namespace audio
Audio playback and capture.
carb::audio::EventListener: A listener for data from an EventStreamer .
carb::audio::EventStreamer: A events::IEvents based audio streamer.
carb::audio::NullStreamer: a null streamer implementation.
carb::audio::OutputStreamer: a streamer object to write to a stream to a file.
carb::audio::StreamerWrapper: wrapper base class to handle defining new streamer objects in C++ classes.
carb::audio::AudioResult: possible return values from various audio APIs.
carb::audio::ChooseType: names of possible methods for choosing sounds to play from a sound group.
carb::audio::CodecPart: names to identify the different parts of a codec.
carb::audio::ContextCallbackEvent: names for events that get passed to a context callback function.
carb::audio::DeviceBackend: Which device backend is being used for audio.
carb::audio::DeviceType: the direction to collect device information for.
carb::audio::FlacFileType: The file type used to store FLAC encoded audio.
carb::audio::OpusCodecUsage: The intended usage for audio.
carb::audio::RolloffType: distance based DSP value rolloff curve types.
carb::audio::SampleFormat: the data type for a single sample of raw audio data.
carb::audio::Speaker: speaker names.
carb::audio::StreamState: names for the state of a stream used in the Streamer object.
carb::audio::UnitType: description of how a size or offset value is defined.
carb::audio::VoiceCallbackType: voice callback reason names.
carb::audio::alignBytesToFrameCeil: aligns a byte count to a frame boundary for an audio data format.
carb::audio::alignBytesToFrameCeil: aligns a byte count to a frame boundary for an audio data format.
carb::audio::alignBytesToFrameCeil: aligns a byte count to a frame boundary for an audio data format.
carb::audio::alignBytesToFrameFloor: aligns a byte count to a frame boundary for an audio data format.
carb::audio::alignBytesToFrameFloor: aligns a byte count to a frame boundary for an audio data format.
carb::audio::alignBytesToFrameFloor: aligns a byte count to a frame boundary for an audio data format.
carb::audio::bitsPerSampleToIntegerPcmSampleFormat: converts a bits per sample count to an integer PCM sample format.
carb::audio::bytesToFrames: converts a byte count to a frame count.
carb::audio::bytesToFrames: converts a byte count to a frame count.
carb::audio::bytesToFrames: converts a byte count to a frame count.
carb::audio::bytesToMicroseconds: converts a byte count to an approximate time in microseconds.
carb::audio::bytesToMicroseconds: converts a byte count to an approximate time in microseconds.
carb::audio::bytesToMicroseconds: converts a byte count to an approximate time in microseconds.
carb::audio::bytesToMilliseconds: converts a byte count to an approximate time in milliseconds.
carb::audio::bytesToMilliseconds: converts a byte count to an approximate time in milliseconds.
carb::audio::bytesToMilliseconds: converts a byte count to an approximate time in milliseconds.
carb::audio::calculateGainFromLinearScale: Calculate a decibel gain value from a linear volume scale.
carb::audio::calculateLinearScaleFromGain: Calculate the linear volume scale from a decibel gain level.
carb::audio::calculateOpusGain: Calculate the gain parameter for an Opus encoder from a floating point gain.
carb::audio::convertSoundFormat: Convert a sound to a new sample format.
carb::audio::convertToFlac: Convert a sound to FLAC.
carb::audio::convertToVorbis: Convert a sound to Vorbis.
carb::audio::convertUnits: converts an input value from one unit to another.
carb::audio::createEmptySound: Create an empty SoundData of a specific length.
carb::audio::createSoundFromBlob: create a sound data object from a blob in memory.
carb::audio::createSoundFromFile: create a sound data object from a file on disk.
carb::audio::createSoundFromRawPcmBlob: Creates a sound data object from a blob of memory.
carb::audio::decrementWithWrap: Decrement a counter with a non-power-of-2 modulo.
carb::audio::degreesToRadians: converts an angle in degrees to an angle in radians.
carb::audio::degreesToRadians: converts an angle in degrees to an angle in radians.
carb::audio::estimateVideoLatency: Calculates an estimate of the current level of video latency.
carb::audio::framesToBytes: converts a frame count to a byte offset.
carb::audio::framesToBytes: converts a frame count to a byte offset.
carb::audio::framesToBytes: converts a frame count to a byte offset.
carb::audio::framesToMicroseconds: converts a frame count at a given frame rate to a time in microseconds.
carb::audio::framesToMicroseconds: converts a frame count at a given frame rate to a time in microseconds.
carb::audio::framesToMilliseconds: converts a frame count at a given frame rate to a time in milliseconds.
carb::audio::framesToMilliseconds: converts a frame count at a given frame rate to a time in milliseconds.
carb::audio::generateSoundFormat: Generates a SoundFormat based on the 4 parameters given.
carb::audio::getConeDefaults: fills a cone descriptor with the default cone values.
carb::audio::getPlaySoundDescDefaults: Initialize a PlaySoundDesc to its defaults.
carb::audio::getRolloffDefaults: fills a rolloff descriptor with the default rolloff values.
carb::audio::getSetBitCount: counts the number of set bits in a bit flag set.
carb::audio::getSoundDataLoadDescDefaults: Initialize a SoundDataLoadDesc to its defaults.
carb::audio::getSpeakerCountForMode: Retrieves the total number of speakers for a given speaker mode.
