains the implementation of the OmniGraph core. OmniGraph Documentation
Documentation-only extension that serves as a starting point for viewing all OmniGraph documentation
omni.graph.example.ext: OmniGraph Extension Example
Example extension for OmniGraph nodes.
omni.graph.examples.cpp: OmniGraph C++ Examples
Contains a set of sample OmniGraph nodes implemented in C++.
omni.graph.examples.python: OmniGraph Python Examples
Contains a set of sample OmniGraph nodes implemented in Python.
omni.graph.expression: OmniGraph Expression Node
omni.graph.http: OmniGraph HTTP
OmniGraph nodes for sending and receiving HTTP messages
omni.graph.image.core: OmniGraph Image Core
Provides the runtime execution framework for OmniGraphs evaluated during the pre and post render stages.
omni.graph.image.nodes: OmniGraph GPU Interop nodes
Provides the entry point nodes into pre and post render graphs.
omni.graph.index: NVIDIA IndeX OmniGraph Nodes
Connects NVIDIA IndeX compute functionality with OmniGraph. OmniGraph IO
Input/output node types for OmniGraph. Deprecated, use omni.graph.nodes instead
omni.graph.nodes: OmniGraph Nodes
Contains a library of OmniGraph nodes
omni.graph.rtxtest: OmniGraph Regression Testing For Tests Requiring RTX
Contains test scripts and files used to test the OmniGraph functionality that exercises rendering.
omni.graph.samples: OmniGraph Samples
Load Omnigraph examples into the Examples Browser
omni.graph.scriptnode: Script Node
Python Node for OmniGraph
omni.graph.telemetry: OmniGraph Telemetry
Telemetry support for the 'omni.graph.*' extensions.
omni.graph.template.cpp: OmniGraph C++ Template
Templates for setting up an extension containing only C++ OmniGraph nodes.
omni.graph.template.mixed: OmniGraph Mixed C++ and Python Template
Templates for setting up an extension containing both OmniGraph Python and C++ nodes.
omni.graph.template.no_build: OmniGraph Python Template With Runtime Generation
Templates for setting up an extension containing OmniGraph Python nodes with no build process.
omni.graph.template.python: OmniGraph Python Template
Templates for setting up an extension containing OmniGraph Python nodes only (no C++).
omni.graph.test: OmniGraph Regression Testing
Contains test scripts and files used to test the OmniGraph extensions where the tests cannot live in a single extension. OmniGraph Tools
Contains the implementation of the Omniverse Graph node generator scripts.
omni.graph.tutorials: OmniGraph Tutorials
Contains a collection of tutorials on constructing OmniGraph nodes.
omni.graph.ui: OmniGraph UI
Contains all of the UI specific to the OmniGraph.
omni.graph.ui_nodes: OmniGraph UI Nodes
Contains a library of UI-related OmniGraph nodes
omni.graph.window.action: OmniGraph Action Graph Editor
Editor window for Action Graphs
omni.graph.window.core: OmniGraph Editor Core
Shared framework for OmniGraph-based editors
omni.graph.window.generic: OmniGraph Editor
Generic editor window for OmniGraphs
omni.hsscclient: HSSC Client
Extension that wraps and tests the carb.hsscclient plugin; this provides a client interface to the High Speed Static Cache for UJITSO and other systems.
omni.hydra.iray.shadercache.d3d12 extension documentation
omni.hydra.iray shader caches for D3D12
omni.hydra.iray.shadercache.vulkan extension documentation
omni.hydra.iray shader caches for Vulkan
omni.hydra.rtx.shadercache.d3d12 extension documentation
omni.hydra.rtx shader caches for D3D12
omni.hydra.rtx.shadercache.vulkan extension documentation
omni.hydra.rtx shader caches for Vulkan
omni.hydra.scene_api: Background Scene Delegates and Python API
This extension provides a scene delegate that can load in the background, and also python api for adding and removing those scene delegates.
omni.index.compute: NVIDIA IndeX OmniGraph Compute Nodes
Connects NVIDIA IndeX compute functionality with OmniGraph.
omni.kit.actions.core: Actions Core
Core framework for generic actions.
omni.kit.actions.window: Actions window.
