• SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2024 NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.

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class lightspeed.trex.project_wizard.setup_page.widget.SetupPage(context_name: str = '', previous_page: Optional[omni.flux.wizard.widget.items.WizardPage] = None, next_page: Optional[omni.flux.wizard.widget.items.WizardPage] = None)

Bases: omni.flux.wizard.widget.items.WizardPage

__init__(context_name: str = '', previous_page: Optional[omni.flux.wizard.widget.items.WizardPage] = None, next_page: Optional[omni.flux.wizard.widget.items.WizardPage] = None)

The items used by the WizardModel. An item is a page and is rendered inside the wizard. The create_ui method should be implemented to determine what the page will look like.

  • previous_page – A reference to the page to render when going to the previous page. If None, the “Previous” button will be disabled.

  • next_page – A reference to the page to render when going to the next page. If None, the “Next” button will become the “Done” button.

  • next_text – Text to use for the “Next” button

  • previous_text – Text to use for the “Previous” button

  • done_text – Text to use for the “Done” button

  • blocked – Whether the widget navigation should be blocked or not

  • hide_navigation – Whether the widget navigation bar should be visible or not


The UI displayed in the Wizard should be defined in this method.

property open_or_create: bool

Whether the setup is to open an existing project or create a new project

subscribe_file_picker_closed(function: Callable[[], None])

Return the object that will automatically unsubscribe when destroyed. Called when the file picker is closed.

subscribe_file_picker_opened(function: Callable[[], None])

Return the object that will automatically unsubscribe when destroyed. Called when the file picker is opened.