carb::audio::getSpeakerFlagsForCount: calculates a set of speaker flags for a channel count.
carb::audio::getSpeakerFromSpeakerFlag: retrieves a speaker name from a single speaker mode flag.
carb::audio::getSpeakerFromSpeakerMode: retrieves an indexed speaker name from a speaker mode mask.
carb::audio::getSpeakerModeForCount: retrieves a default speaker mode for a given channel count.
carb::audio::incrementWithWrap: Increment a counter with a non-power-of-2 modulo.
carb::audio::makeSpeakerFlag: a conversion function from a Speaker enum to bitflags.
carb::audio::makeSpeakerFlag: a conversion function from a Speaker enum to bitflags.
carb::audio::microsecondsToBytes: converts a time in microseconds to a byte count.
carb::audio::microsecondsToBytes: converts a time in microseconds to a byte count.
carb::audio::microsecondsToBytes: converts a time in microseconds to a byte count.
carb::audio::microsecondsToFrames: converts a time in microseconds to a frame count.
carb::audio::microsecondsToFrames: converts a time in microseconds to a frame count.
carb::audio::millisecondsToBytes: converts a time in milliseconds to a byte count.
carb::audio::millisecondsToBytes: converts a time in milliseconds to a byte count.
carb::audio::millisecondsToBytes: converts a time in milliseconds to a byte count.
carb::audio::millisecondsToFrames: converts a time in milliseconds to a frame count.
carb::audio::millisecondsToFrames: converts a time in milliseconds to a frame count.
carb::audio::muteVoice: Mute a voice.
carb::audio::pauseVoice: Pause a voice.
carb::audio::playLoopingSound: Play a sound sound that loops.
carb::audio::playOneShotSound: Play a sound with no special parameters.
carb::audio::radiansToDegrees: converts an angle in radians to an angle in degrees.
carb::audio::radiansToDegrees: converts an angle in radians to an angle in degrees.
carb::audio::sampleFormatToBitsPerSample: retrieves the number of bits per channel for a given sample format.
carb::audio::saveSoundToDisk: Save a sound to disk.
carb::audio::saveToDiskAsFlac: Convert a sound to FLAC.
carb::audio::saveToDiskAsOpus: Convert a sound to Opus.
carb::audio::saveToDiskAsVorbis: Save a sound to disk as Vorbis.
carb::audio::setVoiceFrequencyRatio: Set the frequencyRatio of a voice.
carb::audio::setVoiceMatrix: Set the matrix of a voice.
carb::audio::setVoiceVolume: Set the volume of a voice.
carb::audio::unmuteVoice: Unmute a voice.
carb::audio::unpauseVoice: Unpause a voice.
carb::audio::AudioImageDesc: A descriptor for IAudioData::drawWaveform().
carb::audio::CaptureContextDesc: descriptor used to indicate the options passed to the createContext() function.
carb::audio::CaptureDeviceDesc: describes the parameters to use when selecting a capture device.
carb::audio::CodecInfo: information about a codec for a single sample format.
carb::audio::CodecState: stores information on the current decoding or encoding state of a SoundData object.
carb::audio::CodecStateDesc: a descriptor for the codec state that should be created.
carb::audio::Context: represents a single audio context object.
carb::audio::ContextCaps: the capabilities of the context object.
carb::audio::ContextParams: context parameters block.
carb::audio::ContextParams2: Extended context parameters descriptor object.
carb::audio::ConversionDesc: a descriptor of a data type conversion operation.
carb::audio::DecodeStateDesc: a descriptor of how to create a sound decode state object with createCodecState().
carb::audio::DeviceCaps: contains information about a single audio input or output device.
carb::audio::DspValuePair: specifies a pair of values that define a DSP value range to be interpolated between based on an emitter-listener angle that is between a cone's inner and outer angles.
carb::audio::EmitterAttributes: spatial attributes of an emitter entity.
carb::audio::EncodeStateDesc: a descriptor for creating an encoder state object.
carb::audio::EntityAttributes: base spatial attributes of the entity.
carb::audio::EntityCone: defines a sound cone relative to an entity's front vector.
carb::audio::EventPoint: a event point parsed from a data file.
carb::audio::FlacEncoderSettings: Settings specific to FLAC file encoding.
carb::audio::GroupDesc: descriptor of a new group to be created.
carb::audio::IAudioCapture: Low-Level Audio Capture Plugin Interface.
carb::audio::IAudioData: interface to manage audio data in general.
carb::audio::IAudioDevice: An interface to provide simple audio device enumeration functionality, as well as device change notifications.
carb::audio::IAudioGroup: Sound group management interface.
carb::audio::IAudioPlayback: Low-Level Audio Playback Plugin Interface.
carb::audio::IAudioUtils: General audio utilities.
carb::audio::ListenerAttributes: spatial attributes for a listener entity.
carb::audio::LockRegion: stores the buffer information for gaining access to a buffer of raw audio data.
carb::audio::LoopPointDesc: descriptor of a loop point to set on a voice.
carb::audio::OpusEncoderSettings: Settings specific to SampleFormat::eOpus audio encoding.
carb::audio::OutputDesc: descriptor of the audio output target to use for an audio context.
carb::audio::OutputStreamDesc: a descriptor for opening an output file stream.
carb::audio::PeakVolumes: used to retrieve the peak volume information for a sound data object.