A window to show actions.
omni.kit.async_engine: Asyncio Runner
Connects main python's asyncio event loop and kit's run loop
omni.kit.audiodeviceenum: Audio Device Enumerator
An audio device enumeration API which is available from python and C++
omni.kit.cadence_reality_dc_design: Cadence Reality DC Design Extension
An extension to bring Cadence Reality DC Design models and CFD result into Omniverse.
omni.kit.client.alias: Omni Client Alias
Setup alias for omni client library.
omni.kit.clipboard: Clipboard Utilities
Cross-platform clipboard utilities for copy & paste functionality.
omni.kit.collaboration.channel_manager: Channel Manager
The channel manager provides universal way to create/manage Omniverse Channel without caring about the state management but only message exchange between clients.
omni.kit.collaboration.debug_options: Collaboration Debug Settings
View and Modify Live Collaboration Debug Settings
omni.kit.collaboration.presence_layer: Live Session: Presence Layer
This extension manages the presence layer for sharing persistent data for all users in a Live Session.
omni.kit.collaboration.telemetry: Omniverse Collaboration Telemetry
Telemetry support for the 'omni.kit.collaboration.*' extensions.
omni.kit.commands: Commands
Core framework for commands and the undo/redo system in Kit
omni.kit.context_menu: Context Menu Libraries
Context menu libraries. For creation of context sensitive menu without using UI and helper functions to manage prims.
omni.kit.converter.cad: CAD Converter
CAD Converter Extension which depends on the Hoops, DGN, and JT extensions
omni.kit.converter.cad_core: CAD Converter Core
CAD Converter Extension using Hoops Exchange SDK.
omni.kit.converter.common: Converter Common
Converter Common extension contains common resource and classes that can be shared among other CAD converters.
omni.kit.converter.dgn: DGN Converter GUI Extension
DGN Converter Core Extension using Open Design Alliance (ODA) SDK. It supports...
omni.kit.converter.dgn_core: DGN Converter Core Extension
DGN Converter Core Extension using Open Design Alliance (ODA) SDK. It supports...
omni.kit.converter.hoops: Hoops Converter
CAD Converter Extension using Hoops Exchange SDK.
omni.kit.converter.hoops_core: Hoops Converter Core
Hoops Converter Extension using Hoops Exchange SDK.
omni.kit.converter.jt: JT Converter
JT Converter.
omni.kit.converter.jt_core: JT Converter Core
JT Converter Extension JT Open Toolkit (JTTK) SDK.
omni.kit.data2ui.core: Data Driven Core
Actions, commands, menus for creating USD objects used in Data Driven UI workflows
omni.kit.data2ui.usd: Data Driven USD Extension
Actions, commands, menus for creating USD objects used in Data Driven UI workflows
omni.kit.ddui.usd: Data Driven USD Extension
Actions, commands, menus for creating USD objects used in Data Driven UI workflows
omni.kit.debug.python: Python Debugger
Uses debugpy which implements the Debug Adapter Protocol Omni.UI Style Documentation
The interactive documentation for omni.ui style
omni.kit.gfn: NVIDIA GFN Integration
Integration between Omniverse Kit and the GFN runtime SDK Omni.UI Graph Doc
The interactive documentation for omni.kit.graph
omni.kit.helper.file_utils: Utilities for common file operations
Set of utilities for common file operations
omni.kit.hotkeys.core: Hotkey Core APIs
The Hotkeys Core extension is a framework for creating, registering, and discovering hotkeys.
omni.kit.hotkeys.window: Hotkeys window.
