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- class omni.flux.feature_flags.core.FeatureFlag(key: str, settings_data: dict)
- property default_attr: dict[str, None]
- destroy()
- property display_name: str
- property key: str
- property tooltip: str
- property value: bool
- class omni.flux.feature_flags.core.FeatureFlagsCore
- feature_flags_changed(callback: callable) list[carb.settings._settings.SubscriptionId]
A context manager to subscribe and unsubscribe from the feature_flags_changed events automatically.
Since the subscription will be cleaned up automatically when the context manager exits, this is not viable for long-running code, but can be useful in short-lived scripts.
- Parameters
callback – The callback to executed when the event is triggered.
- Returns
A list of subscription IDs created when subscribing to the events.
- get_all_flags() list[omni.flux.feature_flags.core.items.FeatureFlag]
Get all the feature flags defined in the /exts/omni.flux.feature_flags.core/flags settings.
This method will also clean up any residual persistent feature flag setting after transient definitions are removed.
- Returns
A list of FeatureFlag objects for every feature flag defined in the settings.
- get_flag(feature_flag_key: str) omni.flux.feature_flags.core.items.FeatureFlag
Get a feature flag object, given its key
- Parameters
feature_flag_key – The key used in the settings to identify the feature flag
- Raises
ValueError – If the feature flag with the given key is not found in the settings.
- Returns
A FeatureFlag object of the feature flag requested
- is_enabled(feature_flag_key: str) bool
Whether a requested feature flag is enabled or not.
- Parameters
feature_flag_key – The key used in the settings to identify the feature flag
- Raises
ValueError – If the feature flag with the given key is not found in the settings.
- Returns
True if a feature flag is enabled, False otherwise.
- set_enabled(feature_flag_key: str, value: bool)
Set the requested feature flag’s value to the given value.
- Parameters
feature_flag_key – The key used in the settings to identify the feature flag
value – Whether the feature flag should be enabled or disabled.
- set_enabled_all(value: bool)
Set all the available feature flags’ values to the given value.
- Parameters
value – Whether the feature flags should be enabled or disabled.
- subscribe_feature_flags_changed(callback: callable) list[carb.settings._settings.SubscriptionId]
Subscribe to changes to any of the feature flags’ values.
- Parameters
callback – The callback function to be called when a feature flag’s value changes.
- Returns
A list of subscription IDs to use when unsubscribing.
- unsubscribe_feature_flags_changed(subscription_ids: list[carb.settings._settings.SubscriptionId])
Unsubscribe from the feature_flags_changed events.
- Parameters
subscription_ids – A list of subscription IDs to unsubscribe from