carb::audio::PlaySoundDesc: descriptor of how to play a single sound.
carb::audio::PlaySoundDesc2: Extended descriptor to allow for further control over how a new voice plays its sound.
carb::audio::PlaybackContextDesc: descriptor used to indicate the options passed to the createContext() function.
carb::audio::ProbabilityDesc: descriptor for specifying the relative probabilities for choosing one or more sounds in a sound group.
carb::audio::RolloffCurve: defines the point-wise curve that is used for specifying custom rolloff curves.
carb::audio::RolloffDesc: descriptor of the rolloff mode, range, and curves to use for an emitter.
carb::audio::SoundData: a buffer of sound data.
carb::audio::SoundDataLoadDesc: a descriptor for the sound data to be loaded.
carb::audio::SoundDataSaveDesc: a descriptor of how a sound data object should be written out to file.
carb::audio::SoundEntry: an entry in a table of sounds being added to a sound group on creation or a single sound being added to a sound group with a certain region to be played.
carb::audio::SoundFormat: provides information about the format of a sound.
carb::audio::SoundLoadParameters: additional load parameters for sound data objects.
carb::audio::SpeakerDirection: specifies the relative direction to a single speaker.
carb::audio::SpeakerDirectionDesc: a descriptor of the direction from the [real biological] user to all speakers in the user's sound setup.
carb::audio::Streamer: interface for a streamer object.
carb::audio::TranscodeDesc: A descriptor for transcoding between PCM formats, which is used for the transcodePcm() function.
carb::audio::UserData: an opaque user data object that can be attached to some objects (ie: sound data objects, sound groups, etc).
carb::audio::Voice: represents a single instance of a playing sound.
carb::audio::VoiceParams: voice parameters block.
carb::audio::VorbisEncoderSettings: Settings specific to Vorbis file encoding.
carb::audio::WaveEncoderSettings: Settings specific to wave file encoding.
carb::audio::AudioImageFlags: Flags for AudioImageDesc .
carb::audio::CaptureContextFlags: flags to control the behavior of context creation.
carb::audio::CaptureDeviceFlags: flags to control the capture device selection.
carb::audio::CodecCaps: capabilities flags for codecs.
carb::audio::ContextCallback: prototype for a context callback event function.
carb::audio::ContextParamFlags: base type for the context parameter flags.
carb::audio::ConvertFlags: flags to control the behavior of a conversion operation.
carb::audio::DataFlags: flags used for the createData() function.
carb::audio::DecodeStateFlags: Flags that alter the decoding behavior for SoundData objects.
carb::audio::DeviceChangeCallback: prototype for a device change callback function.
carb::audio::DeviceFlags: flags to indicate the current state of a device in the system.
carb::audio::DeviceNotifyCallback: A callback that is performed when a device notification occurs.
carb::audio::EncodeStateFlags: flags to control the behavior of the encoder.
carb::audio::EntityAttributeFlags: flags that indicate how listener and voice entity objects should be treated and which values in the EntityAttributes object are valid.
carb::audio::EventPointId: base type for an event point identifier.
carb::audio::GroupFlags: base type for the flags that control the behavior of the creation of a group.
carb::audio::OpusEncoderFlags: Flags to use when encoding audio in SampleFormat::eOpus .
carb::audio::OutputFlags: base type for the flags that control the output of an audio context.
carb::audio::OutputStreamFlags: base type for all output stream flags.
carb::audio::PlayFlags: base type for the play descriptor flags.
carb::audio::PlaybackContextFlags: flags to control the behavior of context creation.
carb::audio::PlaybackModeFlags: base type for the various playback mode flags.
carb::audio::SaveFlags: Flags used for the saveToFile() function.
carb::audio::SoundDataDestructionCallback: An optional callback that gets fired when the SoundData 's final reference is released.
carb::audio::SoundDataReadCallback: callback function prototype for reading data for fDataFlagUserDecode sound data objects.
carb::audio::SoundDataSetPosCallback: an optional callback to reposition the data pointer for a user decoded stream.
carb::audio::SpeakerDirectionFlags: flags to affect the behavior of a speaker direction descriptor when it is passed to setSpeakerDirections().
carb::audio::SpeakerMode: the base type for a set of speaker flag masks.
carb::audio::TranscodeFlags: Flags that alter the behavior of a PCM transcoding operation.
carb::audio::UserDataDestructor: prototype for the optional destructor function for a user data object.
carb::audio::VoiceCallback: prototype for a voice event callback function.
carb::audio::VoiceParamFlags: base type for the voice parameter flags.
carb::audio::fAudioImageAlphaBlend: Perform alpha blending when drawing the samples/lines, rather than overwriting the pixels.
carb::audio::fAudioImageMultiChannel: Draw all the audio channels in the image on top of each other, rather than drawing one individual channel.
carb::audio::fAudioImageNoClear: Don't clear out the image buffer with the background color before drawing.
carb::audio::fAudioImageNoiseColor: Randomize The colors used for each sample.
carb::audio::fAudioImageSplitChannels: Draw each audio channel as a separate waveform, organized vertically.
carb::audio::fAudioImageUseLines: Draw lines between the individual samples when rendering.
carb::audio::fCaptureDeviceFlagIgnoreOverruns: Ignore overruns during capture.
carb::audio::fCodecCapsCompressed: capabilities flag to indicate that the format is compressed data (ie: block oriented or otherwise).