A window to show hotkeys.
omni.kit.hydra_texture: Omniverse Kit Hydra Texture
Extension to setup and consume render output from a HydraEngine attached to a Usd.Stage
omni.kit.language.core: Kit Language API
Kit Language API. Adds support for alternative fonts.
omni.kit.language.japanese: Japanese font for Omniverse Kit
Japanese font for Omniverse Kit
omni.kit.livestream.messaging: Structured messaging for gfn or webrtc streaming
Converts generic string messages from gfn or streamsdk into structured messages with custom event types.
omni.kit.livestream.webrtc.setup: Enable settings for webrtc streaming
Sets window size and framerate and enables webrtc streaming
omni.kit.loop-default: Loop Runner
Default implementation of omni::kit::IRunLoopRunner, an interface that pumps global update events
omni.kit.mainwindow: The Kit Main Window setup
The extension manages the main window of the application. It provides methods to set up the main window docking, show or hide the main menu bar and status bar. Camera Manipulator
Viewport / SceneUI Camera manipulation
omni.kit.manipulator.prim: Prim Manipulator Bundle
Prim Manipulator Extension Bundle
omni.kit.manipulator.prim.core: Prim Manipulator Core
Prim Manipulator Core Extension
omni.kit.manipulator.prim.fabric: Prim Manipulator Fabric Data Accessor
Prim Manipulator Fabric Data Accessor Extension
omni.kit.manipulator.prim.usd: Prim Manipulator USD Data Accessor
Prim Manipulator USD Data Accessor Extension
omni.kit.manipulator.selection: Selection Shape/Box Manipulator
Viewport / SceneUI selection box and shape manipulator
omni.kit.manipulator.selector: Prim Manipulator Selector
Prim Manipulator Selector Extension
omni.kit.manipulator.tool.snap: Manipulator Snap Tool
Extension that provides snap functionality to transform manipulator as well as a registry for external snap tools
omni.kit.manipulator.transform: Transform Manipulator
Transform Manipulator Extension
omni.kit.material.library: Material Library
Material Utility Functions Menu Core
Menu Core Create Menu
Implementation of Create Menu. Edit Menu
Implementation of Edit Menu. Undo, Redo, Select All, Select None, etc. File Menu
Implementation of File Menu. New, Open, Save, Exit etc. Menu Utils
Menu utilities to add, remove and update menus for the top bar of the window.
omni.kit.nls: NVIDIA License Service
Integrates a Kit app with the NVIDIA License Service (NLS).
omni.kit.notification_manager: Notification Manager
Extension that provides interface to post notifications.
omni.kit.pipapi: API to install pip modules
Module to enable usage of ``pip install`` in Omniverse Kit environment
omni.kit.primitive.mesh: Mesh Primitives Generator
Generators for basic mesh geometry. Audio Property Widget
View and Edit Audio Property Values Property Widgets Bundle
Load all property widgets Camera Property Widget
View and Edit Camera Property Values Layer Property Window Widgets
Property Window widgets that displays Layer related information. Light Property Widget
View and Edit Light Property Values Material Property Widget
View and Edit Material Property Values Transform Property Widget
View and Edit Transform Property Values USD Property Window Widgets
Property Window widgets that displays USD related information.
omni.kit.raycast.query: RTX Raycast Query
An extension wraps around RTX Raycast Query to provide simpler raycast interface into the stage.
omni.kit.registry.nucleus: Nucleus Registry for Extensions
Extension registry implementation based on client library. Supports nucleus, http, filesystem storage.
omni.kit.renderer.capture: Rendering Capture
This is an extension to capture different graphics resources to a file. It can be used to save specific swapchain buffer, GUI texture, or RpResource into a file with specified compression parameters.
omni.kit.renderer.core: Rendering Core
This is a low level abstract GUI rendering extension, i.e. it manages (through carb::graphics) swapchains, basic resources like textures/buffers, and implements an event structure for higher level systems (e.g. ImGui renderer, which is just one of the possible GUI renderers in theory). It supports multi-window too, including virtual windows.
omni.kit.renderer.imgui: Rendering Imgui
This extension subscribes to rendering events emitted from the omni.kit.renderer.core and implements an ImGUI rendering backend, i.e. it does actual windows, buttons, fonts rendering.
