Fully qualified name: omni::math::linalg::range3
template<typename T>
class range3# Public Types
Public Functions
inline range3()#
inline explicit constexpr range3(ScalarType size)#
inline constexpr void SetEmpty()#
Sets the range to an empty interval.
inline constexpr range3(const MinMaxType &min, const MinMaxType &max)#
This constructor initializes the minimum and maximum points.
inline const MinMaxType &GetMin() const#
Returns the minimum value of the range.
inline const MinMaxType &GetMax() const#
Returns the maximum value of the range.
inline MinMaxType GetSize() const#
Returns the size of the range.
inline MinMaxType GetMidpoint() const#
Returns the midpoint of the range, that is, 0.5*(min+max). Note: this returns zero in the case of default-constructed ranges, or ranges set via SetEmpty().
inline void SetMin(const MinMaxType &min)#
Sets the minimum value of the range.
inline void SetMax(const MinMaxType &max)#
Sets the maximum value of the range.
inline bool IsEmpty() const#
Returns whether the range is empty (max < min).
inline void ExtendBy(const MinMaxType &point)#
Modifies the range if necessary to surround the given value.
- Deprecated:
Use UnionWith() instead.
inline void ExtendBy(const ThisType &range)#
Modifies the range if necessary to surround the given range.
- Deprecated:
Use UnionWith() instead.
inline bool Contains(const MinMaxType &point) const#
Returns true if the
is located inside the range. As with all operations of this type, the range is assumed to include its extrema.
inline bool Contains(const ThisType &range) const#
Returns true if the
is located entirely inside the range. As with all operations of this type, the ranges are assumed to include their extrema.
inline bool IsInside(const MinMaxType &point) const#
Returns true if the
is located inside the range. As with all operations of this type, the range is assumed to include its extrema.- Deprecated:
Use Contains() instead.
inline bool IsInside(const ThisType &range) const#
Returns true if the
is located entirely inside the range. As with all operations of this type, the ranges are assumed to include their extrema.- Deprecated:
Use Contains() instead.
inline bool IsOutside(const ThisType &range) const#
Returns true if the
is located entirely outside the range. As with all operations of this type, the ranges are assumed to include their extrema.
inline const ThisType &UnionWith(const MinMaxType &b)#
to includeb
inline const ThisType &Union(const ThisType &b)#
to includeb
.- Deprecated:
Use UnionWith() instead.
inline const ThisType &Union(const MinMaxType &b)#
to includeb
.- Deprecated:
Use UnionWith() instead.
inline const ThisType &IntersectWith(const ThisType &b)#
Modifies this range to hold its intersection with
and returns the result.
inline const ThisType &Intersection(const ThisType &b)#
Modifies this range to hold its intersection with
and returns the result.- Deprecated:
Use IntersectWith() instead.
inline bool operator==(const ThisType &b) const#
The min and max points must match exactly for equality.
inline double GetDistanceSquared(const MinMaxType &p) const#
Compute the squared distance from a point to the range.
inline MinMaxType GetCorner(size_t i) const#
Returns the ith corner of the range, in the following order: LDB, RDB, LUB, RUB, LDF, RDF, LUF, RUF. Where L/R is left/right, D/U is down/up, and B/F is back/front.
Public Static Functions
static inline ThisType GetUnion(const ThisType &a, const ThisType &b)#
Returns the smallest
which contains botha
static inline ThisType Union(const ThisType &a, const ThisType &b)#
Returns the smallest
which contains botha
.- Deprecated:
Use GetUnion() instead.
- static inline ThisType GetIntersection( )#
Returns a
that describes the intersection ofa
- static inline ThisType Intersection( )#
Returns a
that describes the intersection ofa
.- Deprecated:
Use GetIntersection() instead.
Public Static Attributes
static const size_t dimension = 3#
inline range3()#