carb::audio::fCodecCapsHasAccurateAvailableValue: capabilities flag to indicate that the codec can calculate a frame accurate count of remaining data.
carb::audio::fCodecCapsHasFrameAccuratePosition: capabilities flag to indicate that the codec can calculate and set a frame accurate position.
carb::audio::fCodecCapsRequiresAdditionalParameters: capabilities flag to indicate that the codec requires the use of additional parameters through the encoderSettings value in the encoder state descriptor object.
carb::audio::fCodecCapsSupportsAdditionalParameters: capabilities flag to indicate that the codec supports the use of additional parameters through the encoderSettings value in the encoder state descriptor object.
carb::audio::fCodecCapsSupportsDecode: capabilities flag to indicate that the codec supports decoding from the given format.
carb::audio::fCodecCapsSupportsEncode: capabilities flag to indicate that the codec supports encoding to the given format.
carb::audio::fCodecCapsSupportsSetPosition: capabilities flag to indicate that the codec supports setting the position within the stream.
carb::audio::fContextFlagBaking: flag to indicate that the audio processing engine should be run in 'baking' mode.
carb::audio::fContextFlagCycleCallbacks: flag to indicate that the audio processing cycle start and end callback events should be performed.
carb::audio::fContextFlagDeviceChangeCallbacks: flag to enable callbacks of type ContextCallbackEvent::eDeviceChange .
carb::audio::fContextFlagManualStop: flag to indicate that the audio processing engine will be manually stopped when a baking task is complete instead of stopping it when all of the input voices run out of data to process.
carb::audio::fContextParamAll: all parameters are valid.
carb::audio::fContextParamDefaultPlaybackMode: when set, this flag indicates that the ContextParams::defaultPlaybackMode value is valid.
carb::audio::fContextParamDopplerLimit: when set, this flag indicates that the ContextParams::dopplerLimit value is valid.
carb::audio::fContextParamDopplerScale: when set, this flag indicates that the ContextParams::dopplerScale value is valid.
carb::audio::fContextParamFlagValidateVoiceTable: flag to indicate that voice table validation should be performed any time a voice is allocated or recycled.
carb::audio::fContextParamFlags: when set, this flag indicates that the ContextParams::flags value is valid.
carb::audio::fContextParamListener: when set, this flag indicates that the ContextParams::listener values are valid.
carb::audio::fContextParamMasterVolume: when set, this flag indicates that the ContextParams::masterVolume value is valid.
carb::audio::fContextParamNonSpatialFrequencyRatio: when set, this flag indicates that the ContextParams::nonSpatialFrequencyRatio value is valid.
carb::audio::fContextParamNonSpatialVolume: when set, this flag indicates that the ContextParams::nonSpatialVolume value is valid.
carb::audio::fContextParamSpatialFrequencyRatio: when set, this flag indicates that the ContextParams::spatialFrequencyRatio value is valid.
carb::audio::fContextParamSpatialVolume: when set, this flag indicates that the ContextParams::spatialVolume value is valid.
carb::audio::fContextParamSpeedOfSound: when set, this flag indicates that the ContextParams::speedOfSound value is valid.
carb::audio::fContextParamVideoLatency: When set, this flag indicates that the ContextParams2::videoLatency and ContextParams2::videoLatencyTrim values are valid.
carb::audio::fContextParamVirtualizationThreshold: when set, this flag indicates that the ContextParams::virtualizationThreshold value is valid.
carb::audio::fContextParamWorldUnitScale: when set, this flag indicates that the ContextParams::unitsPerMeter value is valid.
carb::audio::fConvertFlagCopy: convert the sound data object and return a new copy of the data.
carb::audio::fConvertFlagForceCopy: forces an operation to copy or decode the input data into a new sound data object.
carb::audio::fConvertFlagInPlace: convert the sound data object in-place.
carb::audio::fConvertFlagReferenceData: when duplicating a sound data object and no conversion is necessary, this allows the new object to reference the same data pointer as the original object.
carb::audio::fDataFlagCalcPeaks: flag to indicate that the peak volumes for each channel should be calculated for the sound data object as its data is decoded at creation time or when streaming into the sound data object.
carb::audio::fDataFlagDecode: decode the sound's full data into PCM at load time.
carb::audio::fDataFlagEmpty: create the sound data object as empty.
carb::audio::fDataFlagFormatAuto: auto detect the format from the file header data.
carb::audio::fDataFlagFormatMask: mask to indicate which flag bits are reserved to specify the file format flags.
carb::audio::fDataFlagFormatPcm: the data was loaded as WAV PCM.
carb::audio::fDataFlagFormatRaw: force raw PCM data to be loaded.
carb::audio::fDataFlagInMemory: load the file data from a blob in memory.
carb::audio::fDataFlagNoName: don't store the asset name or filename in the new sound data object.
carb::audio::fDataFlagSkipEventPoints: This flag indicates that the event points should be ignored when decoding the sound.
carb::audio::fDataFlagSkipMetaData: This flag indicates that the metadata should be ignored when opening the sound.
carb::audio::fDataFlagStream: stream the audio data at runtime.
carb::audio::fDataFlagUserDecode: use the user-decode callbacks when loading or streaming this data.
carb::audio::fDataFlagUserMemory: when the fDataFlagInMemory flag is also used, this indicates that the original memory blob should be directly referenced in the new sound data object instead of copying it.
