
Fully qualified name: usdrt::PhysxSchemaPhysxPhysicsAttachment

class PhysxSchemaPhysxPhysicsAttachment : public usdrt::UsdTyped#

Represents attachments between physics actors, for example, between a rigid body and a deformable body, or a deformable body and a particle cloth. For any described attribute Fallback Value or Allowed Values below that are text/tokens, the actual token is published and defined in PhysxSchemaTokens. So to set an attribute to the value “rightHanded”, use PhysxSchemaTokens->rightHanded as the value.

Public Functions

inline explicit PhysxSchemaPhysxPhysicsAttachment(
const UsdPrim &prim = UsdPrim(),

Construct a PhysxSchemaPhysxPhysicsAttachment on UsdPrim prim. Equivalent to PhysxSchemaPhysxPhysicsAttachment::Get(prim.GetStage(), prim.GetPath()) for a valid prim , but will not immediately throw an error for an invalid prim.

inline explicit PhysxSchemaPhysxPhysicsAttachment(
const UsdSchemaBase &schemaObj,

Construct a PhysxSchemaPhysxPhysicsAttachment on the prim held by schemaObj . Should be preferred over PhysxSchemaPhysxPhysicsAttachment(schemaObj.GetPrim()), as it preserves SchemaBase state.

inline virtual ~PhysxSchemaPhysxPhysicsAttachment()#


inline UsdAttribute GetAttachmentEnabledAttr() const#

Enable or disable the attachment.


bool attachmentEnabled = 1

C++ Type


Usd Type


inline UsdAttribute CreateAttachmentEnabledAttr() const#

See GetAttachmentEnabledAttr(), and also Create vs Get Property Methods for when to use Get vs Create. If specified, author defaultValue as the attribute’s default, sparsely (when it makes sense to do so) if writeSparsely is true - the default for writeSparsely is false.

inline UsdAttribute GetPoints0Attr() const#

Attachment points in Actor 0 local space, defined in the actor’s rest state, if it is deformable. Elements correspond one-to-one to elements in points1 attribute.


point3f[] points0

C++ Type


Usd Type


inline UsdAttribute CreatePoints0Attr() const#

See GetPoints0Attr(), and also Create vs Get Property Methods for when to use Get vs Create. If specified, author defaultValue as the attribute’s default, sparsely (when it makes sense to do so) if writeSparsely is true - the default for writeSparsely is false.

inline UsdAttribute GetPoints1Attr() const#

Attachment points in Actor 1 local space, defined in the actor’s rest state, if it is deformable. Elements correspond one-to-one to elements in points0 attribute.


point3f[] points1

C++ Type


Usd Type


inline UsdAttribute CreatePoints1Attr() const#

See GetPoints1Attr(), and also Create vs Get Property Methods for when to use Get vs Create. If specified, author defaultValue as the attribute’s default, sparsely (when it makes sense to do so) if writeSparsely is true - the default for writeSparsely is false.

inline UsdAttribute GetCollisionFilterIndices0Attr() const#

Indices to geometry of Actor 0 that should not generate collisions with Actor 1 as specified by filterType0. Ignored for rigid bodies.


uint[] collisionFilterIndices0

C++ Type

VtArray<unsigned int>

Usd Type


inline UsdAttribute CreateCollisionFilterIndices0Attr() const#

See GetCollisionFilterIndices0Attr(), and also Create vs Get Property Methods for when to use Get vs Create. If specified, author defaultValue as the attribute’s default, sparsely (when it makes sense to do so) if writeSparsely is true - the default for writeSparsely is false.

inline UsdAttribute GetFilterType0Attr() const#

Specify if indices in collisionFilterIndices0 correspond to vertices; or mesh cell-geometry, i.e. triangles, tetrahedrons, etc.


uniform token filterType0

C++ Type


Usd Type




Allowed Values

Vertices, Geometry

inline UsdAttribute CreateFilterType0Attr() const#

See GetFilterType0Attr(), and also Create vs Get Property Methods for when to use Get vs Create. If specified, author defaultValue as the attribute’s default, sparsely (when it makes sense to do so) if writeSparsely is true - the default for writeSparsely is false.

inline UsdAttribute GetCollisionFilterIndices1Attr() const#

Indices to mesh triangle/tet/hex/etc. of Actor 1 that should not generate collisions with Actor 0. Ignored for rigid bodies.


uint[] collisionFilterIndices1

C++ Type

VtArray<unsigned int>

Usd Type


inline UsdAttribute CreateCollisionFilterIndices1Attr() const#

See GetCollisionFilterIndices1Attr(), and also Create vs Get Property Methods for when to use Get vs Create. If specified, author defaultValue as the attribute’s default, sparsely (when it makes sense to do so) if writeSparsely is true - the default for writeSparsely is false.

inline UsdAttribute GetFilterType1Attr() const#

Specify if indices in collisionFilterIndices1 correspond to vertices; or mesh cell-geometry, i.e. triangles, tetrahedrons, etc.


uniform token filterType1

C++ Type


Usd Type




Allowed Values

Vertices, Geometry

inline UsdAttribute CreateFilterType1Attr() const#

See GetFilterType1Attr(), and also Create vs Get Property Methods for when to use Get vs Create. If specified, author defaultValue as the attribute’s default, sparsely (when it makes sense to do so) if writeSparsely is true - the default for writeSparsely is false.

inline UsdRelationship GetActor0Rel() const#

Reference to the first actor.

inline UsdRelationship CreateActor0Rel() const#

See GetActor0Rel(), and also Create vs Get Property Methods for when to use Get vs Create.

inline UsdRelationship GetActor1Rel() const#

Reference to the second actor.

inline UsdRelationship CreateActor1Rel() const#

See GetActor1Rel(), and also Create vs Get Property Methods for when to use Get vs Create.

UsdPrim GetPrim() const#

Return this schema object’s held prim.

SdfPath GetPath() const#

Return the SdfPath to this schema object’s held prim.

inline explicit operator bool() const#

Check if this schema object is compatible with it’s held prim and that the prim is valid.

A typed schema object is compatible if the held prim’s type is or is a subtype of the schema’s type. Based on prim.IsA().

An API schema object is compatible if the API is of type SingleApplyAPI or UsdSchemaType::MultipleApplyAPI, and the schema has been applied to the prim. Based on prim.HasAPI.

This method invokes polymorphic behaviour.


True if the help prim is valid, and the schema object is compatible with its held prim.

Public Static Functions

static inline PhysxSchemaPhysxPhysicsAttachment Define(
const UsdStageRefPtr &stage,
const SdfPath &path,

Attempt to ensure a UsdPrim adhering to this schema at path is defined (according to UsdPrim::IsDefined()) on this stage.

Public Static Attributes

static const UsdSchemaType schemaType = UsdSchemaType::ConcreteTyped#

Compile time constant representing what kind of schema this class is.

See also


Protected Functions

inline virtual bool _IsCompatible() const#

Helper for subclasses to do specific compatibility checking with the given prim. Subclassess may override _isCompatible to for example check type compatibility or value compatibility on the prim.

Overrides exist for UsdTyped and UsdAPISchemaBase.

This check is called when clients invoke the bool operator.


True if the schema object is compatible with its held prim.

inline const TfToken _GetType() const#

Helper for subclasses to get this schema’s type token.


This diverges from Usd and returns a TfToken, since we don’t implements TfType.


The token representing the schema’s TfType.