
  • SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2024 NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.

  • SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

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class lightspeed.trex.project_wizard.core.ProjectWizardCore

Bases: object

CONTEXT_NAME = 'ProjectWizard'
setup_project(schema: Dict, dry_run: bool = False)

Run the project setup using the given schema.

  • schema – the schema to use for the project creation. Please see the documentation.

  • dry_run – whether a dry run or a “real” run should be performed.


>>> ProjectWizardCore(
>>>    {
>>>         "existing_project": False,
>>>         "project_path": Path("R:\Remix\projects\MyProject\my_project.usda")
>>>         "remix_directory": Path("R:\Remix\rtx-remix"),
>>>         "mod_file": Path("R:\Remix\rtx-remix\mods\ExistingMod1\existing_mod_1.usda"),
>>>         "existing_mods": [
>>>             Path("R:\Remix\rtx-remix\mods\ExistingMod1\existing_mod_1.usda")
>>>         ],
>>>         "capture_file": Path("R:\Remix\rtx-remix\captures\capture_1.usda"),
>>>    }
async setup_project_async(schema: Dict, dry_run: bool = False)

Asynchronous implementation of setup_project

async setup_project_async_with_exceptions(schema: Dict, dry_run: bool = False)

Asynchronous implementation of setup_project, but async without error handling. This is meant for testing.

subscribe_log_error(callback: Callable[[str], Any])

Return the object that will automatically unsubscribe when destroyed.

subscribe_log_info(callback: Callable[[str], Any])

Return the object that will automatically unsubscribe when destroyed.

subscribe_run_finished(callback: Union[partial, Callable[[bool, Optional[str]], Any]])

Return the object that will automatically unsubscribe when destroyed.

subscribe_run_progress(callback: Callable[[float], Any])

Return the object that will automatically unsubscribe when destroyed.

class lightspeed.trex.project_wizard.core.ProjectWizardKeys(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

CAPTURE_FILE = 'capture_file'
EXISTING_MODS = 'existing_mods'
EXISTING_PROJECT = 'existing_project'
MOD_FILE = 'mod_file'
PROJECT_FILE = 'project_file'
REMIX_DIRECTORY = 'remix_directory'
class lightspeed.trex.project_wizard.core.ProjectWizardSchema(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: pydantic.BaseModel

are_all_mod_files_valid(v, values)

Check that the paths are valid mod layers

capture_file: Optional[pathlib.Path]
existing_mods: Optional[List[pathlib.Path]]
existing_project: bool
is_capture_file_valid(v, values)

Check that the file is a valid capture file or None

is_mod_file_valid(v, values)

Check that the file is a valid mod file or None

is_project_file_valid(v, values)

Check that the path is a valid project file

is_remix_directory_valid(v, values)

Check that the path is a valid capture directory

mod_file: Optional[pathlib.Path]
project_file: pathlib.Path
remix_directory: Optional[pathlib.Path]