carb::audio::fDecodeStateFlagCoarseSeek: This flag indicates that frame accurate seeking is not needed and the decoder may skip additional work that is required for frame-accurate seeking.
carb::audio::fDecodeStateFlagForceParse: If this flag is set, the header information of the file will be parsed every time createCodecState() is called.
carb::audio::fDecodeStateFlagOptimizeSeek: If this flag is set and the encoded format supports this behavior, indexes for seek optimization will be generated when the CodecState is created.
carb::audio::fDecodeStateFlagSkipEventPoints: This flag indicates that the event points should be ignored when decoding the sound.
carb::audio::fDecodeStateFlagSkipMetaData: This flag indicates that the metadata should be ignored when decoding the sound.
carb::audio::fDeviceFlagConnected: the device is currently connected to the system.
carb::audio::fDeviceFlagDefault: the device is the system default or preferred device.
carb::audio::fDeviceFlagNotOpen: flags to indicate the current state of a device.
carb::audio::fDeviceFlagStreamer: a streamer is being used as an output.
carb::audio::fEncodeStateFlagNoExpandBuffer: Avoid expanding the target SoundData if it runs out of space.
carb::audio::fEncodeStateFlagStripEventPoints: Don't copy the event point information into the target SoundData .
carb::audio::fEncodeStateFlagStripMetaData: Don't copy the metadata information into the target SoundData .
carb::audio::fEncodeStateFlagStripPeaks: Don't copy the peaks information into the target SoundData .
carb::audio::fEntityFlagAll: all vectors in the entity information block are valid.
carb::audio::fEntityFlagCone: the EntityAttributes::cone values are valid.
carb::audio::fEntityFlagForward: the EntityAttributes::forward vector is valid.
carb::audio::fEntityFlagMakePerp: when set, this flag indicates that setListenerAttributes() or setEmitterAttributes() should make the forward and up vectors perpendicular and normalized before setting them as active.
carb::audio::fEntityFlagNormalize: when set, this flag indicates that setListenerAttributes() or setEmitterAttributes() should normalize the forward and up vectors before setting them as active.
carb::audio::fEntityFlagPosition: flags for listener and voice entity attributes.
carb::audio::fEntityFlagRolloff: the EmitterAttributes::rolloff values are valid.
carb::audio::fEntityFlagUp: the EntityAttributes::up vector is valid.
carb::audio::fEntityFlagVelocity: the EntityAttributes::velocity vector is valid.
carb::audio::fGroupFlagFixedSeed: group creation flag to indicate that the random number generator for the group should be seeded with a fixed constant instead of another random value.
carb::audio::fOpusEncoderFlagConstantBitrate: Specify whether the encoder is prevented from producing variable bitrate audio.
carb::audio::fOpusEncoderFlagDisablePrediction: Disable prediction so that any two blocks of Opus data are (almost completely) independent.
carb::audio::fOpusEncoderFlagDiscontinuousTransmission: This enables a mode in the encoder where silence will only produce one frame every 400ms.
carb::audio::fOpusEncoderFlagLowLatency: Optimize the encoder for minimal latency at the cost of quality.
carb::audio::fOpusEncoderFlagNativeChannelOrder: If this is true, the encoder will expect its input to be in Vorbis channel order.
carb::audio::fOutputFlagAllowNoStreamers: flag to indicate that an empty streamer table is allowed.
carb::audio::fOutputFlagAvailableMask: mask of output flag bits that are available for public use.
carb::audio::fOutputFlagDevice: flag to indicate that the output should target a real audio device.
carb::audio::fOutputFlagStreamer: flag to indicate that the output should target one or more generic streamer objects.
carb::audio::fPlayFlagAvailableMask: mask of playback flag bits that are available for public use.
carb::audio::fPlayFlagMaxInstancesSimulate: when set, this indicates that if a voice is started with a sound that is already over its max play instances count, it should still be started but immediately put into simulation mode instead of taking a bus.
carb::audio::fPlayFlagRealtimeCallbacks: when set, this indicates that voice event callbacks will be performed on the engine thread immediately when the event occurs instead of queuing it to be performed in a later call to update() on the host app thread.
carb::audio::fPlayFlagUseEventPoints: when set, this indicates that the event points from the sound data object PlaySoundDesc::sound should be used to trigger callbacks.
carb::audio::fPlaybackModeAvailableMask: mask of playback mode bits that are available for public use.
carb::audio::fPlaybackModeDefaultDistanceDelay: when used in a voice parameters playback mode flag set, this indicates that new voices will always use the context's current default distance delay playback mode flag and ignore any specific flag set on the voice parameters.
carb::audio::fPlaybackModeDefaultInterauralDelay: when used in a voice parameters playback mode flag set, this indicates that new voices will always use the context's current default interaural time delay playback mode flag and ignore any specific flag set on the voice parameters.
carb::audio::fPlaybackModeDefaultMask: the mask of all 'default' state playback mode flags.
carb::audio::fPlaybackModeDefaultUseDoppler: default playback mode flag states.
carb::audio::fPlaybackModeDefaultUseFilters: when used in a voice parameters playback mode flag set, this indicates that new voices will always use the context's current default filters playback mode flag and ignore any specific flag set on the voice parameters.