omni.kit.scene_view.opengl: OmniUI Scene OpenGL SceneView
An omni.ui.SceneView widget that renders its omni.ui.SceneView.Scene with OpenGL
omni.kit.scene_view.usd: USD Draw System for Scene UI
Uses USD primitives to display UI Scene objects as part of the USD scene
omni.kit.selection: USD Prim Selection
USD prim selection commands with undo/redo support
omni.kit.single_instance: kit single instance
Intercepts external attempts to start Kit and intelligently handles the startup arguments based on Kit's current running state.
omni.kit.splash.carousel: Omni Carousel Splash
Display a Splash screen while app is loading
omni.kit.stage_template.core: Stage Template Core
Allows custom stage templates to be loaded on omni.usd.get_context().new_stage_async()
omni.kit.telemetry: Telemetry
Telemetry for Omniverse Kit.
omni.kit.tool.collect: Project Collector
It's a tool that could be used to collect and gather all dependencies an USD depends on.
omni.kit.usd.collect: Collector
Collects all dependencies of a USD file.
omni.kit.usd.layers: Layers Core
USD Layer-related utilities and workflows.
omni.kit.usd.mdl: USD MDL plugins
USD Discovery and parser plugins for MDL
omni.kit.usd_docs: Omni USD Documentation
The interactive documentation for Omni.USD and USD
omni.kit.usd_presenter.nav_tips: USD Presenter navigation tips
USD Presenter navigation tips
omni.kit.usd_undo: USD Undo
Utility to undo USD layer operations
omni.kit.viewport.actions: Viewport Actions and Hotkeys
General Viewport Actions and Hotkeys omni.kit Viewport API Documentation
The documentation for the next Viewport API in Kit
omni.kit.viewport.legacy_gizmos: Legacy Viewport Gizmo drawing
Deprecated API to draw gizmos in the viewport. Cameras in Viewport Menu Bar
Adds a variety of camera settings
omni.kit.viewport.menubar.core: Viewport Menu Bar Core API
Adds a variety of functionality to a viewport by adding a menu-bar and items at the top
omni.kit.viewport.menubar.display: Display in Viewport Menu Bar
Adds a variety of display settings
omni.kit.viewport.menubar.render: Render settings in Viewport Menu Bar
Adds a variety of render settings
omni.kit.viewport.menubar.settings: Viewport settings in Viewport Menu Bar
Adds a variety of viewport settings
omni.kit.viewport.ready: Viewport Ready
Extension to inject a omni.ui element into the Viewport until rendering has begun
omni.kit.viewport.registry: Viewport Registry
Registration for items that want to be added to all viewports
omni.kit.viewport.utility: Viewport Utility
Utility functions to access [active] Viewport information
omni.kit.viewport.window: Viewport Window
New OmniUI Based HydraEngine Viewport
omni.kit.watched_config: Watched Config
Watch and reload config files.
omni.kit.welcome.window: Welcome Window
Show a welcome window
omni.kit.widget.browser_bar: Browser Bar Widget
Treeview browser bar as embeddable widget
omni.kit.widget.context_menu: Context Menu Widget
Context menu widget. An API to create menus from dictionaries
omni.kit.widget.filebrowser: FileBrowser Widget
Filebrowser embeddable widget
omni.kit.widget.filter: Filter button
A filter button widget includes a popup window to show filter options.
omni.kit.widget.graph: Graph Widget
Omniverse Kit Graph Widget which defines the common API for graph model, delegate and view.
omni.kit.widget.highlight_label: Highlight widgets
A label widget to show highlight word.
omni.kit.widget.layers: Layer View
Omniverse Kit Layer Window
omni.kit.widget.live_session_management: Live Session Management Widgets
This extension includes shared live session widgets used by other extentions to re-use widgets for session management.
omni.kit.widget.nucleus_connector: Nucleus Connector
Helper extension for connecting to Nucleus servers
omni.kit.widget.options_button: Option button
A option button widget includes a popup window to show options.
omni.kit.widget.options_menu: Options Menu
A popup menu widget to show options.
omni.kit.widget.path_field: Path Field Widget
String field widget with tooltips for branching
omni.kit.widget.prompt: Prompt dialog for omni.ui widgets
Prompt dialog for use with omni.ui widgets
omni.kit.widget.searchable_combobox: Searchable ComboBox
Searchable ComboBox Widget
omni.kit.widget.searchfield: SearchField widgets
A widget to input search words.
