
Defined in usdrt/scenegraph/usd/usd/impl/usd_decl.h




class UsdPrimRange

a forward-iterable range that traverses a subtree of prims rooted at a given prim in depth-first order.

TODO Usage example TODO iterator needs more doc details…


post-visit iterators not yet supported.

Public Functions

inline UsdPrimRange()
UsdPrimRange(const UsdPrim &start)

Create a PrimRange that traverses the subtree rooted at start in depth-first order.


start – UsdPrim to use as root of traversal.

iterator begin() const

Return an iterator to the start of this range.

iterator end() const

Return a past-the-end iterator to the end of this range.

bool empty() const

Check if this range is empty.


Return true if this range contains no prims, and false otherwise.

explicit operator bool() const

Return true if this range contains one or more prims, false otherwise.

Public Members

UsdPrim m_startPrim

Start prim for iteration.

struct iterator

A forward iterator into a UsdPrimRange.

Public Types

using iterator_category = std::input_iterator_tag
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t
using value_type = UsdPrim
using pointer = UsdPrim*
using reference = UsdPrim&

Public Functions

iterator(omni::core::ObjectPtr<usdrt::IRtPrimRange> primRange)
void PruneChildren()

Behave as if the current prim has no children when next advanced.

reference operator*()
pointer operator->()
iterator &operator++()
iterator operator++(int)