carb::audio::fPlaybackModeDefaultUseReverb: when used in a voice parameters playback mode flag set, this indicates that new voices will always use the context's current default reverb playback mode flag and ignore any specific flag set on the voice parameters.
carb::audio::fPlaybackModeDistanceDelay: flag to indicate whether triggering this sound should be delayed to simulate its travel time to reach the listener.
carb::audio::fPlaybackModeFadeIn: Flag to indicate that the sound should fade in when being initially played.
carb::audio::fPlaybackModeInterauralDelay: flag to indicate whether interaural time delay calculations should occur on this voice.
carb::audio::fPlaybackModeListenerRelative: flag to indicate how the spatial attributes of an emitter are to be interpreted.
carb::audio::fPlaybackModeMuted: flag to indicate the current mute state for a voice.
carb::audio::fPlaybackModeNoPositionSimulation: Flags to indicate the behavior that is used when a simulated voice gets assigned to a bus.
carb::audio::fPlaybackModeNoSpatialLowFrequencyEffect: flag to disable the low frequency effect channel ( Speaker::eLowFrequencyEffect ) for a spatial voice.
carb::audio::fPlaybackModePaused: flag to indicate the current pause state of a sound.
carb::audio::fPlaybackModeSimulatePosition: Flags to indicate the behavior that is used when a simulated voice gets assigned to a bus.
carb::audio::fPlaybackModeSpatial: flag to indicate whether a sound should be played back as a spatial or non-spatial sound.
carb::audio::fPlaybackModeSpatialMixLevelMatrix: flag to indicate that a multi-channel spatial voice should treat a specific matrix as its non-spatial output, when using the 'spatial mix level' parameter, rather than blending all channels evenly into the output.
carb::audio::fPlaybackModeStopOnSimulation: flag to indicate that a voice should be immediately stopped if it ever gets unassigned from its bus and put on the simulation path.
carb::audio::fPlaybackModeUseDoppler: flag to indicate whether Doppler calculations should be performed on this sound.
carb::audio::fPlaybackModeUseFilters: flag to indicate whether filter parameters should be automatically calculated and applied for the sound playing on this voice.
carb::audio::fPlaybackModeUseReverb: flag to indicate whether this sound is eligible to be sent to a reverb effect.
carb::audio::fSaveFlagDefault: Default save behavior.
carb::audio::fSaveFlagStripEventPoints: Don't write the event point information into the file.
carb::audio::fSaveFlagStripMetaData: Don't write the metadata information into the file.
carb::audio::fSaveFlagStripPeaks: Don't write the peaks information into the file.
carb::audio::fSpeakerFlagBackCenter: Back center speaker. Usually located at 180 degrees.
carb::audio::fSpeakerFlagBackLeft: Back left speaker. Usually located at -135 degrees.
carb::audio::fSpeakerFlagBackRight: Back right speaker. Usually located at 135 degrees.
carb::audio::fSpeakerFlagFrontCenter: Front center speaker. Usually located at 0 degrees.
carb::audio::fSpeakerFlagFrontLeft: Speaker bitflags that can be used to create speaker modes.
carb::audio::fSpeakerFlagFrontLeftWide: Front left wide speaker. Usually located at -60 degrees.
carb::audio::fSpeakerFlagFrontRight: Front right speaker. Usually located at 45 degrees. Also used for right headphone.
carb::audio::fSpeakerFlagFrontRightWide: Front left wide speaker. Usually located at 60 degrees.
carb::audio::fSpeakerFlagLowFrequencyEffect: Low frequency effect speaker (subwoofer). Usually treated as if it is located at the listener.
carb::audio::fSpeakerFlagSideLeft: Side left speaker. Usually located at -90 degrees.
carb::audio::fSpeakerFlagSideRight: Side right speaker. Usually located at 90 degrees.
carb::audio::fSpeakerFlagTopBackLeft: Top back left speaker. Usually located at -135 degrees and raised vertically.
carb::audio::fSpeakerFlagTopBackRight: Top back right speaker. Usually located at 135 degrees and raised vertically.
carb::audio::fSpeakerFlagTopFrontLeft: Top front left speaker. Usually located at -45 degrees and raised vertically.
carb::audio::fSpeakerFlagTopFrontRight: Top front right speaker. Usually located at 45 degrees and raised vertically.
carb::audio::fSpeakerFlagTopLeft: Top left speaker. Usually located at -90 degrees and raised vertically.
carb::audio::fSpeakerFlagTopRight: Top right speaker. Usually located at 90 degrees and raised vertically.
carb::audio::fSpeakerModeValidBits: All valid speaker mode bits.
carb::audio::fStreamFlagDisableOnFailure: flag to indicate that the stream should disable itself if an error is encountered writing a buffer of audio to the output.
carb::audio::fStreamFlagFlushAfterWrite: flag to indicate that an output stream should flush its file after each buffer is successfully written to it.
carb::audio::fVoiceParamAll: all parameters are valid.
carb::audio::fVoiceParamBalance: when set, this flag indicates that the VoiceParams::balance values are valid.
carb::audio::fVoiceParamDopplerScale: when set, this flag indicates that the VoiceParams::dopplerScale value is valid.
carb::audio::fVoiceParamEmitter: when set, this flag indicates that the VoiceParams::emitter values are valid.
carb::audio::fVoiceParamFrequencyRatio: when set, this flag indicates that the VoiceParams::frequencyRatio value is valid.