omni.kit.widget.settings: Settings Widget
Settings Widget
omni.kit.widget.stage: Stage Widget
Stage Widget
omni.kit.widget.stage_icons: Icons for Stage Widget
Default Set of Icons for the Stage Window.
omni.kit.widget.toolbar: Toolbar Widget
Extension to create toolbar widget. It also comes with builtin tools for transform manipulation and animation playing.
omni.kit.widget.viewport: Viewport Widget
Widget for displaying a render of a Usd Stage
omni.kit.window.content_browser: Content Browser Window
A window for browsing Omniverse content.
omni.kit.window.content_browser_registry: content Browser Registry
Registry for all customizations that are added to the Content Browser
omni.kit.window.drop_support: External Drag & Drop
Drag & Drop support from outside kit
omni.kit.window.extensions: Extensions Manager Window
Customize and personalize Kit with extensions
omni.kit.window.file: USD File UI
Provides utility functions to new/open/save/close USD files
omni.kit.window.file_exporter: File Exporter
A dialog for exporting files
omni.kit.window.file_importer: File Importer
A dialog for importing files
omni.kit.window.filepicker: Filepicker Window
Filepicker popup dialog and embeddable widget
omni.kit.window.inspector: Inspector Window (Preview)
Inspect your UI Elements
omni.kit.window.popup_dialog: Simple Popup Dialogs with Input Fields
A variety of simple Popup Dialogs for taking in user inputs
omni.kit.window.preferences: Preferences Window
A window which allows users to change preference settings Property Window
Kit Property Window.
omni.kit.window.stage: Stage Window
Omniverse Kit Stage Window
omni.kit.window.status_bar: Status Bar
Status Bar supports setting the progress and the message using the message bus.
omni.kit.xr.openxr.ext.hand_tracking: OpenXR Hand Tracking
Component to enable hand tracking with the XR_EXT_hand_tracking extension
omni.kit.xr.openxr.meta.passthrough: Meta Passthrough OpenXR Extension
Component to enable passthrough AR using Meta/FB Passthrough extension
omni.kit.xr.samples.openxr.hand_tracking: OpenXR Hand Tracking
Component to enable hand tracking with the XR_EXT_hand_tracking extension
omni.kit.xr.samples.openxr.planes_tracking: OpenXR Planes Tracking
Component to enable planes tracking with the XR_EXT_planes_tracking extension
omni.materialx.libs: MaterialX
MaterialX + OpenPBR libraries.
omni.mdl: MDL Python Bindings
A SWIG generated Python binding for the native MDL SDK.
omni.mdl.neuraylib: MDL Material Backend Python Bindings
Access the MDL shade nodes of the material system in OV.
omni.nvcf.core: Omniverse Inference NVCF
Extension for calling NVIDIA cloud functions in Omniverse.
omni.ovai_lab.python: OV AI Lab Kit Extension
This extension imports OV AI Lab Python libraries into Omniverse Kit
omni.physics.hydra: Omni Physics Hydra
Omni Physics Hydra.
omni.rtx.shadercache.d3d12: Shader caches for D3D12
Shader caches for D3D12
omni.rtx.shadercache.vulkan: Shader caches for Vulkan
Shader caches for Vulkan USD Boom Schema
USD Boom schema
omni.sensors.nv.beams: Beams Model Extension
Beams Model Extension Camera Sensor Simulator
NVIDIA Camera Sensor Simulation.
omni.sensors.nv.common: Omniverse Sensors NV Common
Common plugins, nodes and public headers for sensors extensions.
omni.sensors.nv.lidar: Lidar Sensor Simulation
Nvidia Lidar Sensor Simulation including Point Cloud Converter, Profile Reader and utilities nodes.
