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- class omni.flux.utils.common.Converter(key: str, claim_func: typing.Callable[[typing.Any], bool], serialize_hook: typing.Callable[[omni.flux.utils.common.serialize.T], typing.Union[dict[str, 'JSON'], list['JSON'], str, int, float, bool, None, omni.flux.utils.common.serialize.Primitive]] = <function Converter.<lambda>>, deserialize_hook: typing.Callable[[typing.Union[dict[str, 'JSON'], list['JSON'], str, int, float, bool, None, omni.flux.utils.common.serialize.Primitive]], omni.flux.utils.common.serialize.T] = <function Converter.<lambda>>)
]A dataclass which holds methods used to convert data from one format to another.
- __init__(key: str, claim_func: typing.Callable[[typing.Any], bool], serialize_hook: typing.Callable[[omni.flux.utils.common.serialize.T], typing.Union[dict[str, 'JSON'], list['JSON'], str, int, float, bool, None, omni.flux.utils.common.serialize.Primitive]] = <function Converter.<lambda>>, deserialize_hook: typing.Callable[[typing.Union[dict[str, 'JSON'], list['JSON'], str, int, float, bool, None, omni.flux.utils.common.serialize.Primitive]], omni.flux.utils.common.serialize.T] = <function Converter.<lambda>>) None
- claim_func: Callable[[Any], bool]
- deserialize_hook()
- key: str
- serialize_hook()
- class omni.flux.utils.common.Event(*args, copy: bool = False, **kwargs)
A list of callable objects. Calling an instance of this will cause a call to each item in the list in ascending order by index.
- __init__(*args, copy: bool = False, **kwargs)
Init of a set function
- Parameters
*args – any args
copy – if True, it will execute callback(s) from a copy of the set. Why? It can happen that we have a circular pattern where an event execute a callback that will re-create/delete the event itself. For example, imagine a button that sets an event when we click on it. And the event is that this is re-creating the button itself (and the event). As a result, you could have an error like RuntimeError: Set changed size during iteration. We don’t set this to True by default to force the dev to be aware of the pattern he is doing.
**kwargs – any kwargs
- class omni.flux.utils.common.EventSubscription(event, function)
Event subscription.
_Event has callback while this object exists.
- __init__(event, function)
Save the function, the event, and add the function to the event.
- class omni.flux.utils.common.Serializer
]A utility class that provides methods to serialize and deserialize objects using custom registered hooks.
There are a few ways to configure the serializer to handle custom types.
[Option 1 : Direct Converter instance] >>> import datetime … >>> serializer = Serializer() … >>> serializer.register_converter( … Converter( … key=”datetime.datetime”, … claim_func=lambda x: isinstance(x, datetime.datetime), … serialize_hook=lambda dt: dt.isoformat(), … deserialize_hook=datetime.datetime.fromisoformat, … ) … )
[Option 2 : Register serialize/deserialize hook decorators] >>> import datetime … >>> serializer = Serializer() … >>> @serializer.register_serialize_hook(datetime.datetime) >>> def serialize_datetime(dt): … return dt.isoformat() … >>> @serializer.register_deserialize_hook(datetime.datetime) >>> def deserialize_datetime(s): … return datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(s)
- __init__()
- deserialize(data: dict[str, 'JSON'] | list['JSON'] | str | int | float | bool | None) omni.flux.utils.common.serialize.T
Deserialize json data back into native types.
- dumps(obj: omni.flux.utils.common.serialize.T) dict[str, 'JSON'] | list['JSON'] | str | int | float | bool | None
Wrapper for json.dumps which will serialize any complex types using the registered converters.
- loads(s: dict[str, 'JSON'] | list['JSON'] | str | int | float | bool | None) omni.flux.utils.common.serialize.T
Wrapper for json.loads which will deserialize into native types using the registered converters.
- register_converter(converter: omni.flux.utils.common.serialize.Converter)
Add a converter to the registry of available converters.
- register_deserialize_hook(claim_func_or_type: Union[Type, Callable[[Any], bool]], key: Optional[str] = None)
Decorator used to register a deserialize hook for specific type(s).
- register_serialize_hook(claim_func_or_type: Union[Type, Callable[[Any], bool]], key: Optional[str] = None)
Decorator used to register a serialize hook for specific type(s).
- serialize(obj: omni.flux.utils.common.serialize.T) dict[str, 'JSON'] | list['JSON'] | str | int | float | bool | None
Serialize obj to something json friendly.
This method is called recursively for nested types such as tuple, list, set, and dict.
- to_primitive(obj: omni.flux.utils.common.serialize.T) Union[omni.flux.utils.common.serialize.Primitive[omni.flux.utils.common.serialize.T], omni.flux.utils.common.serialize.T]
Check for any registered converters for obj, if one exists, then call its serialize hook to convert it into a primitive type.
- omni.flux.utils.common.async_wrap(func) Callable
Wrap a function into an async executor
- omni.flux.utils.common.reset_default_attrs(obj)