This is the widget that let you create a tree view with some icons, a menu, and a title that you can change with a double click.
from omni.flux.tree_panel.widget import PanelOutlinerWidget
widget = PanelOutlinerWidget(tree_model=None, tree_delegate=None) # hold the widget in a variable or it will crash
First you need to set some style in your global style (to have basic icons):
import omni.ui as ui
from omni.flux.utils.widget.resources import get_fonts as _get_fonts
style = ui.Style.get_instance()
current_dict = style.default
# menu burger
"Image::MenuBurger": {"image_url": "menu-burger.svg", "color": 0x99FFFFFF},
"Image::MenuBurger:hovered": {"image_url": "menu-burger.svg", "color": 0xCCFFFFFF},
"Image::MenuBurger:selected": {"image_url": "menu-burger.svg", "color": 0xFFFFFFFF},
# branch +/- icon
"Image::TreeViewBranchCollapsed": {"image_url": "disclosure-collapsed.svg", "color": 0xFFFFFFFF},
"Image::TreeViewBranchExpanded": {"image_url": "disclosure-expanded.svg", "color": 0xFFFFFFFF},
# line background
"Image::TreePanelLinesBackground": {"image_url": "you_image_line.png", "color": 0x40FFFFFF},
# arrow back
"Image::GoBack": {"image_url": "arrow.png", "color": 0x99FFFFFF},
style.default = current_dict
Depending of the component type attribute (see items), you will have to set some styles to show an icon in your tree.
The style has a prefix like: f"TreeViewBranch{item.component_type}"
import omni.ui as ui
style = ui.Style.get_instance()
current_dict = style.default
"Image::TreeViewBranchDriverModel": {"image_url": "compute.svg", "color": 0x99FFFFFF},
"Image::TreeViewBranchDriverModel:checked": {
"image_url": "compute.svg",
"color": 0xCCFFFFFF,
}, # checked == hovered
"Image::TreeViewBranchDriverModel:selected": {"image_url": "compute.svg", "color": 0xFFFFFFFF}
style.default = current_dict
You will need to feed the widget with a model that contain some items. For that you need to create some items, and set them into the model.
Creation of a basic item
from omni.flux.tree_panel.widget.tree.model import Item as _Item
class BasicItem(_Item):
"""Item of the model"""
def component_type(self):
return None
def can_item_have_children(self, item):
return False
def on_mouse_pressed(self):
print("Mouse pressed")
def title(self):
return "Basic item"
Creation of an item with children
from omni.flux.tree_panel.widget.tree.model import Item as _Item
class ChildAItem(_Item):
"""Child A"""
def component_type(self):
return "Compute"
def can_item_have_children(self, item):
return False
def on_mouse_pressed(self):
print("Mouse pressed")
def title(self):
return "Child A"
class ChildBItem(_Item):
"""Child B"""
def component_type(self):
return "Sensors"
def can_item_have_children(self, item):
return False
def on_mouse_pressed(self):
print("Mouse pressed")
def title(self):
return "Child B"
class ParentItem(_Item):
def __init__(self):
self.children_items = [
def component_type(self):
return None
def can_item_have_children(self, item):
return True
def on_mouse_pressed(self):
print("Mouse pressed")
def title(self):
return "Parent"
from omni.flux.tree_panel.widget import PanelOutlinerWidget as _PanelOutlinerWidget
from omni.flux.tree_panel.widget.tree.model import Model as _Model
model = _Model()
model.set_items([BasicItem(), ParentItem()])
widget = _PanelOutlinerWidget(tree_model=model) # hold or crash
Tree title
You can set the default tree title like this:
widget.set_title("My new title")