carb::audio::fVoiceParamMatrix: when set, this flag indicates that the VoiceParams::matrix values are valid.
carb::audio::fVoiceParamMute: when set, this flag indicates that the state of the fPlaybackModeMuted flag is valid in the VoiceParams::playbackMode flag set.
carb::audio::fVoiceParamOcclusionFactor: when set, this flag indicates that the VoiceParams::occlusion values are valid.
carb::audio::fVoiceParamPause: when set, this flag indicates that the state of the fPlaybackModePaused flag is valid in the VoiceParams::playbackMode flag set.
carb::audio::fVoiceParamPlaybackMode: when set, this flag indicates that the VoiceParams::playbackMode value is valid.
carb::audio::fVoiceParamPriority: when set, this flag indicates that the VoiceParams::priority value is valid.
carb::audio::fVoiceParamSpatialMixLevel: when set, this flag indicates that the VoiceParams::spatialMixLevel value is valid.
carb::audio::fVoiceParamVolume: when set, this flag indicates that the VoiceParams::volume value is valid.
carb::audio::kAudioStreamEventClose: An event that is sent when the audio stream closes.
carb::audio::kAudioStreamEventOpen: An event that is sent when the audio stream opens.
carb::audio::kConeAngleOmnidirectional: the angle to specify for EntityCone::insideAngle and EntityCone::outsideAngle in order to mark the cone as disabled.
carb::audio::kDefaultChannelCount: default channel count.
carb::audio::kDefaultFormat: default sample format.
carb::audio::kDefaultFrameRate: various default values for the audio system.
carb::audio::kDefaultSpeedOfSound: The default speed of sound parameter for a Context .
carb::audio::kEventPointInvalidFrame: an invalid frame offset for an event point.
carb::audio::kEventPointLoopInfinite: This indicates that an event point should loop infinitely.
carb::audio::kEventPointTableClear: special value for setEventPoints() to indicate that the event point table should be cleared instead of adding or removing individual event points.
carb::audio::kEventStreamVersion: Version tag to mark.
carb::audio::kGroupIndexAll: used in the ProbabilityDesc object to indicate that all sounds within a group should be affected, not just a single index.
carb::audio::kGroupIndexInvalid: used to identify an invalid index in the group or that a sound could not be added.
carb::audio::kImperceptibleDelay: An estimate of the time in microseconds below which many users cannot perceive a synchronization issue between a sound and the visual it should be emitted from.
carb::audio::kInstancesUnlimited: special value to indicate that the maximum instance count for a sound or sound group is unlimited.
carb::audio::kInvalidDeviceIndex: special value for DeviceCaps::index to indicate that a real audio device is not currently selected for output.
carb::audio::kInvalidSpeakerName: the special name for an invalid speaker.
carb::audio::kLoopDescNoLoop: special value for LoopPointDesc::loopPointIndex that indicates no loop point will be used.
carb::audio::kMaxChannels: maximum number of channels supported for output.
carb::audio::kMaxFrameRate: maximum frame rate of audio that can be processed.
carb::audio::kMaxNameLength: various limits values for the audio system.
carb::audio::kMemoryLimitThreshold: the memory limit threshold for determining if a sound should be decoded into memory.
carb::audio::kMetaDataTagAlbum: These are the metadata tags that can be written to RIFF (.wav) files and also have specified usage under the Vorbis Comment metadata format standard (used by .ogg and .flac).
carb::audio::kMetaDataTagArchivalLocation: These are the metadata tags that can be written to RIFF (.wav) files.
carb::audio::kMetaDataTagArtist: Standard Vorbis metadata tag.
carb::audio::kMetaDataTagAudioSourceWebsite: Standard ID3v2 metadata tag.
carb::audio::kMetaDataTagBpm: These are extra metadata tags that are available with the ID3v2 metadata tag (used by some .mp3 files).
carb::audio::kMetaDataTagClearAllTags: This is a magic value that can be passed to setMetaData() to remove all tags from the metadata table for that sound.
carb::audio::kMetaDataTagComment: These are metadata tags specified as part of the ID3v1 comment format (used by some .mp3 files).
carb::audio::kMetaDataTagCommissioned: Standard RIFF metadata tag.
carb::audio::kMetaDataTagComposer: Standard ID3v2 metadata tag.
carb::audio::kMetaDataTagContact: Standard metadata tag.
carb::audio::kMetaDataTagCopyright: Standard Vorbis metadata tag.
carb::audio::kMetaDataTagCreationDate: Standard Vorbis metadata tag.
carb::audio::kMetaDataTagCropped: Standard RIFF metadata tag.
carb::audio::kMetaDataTagDescription: Standard Vorbis metadata tag.
carb::audio::kMetaDataTagDimensions: Standard RIFF metadata tag.
carb::audio::kMetaDataTagDisc: Standard RIFF metadata tag.
carb::audio::kMetaDataTagDpi: Standard RIFF metadata tag.
carb::audio::kMetaDataTagEditor: Standard RIFF metadata tag.
carb::audio::kMetaDataTagEncoder: If a SoundData is being encoded with metadata present, this tag will automatically be added, with the value being the encoder software used.
carb::audio::kMetaDataTagEndTime: End time of the music.
carb::audio::kMetaDataTagEngineer: Standard RIFF metadata tag.
carb::audio::kMetaDataTagFileName: The original file name for this file.