omni.sensors.nv.materials: Non visual Materials
Non visual Materials extension incl. utilities
omni.sensors.nv.radar: Omni RADAR Extension
Omni Nvidia RADAR extension
omni.sensors.nv.ultrasonic: Omniverse Ultrasonic Extension
Omniverse Ultrasonic extension Kit USD Asset Validator Service
USD micro service to validator Asset Converter Service
Convert assets as a service CAD Converter Service
The CAD Converter Service is a service for batch conversion of CAD files to USD. Omniverse Crash Service
Omniverse Crash Service Kit Derived Data Cache Populator Service
USD micro service for JIC population of the Derived Data Cache. Kit USD Scene Optimizer Service
Micro service to perform scene optimization. OmniGraph Simulation Service
Service for evaluating OmniGraph simulations Kit USD Base
USD micro service to calculate extent
omni.sim.haircomposer: HairComposer
HairComposer is a kit extension
omni.simai.example.cpp_ext: C++ Extension Example
Example of extension that loads C++ plugin.
omni.simai.example.mixed_ext: C++ & Python (Mixed) Extension Example
Example of extension that both have python and c++ code.
omni.simai.example.python_ext: Python Extension Example
The simplest python extension example. Use it as a starting point for your extensions.
omni.simai.python: SimAI Kit Extension
This extension imports SimAI Python libraries into Omniverse Kit
omni.simready.cadtools: SimReady CAD Tools
Provides utilities for working with USD content imported from CAD data.
omni.simready.explorer: Browser for SimReady Assets
A browser for SimReady Assets
omni.slangnode: OmniGraph Slang Node Documentation
Node compiles and runs Slang code
omni.stats: Statistics
Concise overview window accounting for various statistics, including scene complexity, as well as GPU compute and memory utilization.
omni.syntheticdata: Synthetic Data Sensors
An extension for providing python access to the synthetic data sensors, useful helper functions and sensor visualization.
omni.timeline: Timeline
Provides interface for time information
omni.ui: UI Framework
The Omniverse UI Framework
omni.ui.scene: Omni UI Scene
The Omniverse 3D UI Framework
omni.uiaudio: UI Audio
An audio API for playing sounds for UI interactions.
omni.ujitso.client: UJITSO Build System Client
A build system to facilitate retrieving, building and caching of derived data like GPU-ready geometry or textures.
omni.ujitso.default: Omniverse UJITSO default instances
Default UJITSO build system instance that ties together the build system and necessary processors.
omni.ujitso.processor.geometry: OV UJITSO Geometry Processor Extension
UJITSO processor to generate GPU-ready geometry data for the RTX renderer.
omni.ujitso.processor.texture: OV UJITSO Texture Processor Extension
UJITSO processor to produce GPU-ready texture data for the RTX renderer.
omni.usd: Omni USD
The omni.usd extension is the python frontend of omni.usd.core extension. It provides both synchronous/asynchronous interfaces in C++ and Python to manage UsdContext, and do state query. It also provides common utitlies and undoable commands for wrapped USD operations. omni.usd is the foundation component for all other extentions that need to access USD.
omni.usd.config: Omni USD Config
This extension sets environment variables that are used by other parts of the application.
omni.usd.core: Omni USD Core
The omni.usd.core extension loads and initializes USD and Hydra. It provides managed UsdContext for easy USD Stage access, and life-cycle management.
omni.usd.libs: Omni USD Libraries
Extension to load native USD binaries.
omni.usd.schema.destruction: USD Destruction Schema
USD Destruction schema
omni.usd_resolver: Omni USD Resolver
The Omniverse Kit Resolver allows USD to work with files in Omniverse.
omni.vdb_timesample_editor: Omni Time Sample Editor Documentation
The editor for generating and editing 'timeSamples' metadata of VDB assets
omni.view.nav_tips: View navigation tips
View navigation tips
omni.volume: Volume
This lightweight extension loads carb.volume and its dependencies and provides the carb.volume Python bindings.
omni.volume_nodes: Volume Nodes
pxr-usd-api: pxr USD API
simready.autolabeller: SimReady Autolabeller
The simplest python extension example. Use it as a starting point for your extensions.
test.omni.graph.core: OmniGraph Core Test Extension
Support for testing low level omni.graph.core functionality.