
This is the widget that let you create a view to see content/a library.

Grid view:

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List view:

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from omni.flux.content_viewer.widget import ContentViewerWidget as _ContentViewerWidget
from omni.flux.content_viewer.widget.core import ContentViewerCore as _ContentViewerCore

core = _ContentViewerCore()
viewer = _ContentViewerWidget(core)



First you need to set some style in your global style (to have basic icons):

import omni.ui as ui
from omni.flux.utils.widget.resources import get_fonts as _get_fonts
style = ui.Style.get_instance()
current_dict = style.default
        # refresh
        "Image::ContentViewerWidgetRefresh": {"image_url": "refresh.svg", "color": 0xFF8A8777, "margin": 3},

        # add item
        "Image::ContentViewerWidgetItemAddAdd": {"image_url": "add.svg", "color": 0xFFDADADA},

        # item background grid
        "Image::ContentViewerWidgetItemGrid": {"image_url": "grid.svg", "color": 0x33FFFFFF, "border_radius": 8},
style.default = current_dict


The view has some feature that you can enable/disable when you implement it. Some of those features can be changed dynamically at runtime (like the view from grid to list), some are not.


from omni.flux.content_viewer.widget import ContentViewerWidget as _ContentViewerWidget
from omni.flux.content_viewer.widget.core import ContentViewerCore as _ContentViewerCore

class _EgoVehicleViewer(_ContentViewerWidget):


core = _ContentViewerCore()
viewer = _EgoVehicleViewer(core)

This will create a view with the “zoom” slider enabled and the “Add item” enabled:

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Please check all the feature in the API of the viewer documentation.


You can override the filter function to add any type of filtering feature(s) that you want. By default

from omni.flux.content_viewer.widget import ContentViewerWidget as _ContentViewerWidget
from omni.flux.content_viewer.widget.core import ContentViewerCore as _ContentViewerCore
from typing import Optional, Type

class _EgoVehicleViewer(_ContentViewerWidget):

    def _filter_fn(self, text: Optional[str], data: Type["BaseContentData"]) -> bool:
        Default filter function

            text: the input text that will be used to filter
            data: the item

            If the item should be shown or not
        if text is not None and text.lower() not in data.title.lower():
            return False
        return True

core = _ContentViewerCore()
viewer = _EgoVehicleViewer(core)

You can change this function to filter the way you want (tags from the usd data.path, etc etc).

Viewer item

The view will show “view items”. Those view items can be customized. By default, there are already two default implementation

  • from omni.flux.content_viewer.widget import ContentItemAdd.

  • from omni.flux.content_viewer.widget import ContentItem.

ContentItemAdd is a basic viewer item with an “+” image:

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ContentItem takes as an input a core from omni.flux.content_viewer.widget.core import ContentData, that represent a data with a path. From the core ContentData data, the viewer item will show things (like the image).

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You can customize those items, or create new one using ContentItem as example. The UI can be customized using the function _deferred_create_ui(). Please check the API to see features of ContentItem (multi-selection, drag, etc etc).

To tell the view to use our custom item:

from omni.flux.content_viewer.widget import ContentViewerWidget as _ContentViewerWidget
from omni.flux.content_viewer.widget.core import ContentViewerCore as _ContentViewerCore

class _EgoVehicleViewer(_ContentViewerWidget):

    CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE = MyCustomItem  #<---- here

core = _ContentViewerCore()
viewer = _EgoVehicleViewer(core)

By default, the view use ContentItem.


You need to sub-class the core to feed the view with the data that you want to show. _get_content_data() needs to be implemented:

import carb
from pydantic import ValidationError
from typing import List, Type
from omni.flux.content_viewer.widget.core import ContentData, ContentViewerCore

import typing
if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from omni.flux.content_viewer.widget.core import BaseContentData

class BareVehicleCore(ContentViewerCore):

    def name(self) -> str:
        """Name of the core"""
        return "Bare Vehicle"

    def __get_image(self) -> str:
        return "image.png"

    def _get_content_data(self) -> List[Type["BaseContentData"]]:
        result = []
        for title, data in {"Hello01": "my_data", "Hello02": "my_data"}.items():
            except ValidationError as error:
        return result

Please check the API of the core.

Core item

As you can see, _get_content_data() need to return a list of items based of BaseContentData. By default, because the viewer uses the viewer item from omni.flux.content_viewer.widget import ContentItem that takes data with a path and an image, a basic core item was implemented from omni.flux.content_viewer.widget.core import ContentData.

This is what we use in our previous example.

Full custom example

You can, if you want, create a new type of core item (that takes different type of data, like a color):

from omni.flux.content_viewer.widget.core import BaseContentData

class CustomContentData(BaseContentData):
    color: str

Use this core item into your core implementation that will grab the data:

import carb
from pydantic import ValidationError
from typing import List, Type
from omni.flux.content_viewer.widget.core import ContentViewerCore

import typing
if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from omni.flux.content_viewer.widget.core import BaseContentData

class ColorCore(ContentViewerCore):

    def name(self) -> str:
        """Name of the core"""
        return "Colors"

    def _get_content_data(self) -> List[Type["BaseContentData"]]:
        result = []
        for title, color in {"Color1": "red", "Color2": "blue"}.items():
                    CustomContentData(  # <--- here
                        color=color,  # <-- here
            except ValidationError as error:
        return result

And create a custom viewer item to show this color:

from omni.flux.content_viewer.widget.items import BaseContentItem
from typing import Type
import omni.ui as ui

class ContentItemColor(BaseContentItem):
    async def _deferred_create_ui(self):
        """Create the UI"""
        with ui.VStack():
            ui.Label(self.content_data.color)  # <---- here, or could be an image that show the color

And set this item type as a default item into a viewer:

from omni.flux.content_viewer.widget import ContentViewerWidget as _ContentViewerWidget
from omni.flux.content_viewer.widget.core import ContentViewerCore as _ContentViewerCore

class _ColorViewer(_ContentViewerWidget):

    CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE = ContentItemColor  #<---- here

core = _ContentViewerCore()
viewer = _ColorViewer(core)

Customize the list view

You can add more column(s) into the list view:

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To do that, you can pass a custom delegate:

from omni.flux.content_viewer.widget import ContentViewerWidget as _ContentViewerWidget

class CustomViewer(_ContentViewerWidget):
    LIST_DELEGATE_TREE_VIEW = _CustomDelegate

And you can add new column(s) into your delegate:

import omni.ui as ui
from omni.flux.content_viewer.widget.tree_delegate import Delegate as _DelegateTreeView
from omni.flux.content_viewer.widget.tree_model import HEADER_DICT

        2: "Hello column",

class Delegate(_DelegateTreeView):
    def build_widget(self, model, item, column_id, level, expanded):
        super().build_widget(model, item, column_id, level, expanded)
        with self._frames[item.content_data.title][self._widget_name]:
            if column_id == 2:
                label = ui.Label(
                    "Hello", name="ContentViewerWidgetItemListTitle", style=self._get_label_style(item)

                if item.content_data.title in self._labels:
                    self._labels[item.content_data.title][self._widget_name] = label
                    self._labels[item.content_data.title] = {self._widget_name: label}