carb::audio::kMetaDataTagGenre: Standard Vorbis metadata tag.
carb::audio::kMetaDataTagISRC: This tag unfortunately has a different meaning in the two formats.
carb::audio::kMetaDataTagInitialKey: The musical key that the audio starts with.
carb::audio::kMetaDataTagInternetArtistWebsite: Standard ID3v2 metadata tag.
carb::audio::kMetaDataTagInternetCommercialInformationUrl: Standard ID3v2 metadata tag.
carb::audio::kMetaDataTagInternetCopyrightUrl: Standard ID3v2 metadata tag.
carb::audio::kMetaDataTagInternetRadioStationName: Standard ID3v2 metadata tag.
carb::audio::kMetaDataTagInternetRadioStationOwner: Standard ID3v2 metadata tag.
carb::audio::kMetaDataTagInternetRadioStationUrl: Standard ID3v2 metadata tag.
carb::audio::kMetaDataTagKeywords: Standard RIFF metadata tag.
carb::audio::kMetaDataTagLanguage: Standard RIFF metadata tag.
carb::audio::kMetaDataTagLicense: These are metadata tags specified usage under the Vorbis Comment metadata format standard (used by .ogg and .flac), but are not supported on RIFF (.wav) files.
carb::audio::kMetaDataTagLightness: Standard RIFF metadata tag.
carb::audio::kMetaDataTagLocation: Standard metadata tag.
carb::audio::kMetaDataTagMedium: Standard RIFF metadata tag.
carb::audio::kMetaDataTagOrganization: Standard Vorbis metadata tag.
carb::audio::kMetaDataTagOriginalAlbum: Standard ID3v2 metadata tag.
carb::audio::kMetaDataTagOriginalPerformer: Standard ID3v2 metadata tag.
carb::audio::kMetaDataTagOriginalWriter: Standard ID3v2 metadata tag.
carb::audio::kMetaDataTagOriginalYear: Standard ID3v2 metadata tag.
carb::audio::kMetaDataTagOwner: Standard ID3v2 metadata tag.
carb::audio::kMetaDataTagPaletteSetting: Standard RIFF metadata tag.
carb::audio::kMetaDataTagPaymentUrl: Standard ID3v2 metadata tag.
carb::audio::kMetaDataTagPerformer: Standard metadata tag.
carb::audio::kMetaDataTagPlaylistDelay: Delay between songs in a playlist in milliseconds.
carb::audio::kMetaDataTagPublisher: Standard ID3v2 metadata tag.
carb::audio::kMetaDataTagRecordingDate: Standard ID3v2 metadata tag.
carb::audio::kMetaDataTagSharpness: Standard RIFF metadata tag.
carb::audio::kMetaDataTagSourceForm: Standard RIFF metadata tag.
carb::audio::kMetaDataTagSpeed: Speed or tempo of the music.
carb::audio::kMetaDataTagStartTime: Start time of the music.
carb::audio::kMetaDataTagSubGenre: This is part of the ID3v1.2 tag.
carb::audio::kMetaDataTagSubject: Standard RIFF metadata tag.
carb::audio::kMetaDataTagTechnician: Standard RIFF metadata tag.
carb::audio::kMetaDataTagTermsOfUse: Standard ID3v2 metadata tag.
carb::audio::kMetaDataTagTitle: Standard Vorbis metadata tag.
carb::audio::kMetaDataTagTrackNumber: Standard Vorbis metadata tag.
carb::audio::kMetaDataTagVersion: Standard metadata tag.
carb::audio::kMetaDataTagWebsite: Standard ID3v2 metadata tag.
carb::audio::kMetaDataTagWriter: Standard RIFF metadata tag.
carb::audio::kMinChannels: minimum number of channels supported for capture or output.
carb::audio::kMinFrameRate: minimum frame rate of audio that can be processed.
carb::audio::kOpusBitrateMax: Encode SampleFormat::eOpus with the maximum possible bitrate.
carb::audio::kPlaybackModeDefaultFlagCount: the maximum number of 'default' state playback mode flags.
carb::audio::kSpeakerModeCount: the total number of 'standard' speaker modes represented here.
carb::audio::kSpeakerModeDefault: common speaker layout modes.
carb::audio::kSpeakerModeFivePointOne: a six speaker mode.
carb::audio::kSpeakerModeFivePointZero: kSpeakerModeFivePointOne without the low frequency effect speaker.
carb::audio::kSpeakerModeFourPointOne: a five speaker mode.
carb::audio::kSpeakerModeMono: a mono speaker mode.
carb::audio::kSpeakerModeNinePointOne: a ten speaker mode.
carb::audio::kSpeakerModeNinePointOnePointFour: a fourteen speaker mode.
carb::audio::kSpeakerModeNinePointOnePointSix: a sixteen speaker mode.
carb::audio::kSpeakerModeQuad: a four speaker mode.
carb::audio::kSpeakerModeSevenPointOne: an eight speaker mode.
carb::audio::kSpeakerModeSevenPointOnePointFour: a twelve speaker mode.
carb::audio::kSpeakerModeSixPointOne: a seven speaker mode.
carb::audio::kSpeakerModeStereo: a stereo speaker mode.
carb::audio::kSpeakerModeThreePointZero: A linear surround setup.
carb::audio::kSpeakerModeTwoPointOne: A three speaker mode.